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Chapter One 1.Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence. (1)local legal system, political, exchange risks (2)open account, advance payment, remittance and collection (3)letter of credit, bank guarantee (4)price terms, delivery terms (5)least/minimum, most/maximum (6)advance payment (7)open account (8)clean collection, documentary collection 2.略 3.Translate the following terms into English. (1)settlement on bank credit (2)the potential for currency fluctuation (3)to dear the goods for export (4)to pay the insurance premium (5)to carry out export formalities (6)the major participants in international trade (7)the commodity inspection clause (8)to fulfill the obligation to deliver the goods (9)the goods have passed over the ship's rail (10)International contract is concluded in a completely different context than domestic ones 4.Decide whether the following statements are true or false. ⑴ F (2)F (3)T (4)T (5) T (6)T (7)F (8)T (9)T (10) F 5.Choose the best answer to each of the following statements ⑴?(5) BCCBD (6)-(10) DACCC (11)-(15) BDDCD (16)-(20) DCACD Chapter Two 1. Fill in the blanks to complete each sentence. (1)barter (2)medium of exchange (3)expensive, risky (4)our ⑸ Vostro (6)vostro ⑺ nostro (8) specimen of authorized signatures, telegraphic test keys, terms and conditions, Swift authentic keys 2. Define the following terms (1)Correspondent relationship KA bank having direct connection or friendly service relations with another bank.』 (2)International settlements [[International settlements are financial activities conducted among different countries in which payments are effected or funds are transferred from one country to another in order to settle accounts, debts, claims, etc. emerged in the course of political, economic or cultural contracts among them. 3 (3)Visible trade [[The exchange of goods and commodities between the buyer and the seller across borders.2 (4)Financial transaction [[International financial transaction covers foreign exchange market transactions^ government



国际结算(International settlement) 贸易(Trade Settlement) 非贸易(Non-Trade Settlement) EDI(Electronic Data Intercharge)电子数据交换, 控制文件(Control Documents) 有权签字人的印鉴(Specimen Signatures) 密押(Test Key) 费率表(Terms and Condition) 货物单据化,履约证书化,( cargo documentation , guarantee certification) 权利单据(document of title) 流通转让性(Negotiability) 让与(Assignment) 转让(Transfer) 流通转让(Negotiation) 汇票的定义是:A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum

payable at days/ months after stated date) ④板期付款(bills payable on a fixed future date) ⑤延期付款(bills payable at days/months after shipment/ the date of B/L) 收款人名称(payee) 同样金额期限的第二张不付款”〔pay this first bill of exchange(second of the same tenor and dated being unpaid) 需要时的受托处理人(referee in case of need)出票人(drawer) 收款人(payee) 背书人(endorser) 被背书人(endorsee) 出票(issue) (1)制成汇票并签字(to draw a draft and to sign it); (2)将制成的汇票交付给收款人(to deliver the draft


