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M o d u l e1P e o p l e 一、基本目标 Unit1 *Who’s that (man/ lady) Which one Who are those two persons They’re my parents. The one with a yellow hat. (有*号的是以前学习过的句型,以后同。) Unit 2 What is he/ she like She is lovely but shy. *He/She has (long hair / big eyes/…). *He/ She is (tall / thin/…). 二、重难点分析 1、下面是以前学过含有本模块总结的读音规则的词: c: nice, face, mice, science . ck: back, duck, black, sock, clock, jacket, chicken, blackboard as(s): class, glasses au/aw: draw air: hair, chair 2、本课的“in”在句子里有“穿着、戴着”的意思,,表示衣着方面的特征; ”with”则有“有、带有”的意思,翻译时比较灵活。 例句:The girl in a pink dress in my cousin. 穿着粉红色连衣裙的女孩是我的表 姐妹。 The man with glasses is my new English teacher. 戴着眼镜的男人是我 的英语老师。 3.Which的用法跟what相似,看下面的例句: Which is your pencil Which clothes do you like best 4.表示学科的单词我们学过有:Chinese, maths, English, music, art, PE, science。 5.对比下面代词的主格和宾格和所有格: 主格I you he she it we they 宾格me you him her it us them 所有格my your his her its our their 注意主格与宾格用法的不同,宾格一般用与动词后面或介词后面,如: Show me your books, please. This book is for him. 6. 注意art, English, old, eye, ear等词前用an表示一个、只、条、..., 而不用a, 例如:an art teacher, an English teacher, an old man,an eye, an ear Module 2 Daily routine 一、基本目标 Unit 3 1) What time is it s seven thirty. It’ 2) It’s time for breakfast/ to have breakfast/ 3) It's time to go to sleep


教科版四年级下册英语 知识点归纳 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

M o d u l e1P e o p l e 一、基本目标 Unit1 *Who’s that (man/ lady) Which one Who are those two persons They’re my parents. The one with a yellow hat. (有*号的是以前学习过的句型,以后同。) Unit 2 What is he/ she like She is lovely but shy. *He/She has (long hair / big eyes/…). *He/ She is (tall / thin/…). 二、重难点分析 1、下面是以前学过含有本模块总结的读音规则的词: c: nice, face, mice, science . ck: back, duck, black, sock, clock, jacket, chicken, blackboard as(s): class, glasses au/aw: draw air: hair, chair 2、本课的“in”在句子里有“穿着、戴着”的意思,,表示衣着方面的特征; ”with”则有“有、带有”的意思,翻译时比较灵活。 例句:The girl in a pink dress in my cousin. 穿着粉红色连衣裙的女孩是我的表姐妹。 The man with glasses is my new English teacher. 戴着眼镜的男人是我的英语老师。 3.Which的用法跟what相似,看下面的例句: Which is your pencil Which clothes do you like best 4.表示学科的单词我们学过有:Chinese, maths, English, music, art, PE, science。


一、听力训练 课堂表现: 二、Unit 1 单词 哪一个;哪一些有;和……在一起 眼镜她(宾格) 他(宾格)知道;认识 女警察建筑工人 医生农民 护士制服 三、Unit 1 词组 看起来像 .在她旁边beside . 带眼镜 . 戴着白帽子 a hat 带着婴儿a . 穿着黑色制服 a black . 四、Unit 1句型 根据中文提示把句子补充完整。 1. that ? (那位女士是谁?) 2. woman? (哪位女士?) 3. The glasses. (戴眼镜的那位。) 4. don’t him. (我不认识他。) 5. looks a . (他看起来像厨师。) 五、知识考点 【知识考点一】 介词in的用法: 1)in 后面加上“衣帽”类单词,表示“穿(戴)着……”。如: In a blue coat 穿着蓝色外套in a red cap 戴着红色棒球帽 2)in 后面加“位置”类单词,表示“在……里面”。如: The books are in my desk. 这些书在我的书桌里。 【知识考点二】 Look like: 看起来像……如:

