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2017-2018学年广州教科版 小学英语3-6年级单词汇总 三年级(第一学期)英语词汇 Unit 1 hello 喂,你好 Mr n.先生(用于男子姓名前) Hi 嗨!喂! I pron.(主格)我 am i'm this 这(个) is be动词现在时第三人称单数 my (I的所有格)我的 brother 兄弟;同胞;教友;同事name 名字 name's =mame is 名字叫 and 和,与,而且;那么;接连,又miss 小姐vt.未击中;未看到;class .班级,年级 your 你的,你们的 what 什么a.多么,何等;what's =what is new 新(近)的 teacher 教师(员) nice 美好的,令人愉快的meet 相遇;集合 you 你 nice to meet you 遇到你真高兴too 也 Unit 2 Good 好;善良的;擅长的morning 早晨,上午 children 小孩,儿童(child的复数形) how (表示方法、手段、状态)怎样are (be的第二人称单数和各人称的复数形式) you 你,你们 how are you? 你好 fine 好;身体好thank 谢谢And you? 你呢OK 好;行afternoon 下午thanks 多谢Mrs. 夫人; evening 傍晚 Unit 4 wash 洗 hand 手 Mr 先生 brush 刷子 hair 毛发 all 全部的 right 右的;正确的all right 令人满意的face 脸 and 和 clean 清洁 ear 耳朵Mrs. mum 妈妈;teeth 牙齿 but 但是


三年级上册单词 Unit 1 hello你好 Mr先生 hi嗨 I我 am是 I'm=I am我是 this这 is是 my 我的 brother兄弟 name名字 and和 miss小姐 class班级 your你的 what什么teacher老师 nice好的 meet遇见 you你 Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。 too也Unit 2 good好的 children孩子们(复数) morning早上 how怎样 are是 you你How are you? 你好。 fine好的 thank谢谢 Are you? 你呢? OK好的afternoon下午 thanks多谢 Mrs夫人 evening傍晚 Unit 4 wash洗 your你的 hand手 brush刷 hair头发 all全部 right对 dad爸爸face脸 clean清洁 ear耳朵 Mrs夫人 mum妈妈 teeth牙齿 but但是 eye眼睛 head头发 and和 nose鼻子 mouth嘴巴 draw画画 Unit 5 touch摸 toe脚趾 raise举起 arm手臂 right右 leg腿 left左 ouch哎呀 that那 my 我的 body身体 foot脚 Unit 7 where哪里 pencil铅笔 it它 on上面 desk书桌 no不 not 不是 in里面 bed 床 table桌子 here这里 pen钢笔 chair椅子 box盒子 ruler尺子 bag书包the这 Unit 8 pack包扎 open打开 book书 oh啊 please请 lend借给 me我are是thank谢谢 dear亲爱的 yes对 Unit 10 look看 what什么 sun太阳 there在那儿 I我 know知道 do做 English英语 a一个 rainbow彩虹 picture图画 of的colour颜色 red红色 blue


Unit 1 slow and steady wins the race 1.稳健的__________________ 2.赢__________________ 3.尝试_____________________ 4.携带扛_____________ 5.如此匆忙_________________ 6.愚蠢的_____________________ 7.意思是_____________________ 8.骄傲的_____________________ 9.不小心的___________________ 10.耐心的_____________________ 11.记住_____________________ 12. 悲伤的_____________________ 13.努力地_____________________ 14.更努力_____________________ 二词组记得牢 in a hurry 匆忙in such a hurry 如此匆忙 be like 像??一样be patient 耐心点 talk on the phone 讲电话carry a heavy bag 背很重的包 work harder 更努力地工作或学习slow and steady 稳打稳扎 三要点难点都知道 1.try to do something 努力做某事 如Shetriedtoeatwithhislefthandbecausehisrighthandwasbroken. 因为右手受伤了所以她努力用左手吃饭。 2.in a hurry 匆忙着急 如Inthemorning,everybodyisinahurry.早上的时候每个人都很匆忙。 3. You are like that silly hare. Like 像??一样, 如The flower is like a cup. 这花像一个茶杯。 4.一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态动词第三人称变化规律 1一般情况直接加_____________________ 。 2以_____________________ 结尾的单词加_____________________。