1.汇票的制作10个项目 汇票的内容又分为绝对必要项目和相对必要项目。绝对必要项目:1.有“汇票”的字样。2.无条件支付命令。3.确定金额4.收款人名称5.付款人名称6出票日期7出票人签章 相对必要项目:1.出票地2.付款地3.付款日期 2.支票的种类 按抬头不同分类:1.记名支票2.不记名支票 对付款闲置不同分类:1.普通支票:可取现金。2.划线支票:不可取现金,只能转账。划线支票好处在于可以延缓交易时间,可以便于追踪资金轨迹。划线支票又分为特别划线支票和一般划线支票。特别划线支票平行线会加注付款账号行名称。一般划线无须固定账户。 按是否可以流通分为可流通支票和不可流通支票。 3.提单的总类 按提单收货人的抬头划分:1.记名提单,不记名提单,指示提单。 按货物是否已装船划分:1.已装船提单,收妥备运提单。 按提单上有无批注划分:1.清洁提单2不清洁提单。 按照运输方式的不同划分为:1.直达提单2转船提单3.联运提单4.多式联运提单 按签发提单的时间划分为:1.正常提单2过期提单3.预借提单4.倒签提单 4.信用证的种类 1.不可撤销信用证 2.保兑信用证 3.即期付款信用证,迟期信用证,议付信用证,承兑信用证。 4.假远期信用证 5.红条款信用证 6.循环信用证 7.可转让信用证8背靠背信用证9对开信用证 5.托收的种类 托收根据金融单据是否伴随商业单据分为光票托收和跟单托收。跟单托收又根据票据的期限分为付款交单(D/P)(即期)和承兑交单(D/A)(远期)。付款交单是指付款人对即期汇票付款然后交单。而承兑交单是指付款人对远期汇票承兑而进行交单。 汇票 BILL OF EXCHANGE No. 汇票编号Date: 出票日期 For: 汇票金额 At 付款期限sight of this second of exchange (first of the same tenor and date unpaid) pay to the order of 受款人 the sum of金额 Drawn under 出票条款 L/C No. 信用证号Dated 信用证开征时间 To. 付款人 出票人签章


广西大学行健文理学院课程考试 试卷答案要点及评分细则 课程名称:国际结算(双语)考试班级:2007级国贸各班 试卷类型:期中考试卷 命题教师签名:2010年 5 月14 日 Part I单选题 1-5 CBCAD 6-10 DAADD Part II翻译题Please translate the following sentences from English to Chinese. (20 Points) 1.To issue a bill of exchange comprises two acts by the drawer: 1) to draw and sign a bill; and 2) to deliver it to the payee. 签发汇票由出票人的两个行为构成:一是开出汇票并在签字;二是交付给收款人。 2.International settlement consists of international trade settlement and non-trade settlement. 国际结算包括国际贸易结算和非贸易结算。 3.SWIFT authentic key is used between SWIFT member banks for authenticating all messages to be transmitted through SWIFT. 环球银行金融电讯协会证实押被环球银行金融电讯协会成员行用于证实通过环球银行金融电讯协会系统传输的所有信息的真实性。 4.The guarantor is the bank that issues a letter of guarantee at the request of its customer. 保证行是在其顾客要求下签发保函的银行。 5.In cover, we have authorized Bank A to debit our account and credit your accounts with the above sum. 为偿付头寸,我们已经授权A银行将上述金额借记我们的账户,并贷记你们的账户。 6. A foreign branch bank is an operational branch established by a commercial bank in a foreign country. 一家国外支行是某家商业银行在国外开立的经营性质的分支机构。 7.Confirming bank means a bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank’s authorization or request. 保兑行指的是在开证银的授权或要求下对信用证进行保兑的银行。 8.Remittance refers to the transfer of funds from one party to another among different countries. 汇款(汇付)是指资金在不同国家之间的转移。 9.TARGET (the Trans-European Automated Real-time Gross Settlement Express Transfer System) is a real-time gross settlement system of the euro. 欧洲跨国清算系统是实时的统一欧元清算系统。 10.A holder in due course refers to an individual who acquires a negotiable instrument in good faith. 一个正当持票人指的是一个善意得到一张可流通票据的人。



KEY OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT Chapter 1 I.Put the following phrases into English 2.Put the following sentences into English (1)国际结算涉及有形贸易和无形贸易,外国投资, 从其他国家借贷资金,等等。

The international settlement involves tangible trades, intangible trades, foreign investments, funds borrowed from or lent to other countries and so on. (2)许多银行注重发展国际结算和贸易融资的业 务。 Many banks have focused on their business of international settlement and trade finance. (3)大多数国际间的支付来自于世界贸易。 Most of the international payments originate from transactions in the world trade. (4)一般来说,国际结算的方式分为三类:汇款、 托收和信用证。 Usually the international settlement is divided into three broad categories: remittance, collection and letter of credit. 3.True or False 1)I nternational payments and settlements are finan cial activities con ducted in the domestic coun try. (F)

