当前位置:文档之家› 最新教科版六年级英语上册(广州版)电子课本课件【全册】





Unit 1 What’s your hobby? hobby 爱好;嗜好model 模型 collect 收集 stamp 邮票 more 更、更多 than 比 more than 多于... country 国家 keep 保持;饲养 animal 动物 every 每 during 在......期间 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing coloured 彩色的 sky 天空 place 地方 drawing 画 Unit 3 I can swim very fast That’s right. 对的together 一起far 遥远的 Unit4 Can you do my homework ? talk 讲话;谈话 speak 说 thing 东西 count 数、数数 Unit 5 Where is Ben? maybe 可能 find 找到 look for 寻找 Ice cream 冰淇淋 Unit 6 At the weekend weekend 周末 busy 忙的 wake up 醒来 early 早的、早地 Mrs 太太 market 市场 son 儿子 palace 宫殿 Children’s Palace 少年宫

out 外面 have (some) fun 娱乐 cinema 电影院 seldom 极少地 stay 停留;待在...(地方) Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea? coffee 咖啡 tea 茶 drink 喝、饮料 cup 杯 a cup of 一杯...... milk 牛 something 某事、某物 cold 冷的 hot 热的、辣的 coke 可乐 sure 确信、肯定的 bottle 瓶子 a bottle of 一瓶...... juice 果汁 glass 玻璃杯 can 罐Unit 8 Let’s have both both (两者)都should 应该 rice 米,饭dumpling 饺子noodle 面条 enjoy 欣赏;喜欢bread 面包sandwich 三文治hamburger 汉堡包chips 炸薯条 worry 担心 starter 第一道菜tomato 西红柿 egg 鸡蛋、蛋 soup 汤 main 主要的 main course 主菜meat 肉vegetable 蔬菜potato 马铃薯dessert 甜品


1、重点语法:一般过去时 2、频率的表达 3、may,may be 与maybe的区别: may be就是两个词,为情态动词may(可以,可能)+联系动词be,意为”可能就是”. maybe 就是一个词,意为”也许”,为副词,通常放在句首,做状语,不可作表语. may 就是情态动词,"可以可能",may +动词原形如果后面有动词原形用may、 4、I am sorry to hear that、 5、复习情态动词 用“should”与“shouldn’t”来陈述句子,委婉表达主语该做或不该做的事情, 后面加动词原形。同样用法的情态动词还有:must , need , can, could, may, might… 6、ask sb to do sth: 叫某人做某事反义短语: ask sb not to do sth: tell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人做某事 7、well: 1、副词,好地; 2、形容词,身体好good: 好的,只做形容词 8、keep a good diet、保持一个良好的饮食习惯。 9、复习不规则形容词的比较级、最高级 good/ well—better – best , bad/badly—worse—worst many/much—more—most, little—less—least far—farther—farthest 10、祈使句。祈使句就是用来表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等语气的句子。 肯定祈使句有以下几种类型: 1)Do型----Do(表示行为的动词原形)+宾语+… Sit down, please、 2)Be型----Be+名词/ 形容词+…Be quiet! 3)Let型----Let+宾语(通常就是第一或第三人称宾格)+动词原形+…Let’s go shopping、 第一人称,用let sb not do sth; 非第一人称,用don’t let sb do sth、 否定祈使句有以下2种类型: 1)Don’t型----Don’t+动词原形+… 2)No型----No+名词或动词ing形式、 11、介词 A、时间介词就是用来表示时间的介词: 1)on表示在具体的某一天或具体的某一天的上午、下午或晚上。 2)at表示在具体某一时刻或用于固定短语中。 3)in泛指一天的早、中、晚,还可以表示一段时间,如星期、月、年、季节等。 4)from… to…“从……到……”用来指时间范围。可指时间、地点、数字等。 5)before意思就是“在…、、之前”,after意思就是“在……之后”,用来表示时间的先后顺序。 B、空间介词就是用来表示空间或位置的介词。 1)on, over, above 的区分 2)under 与below 的区分 3)in 与at 的区分 4)between表示位置在两者之间;among表示位置在三者或者三者以上之间。 5)in front of与in the front of 的区分 12、buy sb、sth、= buy sth、for sb、表示给某人买某物buy的过去式