广州版六年级英语下册教案 Unit 7 Dr Sun Yat sen 一?教学内容 Unit 7 Dr Sun Yat sen 二?教学目标 1. 词汇 (1)“ 四会”词汇:go on, leader, free, fin ally (2)“三会词汇”:historical.against.emperor 2. 重点句型 (1) Why was he so important? (2) Where was he born? He was born in (3) He was the father of modern China. (4 ) He was against the emperor. (5)He tried to change China and free the people. (6)He loved the people and the people loved him 三.教学重难点 1. 重点 (1)“ 四会”词汇:go on, leader, free, fin ally (2)重点句子的理解 2. 难点 (1 )课文的理解和重点句子的运用 四.教具准备 孙中山的画像,中山纪念堂的照片,PPT 五.教学过程 (一) 热身与复习 1. 朗读Unit 7 单词 2. Free Talk who s your hero or heroine? Why? (二) 呈现与操练 1. 引入新课Unit 7 Dr Sun Yat sen 2. 听课文录音找出问题的答案T or F ( )1.Dr Sun Yat sen was born in Guan gzhou. ()2.He was the father of PRC. ()3.He was a great leader of the Chin ese People. ( )4.He wasn ' t against the emperor. ()5.He tried to cha nge Chi na and free the Chin ese people. () 6.He loved the people and all the Chinese people didn ' t love him. 3. 讲解课文 (1)分段朗读课文 (2)分析语法知识点 (3)仿写例子


1、重点语法:一般过去时 2、频率的表达 3、may,may be 与maybe的区别: may be就是两个词,为情态动词may(可以,可能)+联系动词be,意为”可能就是”. maybe 就是一个词,意为”也许”,为副词,通常放在句首,做状语,不可作表语. may 就是情态动词,"可以可能",may +动词原形如果后面有动词原形用may、 4、I am sorry to hear that、 5、复习情态动词 用“should”与“shouldn’t”来陈述句子,委婉表达主语该做或不该做的事情, 后面加动词原形。同样用法的情态动词还有:must , need , can, could, may, might… 6、ask sb to do sth: 叫某人做某事反义短语: ask sb not to do sth: tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人做某事 7、well: 1、副词,好地; 2、形容词,身体好good: 好的,只做形容词 8、keep a good diet、保持一个良好的饮食习惯。 9、复习不规则形容词的比较级、最高级 good/ well—better – best , bad/badly—worse—worst many/much—more—most, little—less—least far—farther—farthest 10、祈使句。祈使句就是用来表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等语气的句子。 肯定祈使句有以下几种类型: 1)Do型----Do(表示行为的动词原形)+宾语+… Sit down, please、 2)Be型----Be+名词/ 形容词+…Be quiet! 3)Let型----Let+宾语(通常就是第一或第三人称宾格)+动词原形+…Let’s go shopping、 第一人称,用let sb not do sth; 非第一人称,用don’t let sb do sth、 否定祈使句有以下2种类型: 1)Don’t型----Don’t+动词原形+… 2)No型----No+名词或动词ing形式、 11、介词 A、时间介词就是用来表示时间的介词: 1)on表示在具体的某一天或具体的某一天的上午、下午或晚上。 2)at表示在具体某一时刻或用于固定短语中。 3)in泛指一天的早、中、晚,还可以表示一段时间,如星期、月、年、季节等。 4)from… to…“从……到……”用来指时间范围。可指时间、地点、数字等。 5)before意思就是“在…、、之前”,after意思就是“在……之后”,用来表示时间的先后顺序。 B、空间介词就是用来表示空间或位置的介词。 1)on, over, above 的区分 2)under 与below 的区分 3)in 与at 的区分 4)between表示位置在两者之间;among表示位置在三者或者三者以上之间。 5)in front of与in the front of 的区分 12、buy sb、sth、= buy sth、for sb、表示给某人买某物buy的过去式