They look like policemen. 他们看起来像警察。 跟look 有关的短语:look at: 看;look after: 照顾 Let’s look the picture. They often look the old man. Look like 同义短语:be like They look like policemen. = They like policemen. 【知识考点三】 I don’t know…我不知道… 句型转换: 肯定句:I know the boy in blue jeans. 否定句:I don’t know the boy in blue jeans. 一般疑问句:Do you know the boy in blue jeans? 肯定回答:Yes, I do; 否定回答:No, I don’t. 【知识考点四】 Who’s… ? ……是谁? Who’s… = Who is… 1)问姓名:--Who’s that girl? -- She is Amy. 2) 问身份:--Who’s that man in a red hat? -- He’s my uncle. 3) 问职业:--Who’s he? -- He is a cook. Who’s 和whose 的区分: Whose: 谁的,如: --- is the black dress? ---It ‘s my sister’s. 【知识考点五】 Which: 哪一个;哪一些,放在句首,可接单数名词,也可接复数名词,既可提问人,也可提问物。 one is your English teacher? do you like, apples or bananas? 【知识考点六】 People: 人;人们只以复数形式出现,不能出现a people, one people的现象,people 后不加s. 如: Chinese people many people young people 【知识考点七】 With 的用法:有;和……在一起 The man a red hat is a builder. 戴帽子的那位男士是一名建筑工人。 I go to school my brother. 【知识考点八】



第一部分:编写思路: 1、以国家《英语课程标准》(2011版)的精神编写教材 《英语课程标准》(2011版)(以下简称《课程标准》)指出:语言是人类最重要的思维和交流工具,也是人们参与社会活动的重要条件。学习外语与学习母语一样,对促进人的全面发展具有重要意义。 (1)小学英语课程是必修棵程: 外语是义务教育阶段的必修课程,英语是外语课程中的主要语种之一。英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和英语实践活动、逐步掌握英语知识和技能、提高英语实际运用能力的过程,更是他们拓展视野、丰富生活经历、促进思维发展、锻炼意志、陶冶情操、发展个性和提高综合人文素养的过程。 (2)义务教育阶段英语课程的任务: 激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力并培养合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力;培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象能力和创新精神;帮助学生了解世界以及中外文化的异同,拓展视野,培养爱国主义精神,形成健康的人生观,为他们的终身学习和发展打下良好的基础。 (3)小学英语课程具有弹性 课程课程标准》同时指出:各地教育行政部门应根据本地师资条件、资源配置等实际情况,制定本地课程的实施措施。实施措施可确

定本地小学起始年级、学习进程、评价指标和义务教育阶段毕业时的英语学业级别。英语师资条件有限的地区,英语课程起始年级可以适当推后。教育行政部门应积极创造条件,采用多种途径,加强有针对性的教师培训,开发和配置课程资源,尽快达到国家课程标准要求。各地教学研究部门应加强对教学的分类分层指导和评价,帮助学校因地制宜地落实本地课程实施方案,并注意做好学段之间的协调和衔接,尤其是小学与初中阶段的平稳过渡,促进地区英语教育的均衡发展。师资与社会经济发展条件较好的地区,英语课程起始年级可以适当提前。少数民族地区可以根据本地实际情况,确定英语课程的实施措施。因此本教材的要求具有弹性,在使用本教材的时候,各地可以对教学的容和要求作出适当的增加、删减、补冲和调整。 (4)按照“课标”设计教学的目标 本教材依据义务教育国家《课程标准》设计目标。义务教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面整体发展的基础上。语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用能力的基础;文化意识是得体运用语言的保证;情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素;学习策略是提高学习效率、发 展自主学习能力的保证;这五个方面相辅相成,共同促进综合语言运用能力的形成。整套教材的教学以小学二级目标为标准制定。 本套教材的要求基本体现新《课程标准》的基本理念,编排与呈现反映《课程标准》确定的目标,覆盖广度符合《课程标准》规定的