国际结算 英文名词翻译 按章整理

英文名词翻译 第一章 国际结算导论 international settlement 美国CHIPS 系统:纽约清算银行同业支付系统 英国CHAPS 系统: 清算所自动支付体系 布鲁塞尔SWIFT 系统: 环球银行金融电讯协会 (Critical Point for Delivery) 交货临界点 (Critical Point for Risk) 风险临界点 (Critical Point for Cost)费用临界点 《国际贸易术语解释通则》 Incoterms2000 visible trade :有(无)形贸易 (representative office) 代表处 ( agency office)代理处 (overseas sister bank /branch,subbranch )海外分/支行 (correspondent bank ) 代理银行 (subsidiary bank )附属银行(子银行) (affiliated banks ) 联营银行 (consortium bank )银团银行 甲行以乙国货币在乙行设立帐户: 甲行是往帐(Nostro a/c),即我行在你行设帐(Our a/c with you ) 乙行以甲国货币在甲行设立帐户 甲行是来帐(V ostro a/c),即你行在我行设帐(Your a/c with us ) 在银行实际业务中,增加使用“贷记”(To Credit ),减少使用“借记”(To Debit ) 第二章 票据Instrument drawer 出票人 drawee/payer 付款人 payee 收款人 endorser 背书人 endorsee 被背书人 holder in due course 善意持票人 acceptor 承兑人 guarantor 保证人 bill of exchange 汇票 mandatory elements issue 出票 endorsement 背书 presentation 提示 acceptance 承兑 payment 付款 dishonor 拒付 recourse 追索 guarantee 保证 限制性抬头 restrictive order (pay E company only)(pay E company not transferable) 指示性抬头 demonstrative order (pay to the order of B company)(pay to B company or order) 持票来人抬头 payable to bearer (pay to bearer)(pay to A company or bearer) UCP600:《跟单信用证统一惯例》 URC 522 ;《托收统一规则》 URDG458:《见索即付保函统一规则》 URR 525:《跟单信用证项下银行间偿付统一规则》 URCB524:《合同保函统一规则》


International settlement(bilingualism) course standard First, summary of course It is the core course of international economic and trade major, based on the operating skills’cultivation about methods of international settlement, combining theory with reality, emphasising on positional operation, paying attention to the cultivation of comprehensive ability about finding, analyzing and solving problems, etc. Second, before and after courses International settlement(before courses are International trade practice (bilingualism)、International business documents) , after courses are international trade business comprehensive trading and Foreign trade correspondence. Third, the course content


KEY OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENT Chapter 1 1.Put the following phrases into English 2.Put the following sentences into English (1)国际结算涉及有形贸易和无形贸易,外国投资,从其他国家借贷资金,等等。 The international settlement involves tangible trades, intangible trades, foreign investments, funds borrowed from or lent to other countries and so on. (2)许多银行注重发展国际结算和贸易融资的业务。 Many banks have focused on their business of international settlement and trade finance. (3)大多数国际间的支付来自于世界贸易。 Most of the international payments originate from transactions in the world trade. (4)一般来说,国际结算的方式分为三类:汇款、托收和信用证。 Usually the international settlement is divided into three broad categories: remittance, collection and letter of credit.

3. True or False 1)International payments and settlements are financial activities conducted in the domestic country. (F) 2)Fund transfers are processed and settled through certain clearing systems.(T) 3)Using the SWIFT network, banks can communicate with both customers and colleagues in a structured, secure, and timely manner.(T) 4)SWIFT can achieve same day transfer.(T) 4.Multiple Choice 1)SWIFT is __B__ A.in the united states B. a kind of communications belonging to TT system for interbank’s fund transfer C.an institution of the United Nations D. a governmental organization 2)SWIFT is an organization based in __A___ A.Brussels B.New York C.London D.Hong Kong 3) A facility in fund arrangement for buyers or sellers is referred to __A___ A.trade finance B.sale contract C.letter of credit D.bill of exchange 4)Fund transfers are processed and settled through __C___