【最新】广州版六年级英语下册 期末试卷

第二学期六年级英语期末水平测试卷 (全卷共4页,满分100分,60分钟完成 ) ( 听力部分 30分 ) 一、听句子三次,选出句子中所含有的信息,并把其字母编号写在括号内。 7分 ( ) 1.A.writer B.painter C.singer ( ) 2.A.game-player B.game-maker C.game-seller ( ) 3.A.large B.dark C.far ( ) 4.A.one of us B.some of us C.none of us ( ) 5.A.Toronto B.Tokyo C.Wellington ( ) 6.A.look at B.throw at C.laugh at ( ) 7.A.appear B.disappear C.dangerous 二、听句子三次,根据听到的顺序把大写字母编号写在相应图片的括号内。8分 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三. 听句子三次,填写句子中所缺的单词。5分 1.There is a playground in the __________ of our school. 2.Guangzhou ___________is very big and modern. 3.It ’s__________to speak with our mouth full. 4.I think this math exercise is very _________ for me. 5.J.K.Rowling is a very _________writer. 四、听小对话及问题三次,选出问题的最佳答案,把其编号写在括号内。5分 ( ) 1.A.scientist. B.An inventor. C.An actor. ( ) 2.A.Go and help him. B.Run away quickly. C.Laugh at him. ( ) 3.A.England. B.New Zealand. C.Australia. ( ) 4.A.Be careful. B.Be quiet. C.Work harder. ( ) 5.A.Some people are polluting the ocean. B.Some people are selling fur clothes. C.Some people are cutting down the forests. 五.听短文和问题三次,选择正确的地点,并把字母编号写在相应的横线上。 5分 1.If you like shopping, you can go to______. 2.If you like history, you can go to______. 3.If you want some Chinese food, you can go to_______. 4.If you want to know what the city look like, you can go to_______. 5.If you are tired, you can go to_______. ( 笔试部分 70分 ) 六、选出下列每组单词中不同类的词,把其字母编号写在括号内。 6分 ( ) 1.A.reporter B.invent C.singer D.musician ( ) 2.A.lion B.giraffe C.neck D.whale ( ) 3.A.Toronto B.France C.Canada D.Australia ( ) 4.A.Sydney B.Paris C.London D.America ( ) 5.A.frog B.bamboo C.tortoise D.kangaroo ( ) 6.A.crash B.cried C.brought D.laughed 七、请根据下面的情景选择适当的建议或规劝,并把字母编号写在相应的括号内。6分 A.Don’t talk with your mouth full. B.Don’t be in such a hurry. Be patient. C.Don’t laugh at others when they are in trouble. D.Be quiet,please. E.Don’t cut too fast. Be patient. F.Don’t push in. Be patient. ( )1.A boy is running across the road when the traffic light is red. ( )2.In the hospital, a man is talking on his phone loudly. ( )3.The boy’s mouth was full of food. He wants to say something. ( )4.Some people are standing in line at the bus stop. A man wants to push in. ( )5.A girl fell over, but the boy laughed at her. ( )6.Mum cut her finger when she was cooking in the kitchen. 八、选择最佳答案填空,把其字母编号写在括号内。10分 ( )1. Never buy the medicines made _________ animals in danger. A.by B.from C.with ( )2.My father and I ____ tennis tomorrow morning. A.play B.am playing C.will play ( )3.Charlie Chaplin__________born in 1889. A.were B.was C.is ( )4.The old woman turned the frog ________a handsome young man. A.into B.over C.for ( )5.Ben ______ a watch the day before yesterday. A.lose B.lost C.loses ( )6.Thank you so much for ________me to your new house. A.invite B.invited C.inviting ( )7.___________in the field every day is hard work. A.Work B.Worked C.Working ( )8.If the hare didn’t sleep under the tree, it may _____the race.


小学同步单词汇总 三年级(第一学期)英语词汇 Unit 1 hello 喂,你好 Mr n.先生(用于男子姓名前) Hi 嗨!喂! I pron.(主格)我 am i'm this 这(个) is be动词现在时第三人称单数 my (I的所有格)我的 brother 兄弟;同胞;教友;同事name 名字 name's =mame is 名字叫 and 和,与,而且;那么;接连,又miss 小姐vt.未击中;未看到;class .班级,年级 your 你的,你们的 what 什么a.多么,何等;what's =what is new 新(近)的 teacher 教师(员) nice 美好的,令人愉快的meet 相遇;集合 you 你 nice to meet you 遇到你真高兴too 也 Unit 2 Good 好;善良的;擅长的morning 早晨,上午 children 小孩,儿童(child的复数形) how (表示方法、手段、状态)怎样are (be的第二人称单数和各人称的复数形式) you 你,你们 how are you? 你好 fine 好;身体好thank 谢谢And you? 你呢OK 好;行afternoon 下午thanks 多谢Mrs. 夫人; evening 傍晚 Unit 4 wash 洗 hand 手 Mr 先生 brush 刷子 hair 毛发 all 全部的 right 右的;正确的all right 令人满意的dad 爸爸 face 脸 and 和clean 清洁 ear 耳朵Mrs. mum 妈妈;teeth 牙齿 but 但是 eye 眼睛head 头 nose 鼻子mouth 嘴draw 画