Module 1 People 一、基本目标 Unit1 *Who’s that (man/ lady)? Which one? Who are those two persons? They’re my parents. The one with a yellow hat. (有*号的是以前学习过的句型,以后同。) Unit 2 What is he/ she like? She is lovely but shy. *He/She has (long hair / big eyes/…). *He/ She is (tall / thin/…). 二、重难点分析 1、下面是以前学过含有本模块总结的读音规则的词: c: nice, face, mice, science . ck: back, duck, black, sock, clock, jacket, chicken, blackboard as(s): class, glasses au/aw: draw air: hair, chair 2、本课的“in”在句子里有“穿着、戴着”的意思,,表示衣着方面的特征; ”with”则有“有、带有”的意思,翻译时比较灵活。 例句:The girl in a pink dress in my cousin. 穿着粉红色连衣裙的女孩是我的表 姐妹。 The man with glasses is my new English teacher. 戴着眼镜的男人是我 的英语老师。 3.Which的用法跟what相似,看下面的例句: Which is your pencil? Which clothes do you like best? 4.表示学科的单词我们学过有:Chinese, maths, English, music, art, PE, science。 5.对比下面代词的主格和宾格和所有格: 主格I you he she it we they 宾格me you him her it us them 所有格my your his her its our their 注意主格与宾格用法的不同,宾格一般用与动词后面或介词后面,如: Show me your books, please. This book is for him. 6. 注意art, English, old, eye, ear等词前用an表示一个、只、条、..., 而不用a, 例如:an art teacher, an English teacher, an old man,an eye, an ear


一写出动词的ing形式 1 wear______ 2 give ______ 3 sing______ 4 blow______ 5 eat______ 6 play______ 7 make______ 8 run______ 9 sit______ 10 swim______ 二单项选择 ( ) 1—______is your grandmother —She is 85. A How much B How many C How old ( ) 2、Your mother ______so young. A look B looking C looks ( ) 3—What are they ______ —They’re ______ party games. A do; playing B doing; playing C doing ; play ( ) 4、Her parents ______her a birthday present. A are giving B is giving C is give ( ) 5、She’s ______out the birthday candles. A going B putting C blowing ( ) 6、—Happy birthday to you! —______. A Me ,too . B I’m so excited. C Thank you ( ) 7、Mike enjoys ______ computer games. A.plays B. to play C. playing ( ) 8、I often play table tennis ______my friends. A.and B. with C. from ( ) 9、The old men are ______chess under the tree. A.playing B. doing C. making ( ) 10、Look! The children ______ games over there. A. is playing B. are playing C. play 三.用所给词的适当形式填空 1 He can______ (swim) well. Now he____________ (swim) in the sea. 2 She often ______ (do) her lessons in the evening , but now she____________ (watch)TV. 3 They ______ (plant) trees every year. Look! They______ ______ (plant) trees on the hill. 4 The children often______ (have) fun at the weekend. Now they ______ (have) great fun in the zoo. 5 His mother is a good ______ (cook).Now she______ (cook) delicious food in the kitchen. 四补全对话 A: What’s re you ______here


Module 1 People Unit1He looks like a cook like像 look like看起来像... which哪一(个);哪一些with有;和...在一起glasses眼镜 her她(宾格) Miss老师;小姐 know知道 him他(宾格)policewoman女警察 policewomen女警察(复数)uniform制服 Unit2She is very kind kind和蔼的;慈祥的 What is...like?...像什么 shy害羞的 round圆的 friendly友好的 Module 2 Daily routine Unit3It’s time to get up *daily日常的;每日 *routine固定的程序;常规 time时间 It’s time to/for...是...的时候了 up向上 get up起床 o’clock...点钟 half一半的 past过去的;过去 half past......点半 quarter一刻,十五分钟 to差...到.....(点钟) a quarter to.......点四十五分(差一刻钟到...点) sleep睡觉 tired疲倦的 lunch午餐 back回home家 dinner晚餐 Unit4When do you have class? usually通常 well好 day天,日 breakfast早餐 at在 from从 from...to....从...到.. exercise练习 take exercise体育锻炼 run跑步 go running去跑步 swim游泳


最新广州版四年级英语下册 U1 He looks like a cook 重点短语 in a black un iform 穿着黑色制服 夹克 in a white coat 穿着白色大衣 仔裤 in a pi nk dress 穿着粉色连衣裙 语法讲解: Look like 看起来像。。。通常指外表看来像 Like 为介词,当主 语为第三人称单数时,look 要加s The one with glasses. With 有…,带有… 介词,不能做谓语 表示修饰 Beside 介词 在…旁边 同义的短语还有 next to , n ear , close to And that man in a white hat ? In a white hat 表示“带着白色帽子的” in +颜色,表示“穿 着。。。颜色的衣服” In red T-shirt in a blue jacket in a black uni form Practice 练习: in a orange jacket 穿着橙色 in a blue jea ns 穿着蓝色牛 with glasses 戴着眼镜