国际结算(International settlement) 贸易(Trade Settlement) 非贸易(Non-Trade Settlement) EDI(Electronic Data Intercharge)电子数据交换, 控制文件(Control Documents) 有权签字人的印鉴(Specimen Signatures) 密押(Test Key) 费率表(Terms and Condition) 货物单据化,履约证书化,( cargo documentation , guarantee certification) 权利单据(document of title) 流通转让性(Negotiability) 让与(Assignment) 转让(Transfer) 流通转让(Negotiation) 汇票的定义是:A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to the order or specified person or to bearer. “汇票” (bill of exchange,exchange或draft) 无条件支付命令(unconditional order to pay) 出票条款(drawn clause) 利息条款(with interest) 分期付款(by stated instalment) 支付等值其它货币( pay the other currency according to an indicated rate of exchange) 付款人(payer)受票人(drawee) 付款期限(time of payment)或(tenor) 即期(at sight, on demand, on presentation)付款。 远期(at a determinable future time , time/ usance / term bill)付款。 期限远期付款的表现形式: ①见票后若干天(月)付款(bills payable at days/ months after sight) ②出票后若干天(月)付款(bills payable at days/ months after date) ③预定日期后若干天(月)付款(bills payable at days/ months after stated date) ④板期付款(bills payable on a fixed future date) ⑤延期付款(bills payable at days/months after shipment/ the date of B/L) 收款人名称(payee) 同样金额期限的第二张不付款”〔pay this first bill of exchange(second of the same tenor and dated being unpaid) 需要时的受托处理人(referee in case of need) 出票人(drawer) 收款人(payee) 背书人(endorser) 被背书人(endorsee) 出票(issue)


《国际结算》(英文版)习题集 Chapter 1: International Settlement under Globalization 5. Please decide whether the following statements are true or false. (1) Greater imports offer consumers a wider variety of goods at higher prices, while providing strong incentives for domestic industries to remain competitive. ( ) (2) Information technology makes the international trade more efficient than ever. ( ) (3) International lending is often accompanied by international payments. ( ) (4) Under the term CFR, it is the seller’s responsibility to insure the goods transported. (5) Cash in advance, open account, collection and documentary credit are the usual methods of payment to settle international trade transactions. ( ) (6)To the exporter of goods, the most satisfactory arrangement as far as payment is concerned is to receive it in advance. ( ) (7) Trade on open account arrangement usually satisfies the seller’s desire for cash and the import’s desire for credit. ( ) 6. Please choose the answers to each of the following questions. (1) international payments and settlements may arise from( ). A. commercial payments B. payments for the services rendered C. payments between governments D. transfer of funds among countries. (2) An additional risk borne by the seller when granting a credit to the buyer is that the latter will not_______. A. accept the bill B. take up the documents C. take delivery D. make payment at maturity (3) To the exporter, the fastest and safest method of settlement is_____. A. letter of credit B. advance payment C. collection D. banker’s draft (4) To the importer, the fastest and safest method of settlement is_____. A. letter of credit B. cash in advance C. open account D. banker’s draft 7. Please answer the following questions. (1) Explain the definition of international settlement. (2) How many main types of international settlement methods are used in the internatinal trade? (3) What are the liabilities of a exporter in the international settlement?