广州版小学六年级上册单词表 Module 1 Country life Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? 1.field 田 2.pick 摘 3.grass 草 4. feed饲养,喂养 5.give给 6.cow 奶牛 7.sheep绵羊 8.other 其他 9.few 及少,几乎没有 10. A few几个11.goat山羊 12.goose 鹅 (复数geese) 13.river江,河 Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life 1. country农村 2.life 生活 3.grandparents 祖父(母),外祖父(母) 4.milk 挤奶 5. ride 骑 6.am上午 7.still 仍然 8.air 空气 9. take 花费 10.help..with 在….(方面)帮助 Module 2 City life Unit 3 Where are you from? 1.city 城市 2.student 学生 3.New York 纽约 4.America 美国 5.quiet安静的 6.cheap 便宜的 7.modern 现代化的 8.noisy 嘈杂的 9.wide宽阔的10.crowded拥挤的11. hotel 酒店12.comfortable 舒服的 13.heavy拥挤的,大量的14.slow缓慢 Unit 4 I like the city very much 1.postcard明信片; 2.dirty 脏的; 3.afraid 害怕 adj 4.Be afraid 害怕 5.because 因为 6.sell出售 7.countryside 农村 8.theatre 剧院 9.miss 想念 10.all day 整天


广州版六年级上册教材目录 Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? (5) ?词汇 (5) ?重点短语 (5) ?重点句型 (6) ?课文翻译 (7) ?知识点解析 (8) ?Unit1习题 (16) ?Unit1习题答案 (19) Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life (20) ?词汇 (20) ?重点短语 (21) ?重点句型 (22) ?课文翻译 (22) ?知识点解析 (23) ?Unit2习题 (27) ?Unit2习题答案 (30) Unit 3 Where are you from? (31) ?词汇 (31) ?重点短语 (32) ?句型 (32) ?课文翻译 (32) ?知识点解析 (33) ?Unit3习题 (40) ?Unit3习题答案 (44) Unit 4 I like the city very much (44) ?词汇 (44) ?重点短语 (45) ?重点句型 (46)

?知识点解析 (47) ?Unit4习题 (51) ?Unit4习题答案 (54) Unit 5 What’s the matter with you? (55) ?词汇 (55) ?重点短语 (56) ?重点句型 (57) ?课文翻译 (57) ?知识点解析 (58) ?Unit5习题 (67) ?Unit5习题答案 (70) Unit 6 The secret to good health (71) ?词汇 (71) ?重点词组 (71) ?重点句型 (72) ?课文翻译 (72) ?知识点解析 (73) ?Unit6习题 (83) ?Unit6习题答案 (86) Unit 7 What did you do yesterday? (88) ?词汇 (88) ?重点语法 (89) ?重点句型 (89) ?课文翻译 (90) ?知识点解析 (90) ?重点语法:一般过去时 (91) ?Unit7习题 (97) ?Unit7习题答案 (101) Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong (102)


广州小学英语六年级下册MODULE 1 CHANGESUNIT 1 Xiaoling's New Apartment [00:09.20]▲VOCABULARY show v.出示;给……看 [00:13.95] change n.& v.改变 dark adj.暗的;黑暗的 [00:18.70] far away from远离……close to靠近…… [00:25.16] pillow n.枕头grandma n.奶奶;外婆 [00:30.01]comfortable adj.舒适的;舒服的 [00:33.15]try v.试kung fu n.功夫;武术 [00:38.40]▲Dialogue1 Look and listen.Then read and actin groups. [00:47.36]Xiaoling is sittingon a chair in herliving room in hernew apartment. [00:53.92]She is showingphotos of her oldhouse to herfriends. [01:00.26]Xiaoling:Welcome tomy new apartment! [01:04.73]Let me show you thechanges between myold bedroom and thenew one. [01:11.97]This was my bedroomin my old house. [01:17.43]Mike:It was smaller thanyour new room. [01:21.97]Y our bedroom hereis much bigger. [01:26.91]Sally:Y our new room ismuch brighter,too. [01:32.06]The window in yourold house wasn'tlarge, [01:37.41]but the windows hereare much larger. [01:42.87]Xiaoling:Yes.And there wasonly one window inmy old bedroom, [01:49.92]so it was darker.Y ongxian:I can see ourschool from here. [01:56.58]Y ou are nearer tothe school now,aren't you? [02:02.23]Xiaoling:Yes,my old housewas far away fromour school. [02:08.78]Now it's lot closerto the school. [02:13.83]Jiamin:Y our bed hereis prettier thanthe one in your oldbedroom,isn't it? [02:19.96]Xiaoling:Yes.The bedand the pillows arepresents from mygrandma and grandpa [02:27.12]for my new bedroom. [02:30.78]Jiamin:Oh,this bed ismore comfortablethan mine! [02:36.73]Mike:Let me try,too!Y ongxian:Here I come! [02:42.17]Jiamin:Now,catchthe pillow,Mike! [02:46.01]Y ongxian:And catch this! [02:49.17]Mike:Watch my kung fu!Xiaoling:Oh,no!My pillows! [02:56.72]Xiaoling:My bedroom was niceand clean before,but now it's messy. [03:04.06]Sally:Oh,Xiaoling.Look atyou,Jiamin,Y ongxian and Mike. [03:10.41]She was happybefore but now sheisn't. [03:15.84]Mike,Y ongxian &Jiamin:Sorry.We… [03:19.99]▲Xiaoling:Welcome tomy new apartment! [03:28.35]Let me show you thechanges between myold bedroom and thenew one. [03:42.30]This was my bedroomin my old house. [03:51.47]Mike:It was smaller thanyour new room. [03:59.62]Y our bedroom hereis much bigger. [04:07.88]Sally:Y our new room ismuch brighter,too. [04:16.84]The window in yourold house wasn'tlarge,