一、选出你所听到的单词。 1. ( ) A. policema n B. policewoma n

2.( )A.cook B. look 3.( )A. with B.she ' s 4.( )A.builder B. doctor 5.( )A. him B. her 二、选择不同类的单 词。 1.( )A. baby B. father C. m other 2.( )A. skirt B. glasses C. s hirt 3.( )A. her B. he C. s he 4.( )A. forty B. n ice C. n ine 5.( )A. picture B. photo C. k now 三、英汉互译。 1. 戴眼镜 _________________ . 2. In a pink sweater anf gree n shorts 3. 他旁边有个包. _________________________________________ 4. 看起来像农民。 ________________________________________ 5. in a white uniform ______________________________ . 四、选出正确的一项。 ( )1.That man in a blue jacket is my father. Can you see _____ ? A. her B. him C. it ( )2.Kate is a girl _______ glasses and ______ a brow n dress. A.i n, with B. with,with C. with,in


新广州版小学英语四年级下册课文 Unit 1He looks like a cook ① Who’s that woman? ② Which women? ③ The one with glass. She has a big beside her. ④ She’s Miss Liu, our teacher . ⑤ And that man in a white hat? Can you see him? ⑥ Yes. But I don’t know him. He looks like a cook. Unit 2She is very kind ① The new English teacher is in the teachers’room. ② Really? What is she like? ③ She has green eyes and a small mouth. ④ And she is very young and shy. ⑤ She is very kind. Unit 3 It’s time to get up ① Mum, what time is it ? ② It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time to get up. ③ It’s half past seven now , time to go to school. ④ It’s a quarter to ten. It’s time to sleep. ⑤ Great. I am so tired. Unit 4When do you have class? ① What time do you usually have breakfast? ②Well, on school days I usually have breakfast at 7 o’clock in the morning. ③ I see. And when do you have class? ④I have classes from 8 o’clock in the morning to 4:30 in the afternoon. ⑤ Hmmm. Do you take exercise? ⑥Oh yes. I usually go running or swimming in the afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30. ⑦ Thank you very much. Unit 5What day is it today? ① What day is it today? Is it Wednesday or Thursday? ② It’s Wednesday.It’s my favourite day! ③ Why do you like Wednesday? ④ On Wednesday we have two PE lessons. I love sport. ⑤I don’t like sport, so I don’t like Wednesday . My favourite day Is Thursday.


如下知识语音知识c-/s/: nice, face, race, city, place ck-/k/: back, black, duck, check ay-ai-/ei/: may, tail, rain, train 词汇分类名词: glasses眼镜policewoman 女警察 形容词: kind 和蔼的;慈祥的shy害羞的其他: her 她(she的宾格)习惯搭配/短语in a white hat 戴着一顶白色的帽子look like 看起来像?in a black uniform 穿着一套黑色的制服in a blue jacket 穿着一件蓝色的夹 克衫in a white coat 穿着一件 白色的外套in blue jeans 穿着 蓝色的牛仔裤in a white dress 穿着一条白色的连衣裙 a boy with glasses 戴着眼镜的男孩in the garden 在花园里in his hand 在他的手里every day 每天惯用 表达式Really?真的吗? 公式化句型 现将本模块主要句型及相关知识归纳 as(s)-/a:s/: class, glasses, ask, fast aw-au- /o: /: draw, law, hawk, daughter air--/ea/: hair, fair, air policewomen 女警察(复数) uniform 制服 which 哪一个;哪一些 know 知道with 有;和?在一起 go back home 回家 a glass of water 一玻璃杯水 a can of water 一罐水 in the rain 在雨中 on the blackboard 在黑板上 green eyes 绿色的眼睛 long hair 长发 in your bedroom 在你的卧室里 look at 看 near the window 在窗户附近 turn on the light 打开灯 Who's that man/woman?Module 1 People 本模块重点学习如何描述某人的外貌特征及性格特点。 round 圆的friendly 友好的him他(he 的宾格)