参考资料:《国际结算》相关术语中英文对照 国际结算 International Settlement 有形贸易 Visible Trade 无形贸易 Invisible Trade 洗钱 Money Laundering 支付协定 Payment Agreement 国际结算制度 System of International Settlement 支付系统 Payment System 代表处 Representative Office 代理处 Agency Office 海外分、支行(境外联行) Overseas Sister Bank/Branch,Subbranch 代理银行 Correspondent Banks 附属银行(子银行) Subsidiary Banks 联营银行 Affiliated Banks 银团银行 Consortium Bank 票据 Instrument 设权性 Right to Be Paid 无因性 Non causative Nature 要式性 Requisite in Form 流通性 Negotiability 可追索性 Recoursement 基本当事人 Immediate Parties 附属当事人 Remote Parties 出票人 Drawer 付款人 Payer,Drawee 收款人 Payee 背书人 Endorser 被背书人 Endorsee 持票人 Holder 承兑人 Acceptor 保证人 Guarantor 汇票 Bill of Exchange 限制性抬头 Restrictive Order 指示性抬头 Demonstrative Order 持票来人抬头 Payable to Bearer 出票日期 Date of Issue 出票人签字 Signature of the Drawer 出票地点 Place of Payment 付款地点 Place of Payment 付款日期 Tenor


Case Number 1 The Case of the Contingent Irrevocability of the Credit UCP500 Article 4 and sub-article 8(a) Background Type of Credit: Irrevocable Application:UCP500 Issuing Bank: Bank I Advising Bank: Bank A Availability: At sight with the Issuing Bank Expiry: At the counters of the Issuing Bank Circumstances Issuing Bank:Bank I issued its irrevocable Credit and advised it to the Beneficiary through Bank A. Advising Bank: Bank A advised the Credit to the Beneficiary Credit: Among the terms and conditions, the Credit asked for: 1. Sight draft on the issuing bank 2. Bills of lading issued to order of Bank I for account of the Applicant 3. Special Conditions: (a) Payment of drafts drawn hereunder will be made only after the realization of the re-export proceeds program. Beneficiary: The Beneficiary shipped the goods and presented the documents required by the Credit to Bank A. Advising Bank: Bank A informed the Beneficiary that in view of the special conditions related to payment and because the Credit expired at the counters of the Issuing Bank, Bank A would only forward the documents to Bank I for their action. Beneficiary: After determining that Bank A had no obligation to negotiate, relying upon the standing of the Issuing Bank as a premier financial institution, and being comfortable that the Credit was subject to UCP500, the Beneficiary instructed Bank A to forward the documents to Bank I. Issuing Bank: Informed Bank A that while the documents presented under the Credit were compliant, they were not in a position to honor the drawing, as the necessary funds had not been made available to them from the “re-export proceeds program”. If and when such proceeds were made available, they would pay the drawing under their credit. Beneficiary: The Beneficiary never received payment for the goods shipped, even though the documents presented under the Credit complied fully with the terms and conditions of the Credit. Bank I stated that while their Credit was irrevocable, it contained special conditions stating that irrevocability was subject to receipt of the necessary funds from the “re-export proceeds program”. Since such proceeds were not received, Bank I had no obligation to honor the drawing. Bank I suggested that the Beneficiary try to recover directly from the Applicant. Queries:Please review, analyze the queries, give your opinion and be prepared to answer each query