2017-2018学年广州教科版小学英语六年级英语 上册课本知识点及练习题 Module 1 Country life Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? 【单词回顾】田________ 摘________ 草________ 饲养,喂养____________ 给________ 奶牛_______ 绵羊_______ 其他_______ 几个_______ 山羊_______ 鹅_________ 江,河___________ 一、词组:feed the chickens and ducks, feed the pigs, feed the horse, grow flowers and vegetables, plant trees, cut grass, any other, on the farm, a few… 二、句型: 1. What are those farmers doing? They’re cutting grass to feed the animals. 2. What do you grow on your farm? 3. We have a few goats and pigs. 4. There are fruit trees in this field. 5. There is a cow on the farm. 三、重点精析: 1. any other + 名词单数,指一堆当中的的某一个 any other + 名词复数,指一堆当中的一些 如:T om runs faster than any other student in his class. 汤姆比他班上的任何人都跑得快。 Are you taking any other drugs at present? 你现在还有服用其他的药吗? 2.表示肯定意义:a little / a few 有一点,有一些 表示否定意义: little / few 几乎没有的 a few /few +可数名词复数little / a little +不可数名词 many /much 意为很多的 many +可数名词复数much +不可数名词 3. use sth. to do sth. 用……做某事 我用钢笔写信。______________________________________________ 4. many of them 他们中的许多人 many of us many of the boys many of the young men 5. be from = come frome 来自…… 他来自中国。__________________________ ___________________________ 6. also; too; either 的区别: (1)also 意思是也,是比too较为正式的用语,通常用于肯定句中,一般靠近动词。 如:He also asked to go.他也要求去。I also went. 我也去的。He came also. 他也来的。 (2)too 意思也是也,是最普通的用语,常与also通用,但不如also正式,在口语中它用得更多。too通常放有句末,它也通常用于肯定句中。 如:I went there, too.我也到那儿去的。Mother was angry too.母亲也发怒了。 (3)either 意思也是也。它用于否定句中,而且要放在句末。 如:If you do not go,I shall not either.倘若你不去,我也不去 7. give … to…把……给……give sth. to sb. = give sb, sth.