二、选择填空。 ( ) 1. ——__________is the man ? ——He’s my _______________. A. Who , uncl e B. Who , un cl e’s C. Whose , uncl e D. Whose , uncl e’s ( ) 2. ——___________is the car ? ——It’s my _____________. A. Who , uncl e B. Who , uncl e’s C. Whose , uncl e D. Whose , uncl e’s ( ) 3. The lady _________l ong hair is my aunt . A. in B. on C. with D. of ( ) 4. The boy __________a cap is Jim . A. in B. on C. with D. of ( ) 5. The lady ____________a red coat is Miss White . A. in B. on C. with D. of ( ) 6. The man ________a pair of blue jeans is my father . A. In B. On C. With D. of ( ) 7. The man _________a cute cat is my father . A. in B. on C. with D. of ( ) 8. I have __________ glass . A. a B. a pair of C. an D. a pair ( ) 9. I have _____________glasses . A. a B. a pair of C. an D. a pair ( ) 10. She has _____________trousers . A. a B. a pair of C. an D. a pair 三、根据所给中文提示补充下列句子。 1. The ________ __________ ____________ is my brother . (戴着眼镜的男孩) 2. The ________ ___________ ___________ is my sister . (穿着一条连衣裙的女孩) 3. The _________ __________ __________is Susan . (留着短头发的女孩) 4. The _____________ ______________ ___________is a farmer . (带着一顶帽子的男人) 5. I ___________ ________________the lady . (不认识) 6. The lady ____________ _____________a cook . (看起来像) 四、看图读句子,根据句子的内容在横线上写出图中人物的职业。( 1 ) The young man in a T-shirt and with a hat is a farmer. ( 2 ) The man in a jacket and with a cap is a buil der. ( 3 ) The lady with l ong hair and big eyes is an English teacher. ( 4 ) The man with glasses is a bus driver. ( 5 ) The woman with short hair and a big mouth is a policeman. 根据中文提示把句子补充完整。 1.The English teacher in the room ?(新来的英语老师在教室办公室) 2. ? (真的吗?) 3. is like? (她/他长什么样呢?) 4. is very and . (她很年轻而且害羞) 5. She (be) very . (她很和蔼) 选择填空 ()1. Look at that boy short hair and a round face. Do you know him? A. have B. with C. has ()2. What is your Chinese teacher ? A.look like B. like C. look ()3. The old man is tall and thin. He is very . A.kind and friendly B.short hair C.round face ()4.The girl has eyes and long hair. A. young,tall B.pretty, strong C.shy, big ()5. –What is the baby like? --He is and . A. round, happy B. short, lovely C. big nose, tall ()6. that woman? A. Who B.Whose C. Who’s 按要求写单词 1. he(宾格) . 2. policewoman(复 数) . 3. friend(形容词) . 4. her(主 格) .5. glass(复数) . 为问句找出合适的答语 ()1. We have a new Chinese teacher in the classroom. ()2. What is the cat like? ()3. Who’s the strong man? ()4. Which woman? ()5. What does the cook look like? A. It is small and lovely. B. The one with a baby. C. He has short hair and a small mouth. He is young and happy. D. Really? E. Oh, he is my brother. He’s a doctor. 读一读,选出不同类的一项 ()1. A. which B. what C. with D. Who ()2. A. big B. tall C. thin D.know ()3. A. nose B. round C. face D.hair ()4. A. policeman B. builder C. cook D.uniform ()5. A. really B.happy C.kind D.friendly ()6. A. skirt B.jeans C.trousers D.shorts ()7. A.round B.long C.happy D.short 1) 选用所给的特殊疑问词填空 1. -- is the maths teacher? -- He’s in the teachers’ office. 2. -- is the old man in the garden? -- I think he’s Mike’s grandfather. 3. -- is your new PE teacher like? -- He is tall and strong. But he looks kind. 4. – There are two girls in the photo. is your sister? -- The one with black hair. 5. -- is your grandfather? -- He is fine, thank you. 2) 用几个句子描述图中的人物 . what where how who


广州版英语四年级下册练习题 3.Add-ing to the following verbs and read them aloud 写.出下面单词的 -ing 形式,并朗读这些单词 . I.Model: do-doing ﹙ 1﹚ ask﹙2﹚buy﹙3﹚cook ﹙ 4﹚ talk﹙5﹚watch﹙6﹚wear ﹙ 7﹚ open﹙8﹚wash﹙9﹚play ﹙10﹚ feed﹙11﹚clean﹙12﹚help Ⅱ.Model:have-having ﹙ 1﹚﹙ 2﹚give﹙3﹚drive ﹙ 4﹚ make﹙5﹚close﹙6﹚use Ⅲ.Model:skip-skiping ﹙ 1﹚ sit﹙2﹚run﹙3﹚put ﹙ 4﹚ get﹙5﹚swim 4.Close the right words to fill in the blanks.选择正确答案填空. ﹙ 1﹚﹙Are,Do﹚you cooking in the kichen ? Yes.I﹙do, am﹚. ﹙2﹚﹙Are,Can﹚you sing the ABC song? Yes,we﹙are,can ﹚. ﹙3﹚﹙Are,Can﹚Miss Li and her friends having lunch. No,they﹙ aren ’ t,can ’t ﹚ ﹙4﹚Mr Li and I﹙are,am﹚talking in English. ﹙5﹚The baby can﹙put,putting﹚the box here. ﹙6﹚Listen!The teachens﹙sing,are singing﹚. ﹙7﹚Look,the boy﹙feed,is feeding﹚the rabbit.2 3 ﹙8﹚My father﹙cook,is cooking﹚a meal in the kitchen now. 5.Look at the pictures and write down the answers to the questions. 看图写出问题的答案 .