广州版六年级上册教材目录 Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? (5) ?词汇 (5) ?重点短语 (5) ?重点句型 (6) ?课文翻译 (7) ?知识点解析 (8) ?Unit1习题 (16) ?Unit1习题答案 (19) Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life (20) ?词汇 (20) ?重点短语 (21) ?重点句型 (22) ?课文翻译 (22) ?知识点解析 (23) ?Unit2习题 (27) ?Unit2习题答案 (30) Unit 3 Where are you from? (31) ?词汇 (31) ?重点短语 (32) ?句型 (32) ?课文翻译 (32) ?知识点解析 (33) ?Unit3习题 (40) ?Unit3习题答案 (44) Unit 4 I like the city very much (44) ?词汇 (44) ?重点短语 (45) ?重点句型 (46)

?知识点解析 (47) ?Unit4习题 (51) ?Unit4习题答案 (54) Unit 5 What’s the matter with you? (55) ?词汇 (55) ?重点短语 (56) ?重点句型 (57) ?课文翻译 (57) ?知识点解析 (58) ?Unit5习题 (67) ?Unit5习题答案 (70) Unit 6 The secret to good health (71) ?词汇 (71) ?重点词组 (71) ?重点句型 (72) ?课文翻译 (72) ?知识点解析 (73) ?Unit6习题 (83) ?Unit6习题答案 (86) Unit 7 What did you do yesterday? (88) ?词汇 (88) ?重点语法 (89) ?重点句型 (89) ?课文翻译 (90) ?知识点解析 (90) ?重点语法:一般过去时 (91) ?Unit7习题 (97) ?Unit7习题答案 (101) Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong (102)


广州版小学六年级上册单词表 Module 1 Country life Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? 1.field 田 2.pick 摘 3.grass 草 4. feed饲养,喂养 5.give给 6.cow 奶牛 7.sheep绵羊 8.other 其他 9.few 及少,几乎没有 10. A few几个11.goat山羊 12.goose 鹅 (复数geese) 13.river江,河 Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life 1. country农村 2.life 生活 3.grandparents 祖父(母),外祖父(母) 4.milk 挤奶 5. ride 骑 6.am上午 7.still 仍然 8.air 空气 9. take 花费 10.help..with 在….(方面)帮助 Module 2 City life Unit 3 Where are you from? 1.city 城市 2.student 学生 3.New York 纽约 4.America 美国 5.quiet安静的 6.cheap 便宜的 7.modern 现代化的 8.noisy 嘈杂的 9.wide宽阔的10.crowded拥挤的11. hotel 酒店12.comfortable 舒服的 13.heavy拥挤的,大量的14.slow缓慢 Unit 4 I like the city very much 1.postcard明信片; 2.dirty 脏的; 3.afraid 害怕 adj 4.Be afraid 害怕 5.because 因为 6.sell出售 7.countryside 农村 8.theatre 剧院 9.miss 想念 10.all day 整天

【最新】五年级下册英语试题- 教科版(广州深圳)

五年级英语期中水平测试卷 听力部分(35分) 一.听单词,并把其字母编号写在题前的括号内(10 分,每题1分) ( ) 1. A plant B colourful C autumn ( ) 2.A camp B winter C plan ( ) 3.A middle B classmate C answer ( ) 4. A test B forget C date ( ) 5.A month B museum C meeting ( ) 6.A seventh B ninth C third ( ) 7.A go camping B go mountain climbing C go for a picnic ( ) 8.A travel B beach C mountain ( ) 9. A have a good time B can’t wait to C I would like to ( ) 10.A in the morning B in the afternoon C that evening 二.听问句,选择最佳答语,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。每个句子读三次。(5分,每题1分) ( ) 1. A. I’d like to. B. No,it isn’t. C. Yes ,it is. ( ) 2. A. I play on the beach B.I plan to go mountain climbing C. I see a film. ( ) 3.A. It’s sunny B. It’s windy C. It’s rainy ( ) 4 .A. The second of May B. It’s Monday C. It’s May ( ) 5 .A. That evening B. In 10:00p.m C. At 9:a.m. 三.听句子三次,写出所缺单词(10分,每空1分) 1. What’s_______ like in ________? 2. ______you like to go for a______with us ? 3. It’s the ______of _______.