Unit 1 Slow and steady wins the race慢而稳,事必成 Janet: Jiamin, are you OK? 珍妮特:嘉明,你还好吗? Jiamin: I tried to carry all the books. I didn't want to go back to the classroom again. 嘉明:我想搬走所有的书。我不想再返回一次教室了。 Xiaoling: why are you in such a hurry? You are like that silly hare. 小玲:你为什么这么急?我看起来像那只笨野兔。 Jiamin: Hare? What do you mean? 嘉明:野兔?你什么意思? Xiaoling: You know...the old story about the tortoise and the hare. 小玲:你知道的。。。龟兔的景点故事。 Janet: Yes. One day a tortoise and a hare had a race. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was too proud and careless. The slow but careful tortoise won the race. 珍妮特:是的。有一天一只乌龟好一只野兔比赛赛跑。野兔和确信他会赢得比赛,所以他休息了一会儿。他太骄傲粗心了。缓慢但是认真的乌龟最终赢得了比赛。 Jiamin:Ahh. I understand now. If I want to do something well, I should be careful and patient. 嘉明:啊,我现在知道了。如果我想把事情做好,我就要认真耐心。 Janet: That's right. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. 珍妮特:是的。记住。慢而稳,事必成。 Unit 2 Waiting for another hare守株待兔 One day, a farmer was working in the field. Suddenly a hare ran very fast and crashed into a tree. It fell to the ground and died. The farmer was happy. He picked up the hare and took it back home. He cooked it and had a delicious meal. 有一天,一位农夫正在田间劳作。突然一只野兔快速跑了过来,撞在了树上。它掉落在地上死掉了。农夫很开心。他捡起野兔把它带回了家。 “Working in the field every day is hard work. But picking up a hare is so easy.”he said to himself. From then on, the farmer stopped working. All day long, he sat in the field and waited for 1 a hare to appear. All his vegetables died. All his animals ran away. But another hare never came, so the farmer had nothing to eat. “每天在田间劳作太辛苦了。但是捡野兔如此容易。”他自赞自语道。从此以后,这位农夫不在工作。一整天他都坐在田间等待着野兔的出现。他所以的蔬菜都死掉了。所有的动物逃跑了。但是另一只野兔从未出现过,所有这位农夫没有任何东西可以吃。 Don't be like the farmer. Don't wait for another hare. Go for it ! 不要像农夫那样守株待兔。自己去抓它! Unit 3 What animal is it ?它是什么动物? Jiamin: Let's play a game. Can you guess this animal's name? It has two strong back legs and can jump very far. 嘉明:让我们玩个游戏吧!你们能猜出这个动物的名字吗?它有两条粗壮的后肢,并且可以跳的很远。 Janet: Hmm...that's difficult. A frog?

(精选)广州版六年级英语下册 小升初真题


二、单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 1、I had____________ headache and stayed in __________ bed for a whole day yesterday. A. a, the B. the, a C./, / D. a, / 2、--Are these keys _________? –No, it’s not _________ . It’s __________sister’s. A .your , my, my B. yours, my ,mine C. yours, mine, my D. your, mine, mine 3、If you are _______, don’t forget to ask for help. A. at trouble B.in trouble C. at a trouble D. in a trouble 4、I saw you waiting ____________ someone in the street __________ Sunday morning. A.at, in B.at, on C. for, in D. for, on 5、--Sorry, I am a little late. -- A. Never mind B. Certainly C. Not at all D. You’re welcome 6、___________ people around the world plant trees on Tree Planting Day. A. Million B. Millions C. Million of D. Millions of 7、--_______________? --–I feel bad. I don’t feel like eating. A. How are you B. What’s wrong C. What can I do for you D. How do you do 8、You shouldn’t eat ___________ chocolate. It’s bad for your health.


Module 1 People 一、基本目标 Unit1 *Who’s that (man/ lady)? Which one? Who are those two persons? They’re my parents. The one with a yellow hat. (有*号的是以前学习过的句型,以后同。) Unit 2 What is he/ she like? She is lovely but shy. *He/She has (long hair / big eyes/…). *He/ She is (tall / thin/…). 二、重难点分析 1、下面是以前学过含有本模块总结的读音规则的词: c: nice, face, mice, science . ck: back, duck, black, sock, clock, jacket, chicken, blackboard as(s): class, glasses au/aw: draw air: hair, chair 2、本课的“in”在句子里有“穿着、戴着”的意思,,表示衣着方面的特征; ”with”则有“有、带有”的意思,翻译时比较灵活。 例句:The girl in a pink dress in my cousin. 穿着粉红色连衣裙的女孩是我的表 姐妹。 The man with glasses is my new English teacher. 戴着眼镜的男人是我 的英语老师。 3.Which的用法跟what相似,看下面的例句: Which is your pencil? Which clothes do you like best? 4.表示学科的单词我们学过有:Chinese, maths, English, music, art, PE, science。 5.对比下面代词的主格和宾格和所有格: 主格I you he she it we they 宾格me you him her it us them 所有格my your his her its our their 注意主格与宾格用法的不同,宾格一般用与动词后面或介词后面,如: Show me your books, please. This book is for him. 6. 注意art, English, old, eye, ear等词前用an表示一个、只、条、..., 而不用a, 例如:an art teacher, an English teacher, an old man,an eye, an ear