第1页 共8页 ◎ 第2页 共8页 …………○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ …………○…………内…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○………… 四年级英语下册期中测试卷 (满分100分 时间70分钟) 题目 听 力 笔 试 合 计 分数 听力部分:(50分) 一、听短语,根据听到的内容找到相应的图,并在括号里写上大写字母的编号。(每小题2 ( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5. ( )二、听句子,判断内容是否与图意相符;如相符,在括号里写“T”,否则写“F”。( 每小题2 ( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10. ( )三、听句子,选出句中含有的信息,将大写字母编号写在题前的编号里。(每小题1分,满分10分) ( )11.A. with a capB. in a hatC. with glasses ( )12. A.9:00 B. 6:30 C.6:00 ( )13. A.Friday B. Saturday C.Thursday ( )14. A. go running B. go shopping C. go swimming ( )15. A.policewoman B. cook C. farmer ( )16. A.2:15 B. 2:30 C.2:45 ( )17. A. get up B. have dinner C. have class ( )18. A.never B. always C. often ( )19. A.kind B. friendly C. shy ( )20. A.which B. what C. when 四、听问句,选出相应的答句,将答案编号写在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,满分10分) ( )21. A.My favourite day isSunday. B. It’s 10:30. C. It ’s time for lunch. ( )22. A. It’s Monday. B. On MondayI have two PE lessons. C. She is kind. ( )23. A. From 8:30 to 9:20. B. No, s he isn’t . C. It’s Tuesday . ( )24. A.It ’s at 8 o ’clock. B. It ’s time to have breakfast. C. In my classes. ( )25. A. It’s glasses. B. She is my mother. C. He is my father. ( )26. A.Yes,I don ’t.B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do. ( )27. A.He has two big eyes. B. She has two big ears. C. It has a big nose. ( )28. A.I usually do my homework. B. Sheisveryshy. C. Sheisverythin. ( )29. A.I like red. B. Yes,they do. C. It’s purple. ( )30.A.I usually go runningin the afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30. B. It’s Thursday. C. I go shopping with my parents. 五、听短文,根据短文的内容选择正确的答案,并将答案编号写在题前的括号里。(每小题1分, 满分5分) ( )31.How many people are there in Mary ’s family? A. There are four. B. There are five. C. There are six. ( )32 .When does Mary get up on Saturday? A. At seven o ’clock. B. At eight o ’clock. C.A quarter to nine. ( )33.What is Mary ’s favourite day? A.It ’s Sunday. B. It ’s Friday. C. It ’s Saturday. ( )34. Why does Mary like Sunday? A. She can go shopping. B. She can go swimming. C. She can go running. ( )35.What does Mary ’s grandpa and grandma usually do on Sunday? A. They usually take exerciseon Sunday . B. They usually do houseworkon Sunday . C.They usually go to the parkon Sunday . 六、听句子,选出所缺单词,将单词编号填在相应的横线上。(每小题1分,满分5分) 36. _______do you have class ? 37. It’s time to ________. 38. My maths teacher is very _______. 39. What do you_______do on Tuesday? 40.I sometimesgo running on ________ . 笔试部分(50分) 七、词汇 (一)找出一个与其它三个不同类的词。(每题1分,满分8分) ( )41. A. breakfast B. homework C. dinner D. lunch ( )42. A. Monday B. Sunday C. today D. Thursday ( )43. A. when B. what C. which D. with ( )44. A. round B. run C. friendly D. kind A. Saturday B.When C. kind D. go back home E. usually