《国际结算》复习题 一、名词解释(掌握各名词的英文形式) 1、汇票; 2、承兑; 3、背书; 4、顺汇(逆汇); 5、托收; 6、D/P(D/A); 7、托收行(代收行); 8、T/R; 9、跟单信用证; 10、SWIFT; 11、议付; 12、假远期信用证; 13、不可撤销信用证; 14、对背信用证; 15、银行保函; 16、见索即付保函; 17、备用信用证;18、反担保人; 19、投标保函(履约保函); 20、补偿贸易保函; 21、租赁保函; 22、海运提单; 23、唛头; 24、清洁提单(不清洁提单);25、倒签提单; 26、国际保理; 27、进口保理商; 28、福费廷; 29、国际结算; 30、支票; 31、商业发票; 32、保险单据。 二、单项选择题 1、具有不可撤销性的信用证在征得()同意的情况下,即使是不可撤销信用证也是可以撤销和修改的。 A.开证行 B.保兑行 C.信用证受益人 D.前三个都同意 2、银行办理托收业务时,未发现单据中存在错误,最后单到国外,付款人提出单据有误拒绝付款。银行对此( ) A.负完全责任 B.完全无责任 C.该银行与外国银行共同负担责任 D.该银行与出票人共同承担责任 3、下列那种信用证一经付款还有向受益人的追索权()。 A.议付信用证 B.即期信用证 C.承兑信用证 D.延期付款信用证 4、信用证业务特点之一是:银行付款依据( ) A.信用证 B.单据 C.货物 D.合同 5、关于汇票的付款时间,如果提示日为2009年4月20日,票面上写明“At 90 days from sight”,则到期付款日为( ) A.7月18日 B.7月19日 C.7月20日 D.7月21日 6、在信用证业务流程中,基本当事人应当是( )。 A.开证行和开证申请人 B.开证银行和信用证受益人 C.信用证受益人和付款行 D.开证申请人与付款行 7、下列关于信用证的描述哪一项是正确的?( ) A.有条件的书面付款命令 B.有条件的书面付款承诺 C.无条件的书面付款承诺 D.无条件的书面付款命令 8、以下由()带来的结算被归入国际非贸易结算中。 A.国际运输、成套设备输出、国际旅游 B.国际金融服务、侨民的汇款、国际旅游 C. 侨民的汇款、国际商品贸易、国际技术贸易 D.有形贸易、无形贸易、国际文化交流 9、属于顺汇方法的支付方式是()。 A.票汇 B.托收 C.保函 D.直接托收 10、某汇票关于付款到期日的表述为:出票日后30天付款。则应如何计算汇票到期日?() A.从出票日当天开始算,出票日作为30天的第一天

国际结算 英文版5.1-5.5 Letters of credit(1)

Copyright by Fei Zhonglin School of Economics and Management, NJUT 1 5. Letters of credit 5.1-5.5 General introduction 5.1 Definition 5.2 Procedures 5.3 Characteristics 5.4 Parties’ liabilities and rights 5.5 contents 5.6 Examination of a documentary credit 5.7 Types of credit 5.8 Financing provided by banks Copyright by Fei Zhonglin School of Economics and Management, NJUT 2 About UCP The formal maturation of the letter of credit was in the 1920’s; ICC Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (UCP) Versions of 1933,1951,1962, 1974,1983 and 1993(UCP500); The latest version is UCP600 ISBP subject to UCP 600 (ICC Publication No. 681) Copyright by Fei Zhonglin School of Economics and Management, NJUT 35.1 What is a letter of credit According to UCP600 Article 2: Credit means any arrangement, however named or described, that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour a complying presentation . 信用证指一项不可撤销的安排,无论其名称或描述如何,该项安排构成开证行对相符交单予以承付的确定承诺。 Copyright by Fei Zhonglin School of Economics and Management, NJUT 4 “Provided that the stipulated documents are presented to the nominated bank or to the issuing bank and that they constitute a complying presentation, the issuing bank must honour...” In simple terms, a credit is a conditional bank undertaking of payment. In UCP600 Article 7 a. Copyright by Fei Zhonglin School of Economics and Management, NJUT 5 Irrevocable: “A credit is irrevocable even if there is no indication to that effect.” In 500, the Art 2 gave the meaning of credit and four types of L/C, and in Art 6 the irrevocable and revocable L/C were listed at the same time, The revocable L/C has been deleted and all L/Cs are irrevocable under UCP600. In UCP600 Article 3 Interpretations Copyright by Fei Zhonglin School of Economics and Management, NJUT 6 Undertakeing: to put oneself under obligation to perform; also to accept as a charge or responsibility 该词在英美法中具有特定含义,专指行为人单方自行承担的一种义务,无须对价支持即具有可执行性,一般具有无因性、独立性,不受其可能基于的其他交易下的抗辩影响。 UCP600中译为“承诺”、“责任”、“承担……责任”