广州版小学英语六年级上册全册教案 目录 MODULE1 PLANS《Unit1 What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday》 (2) MODULE2 CITIES《Unit4 I Know This City!》 (8) MODULE2 CITIES《Unit5 Where Would They Like to Go on Holiday》 (13) MODULE3 AN INVITATION《Unit7 Ben Wants to Play Football》 (20) MODULE3 AN INVITATION《Unit9 Let’s Go Further》 (27) MODULE4 ON THE TELEPHONE《Unit11 Who’s Calling》 (34) MODULE4 ON THE TELEPHONE《Unit12 Let’s Go Further》 (39) MODULE5 THE PAST《Unit13 What Did You Do Yesterday》 (47) MODULE5 THE PAST《Unit14 What Was Judy’s Old School Like》 (52) MODULE6 FESTIVALS《Unit 16 Christmas Is Coming》 (59) MODULE6 FESTIVALS《Unit17 It’s the Spring Festival Soon》 (65) MODULE6 FESTIVALS《Unit18 Let’s Go Further》 (70)

MODULE1 PLANS《Unit1 What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday?》 1教学目标 1、“四会”掌握单词和词组:field, pick, grass, feed, giv e, cow, sheep, other, few, goat, goose, river 2、掌握句型:You can ... if you... 3、能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 4、通过本节课的学习,提高学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂活动的积极性,养成良好的学习习惯。 5、培养学生爱劳动的习惯,热爱生活。 2新设计 本课以“农场”情景展开话题,情景性强,单词主要以动词和名词为主,涉及动物类的单词容易上手,动词短语形象生动,语法以现在进行时为主,要应用形容词于实际中。 3学情分析 学生已掌握了什么 1、动物类单词的发音,记忆。 2、现在进行时态; 3、个别形容词的音形义和应用。


五年级下课文 Unit One What Does Sue Do on Weekdays XiaoLing:Who's the pretty girl in this photo,Miss White? Miss White:It's my former pupil Sue. She studies at Rose School in Leeds,England now. XiaoLing:Is her school near her home? Miss White: No,it isn't.So she gets up early. XiaoLing: How does she go to school? Does she go to school by underground? Miss White: No,there's no underground in Leeds. She always goes to school by school bus. XiaoLing: Does she study Chinese at school? Miss White: No, she studies maths,English,science,music,art, P.E.and other subjects. XiaoLing: Does she have lunch at school? Miss White: Y es,she has lunch at the school canteen. XiaoLing: Does she need to do her homework after school? Miss Whit e: Y es,she does.On weekdays she always does her homework for an hour after dinner. And she practises the piano for half an hour like you. XiaoLing:Really?How old is she? Miss White: She's twelve. XiaoLing: She's one year older than me. I want to be her pen friend. Could you help me? Miss White: I'd be glad to.Y ou may e-mail each other.


[最新]广州版小学英语五年级下教材广州版小学英语五年级(下)课本 教育科学出版社 Module One Unit 1 What Does Sue Do on Weekdays? VOCABULARY: former study Leeds early 从前的学习利兹早的 ]subject hour practise piano 学科小时练习钢琴 than Pen friend glad 比笔友高兴的 I'd be glad to. may e-mail each 我很乐意可以电子邮件各自的 other each other noon 其它的互相中午 begin teach soon 开始讲授不久 Dialogue: Who's the pretty girl in this photo,Miss White? It's my former pupil Sue. She studies at Rose School in Leeds,England now. Is her school near her home? No,it isn't.So she gets up early. How does she go to school?

Does she go to school by underground? No,there's no underground in Leeds. She always goes to school by school bus. Does she study Chinese at school? No,she studies maths,English,science,music,art,P.E.and other subjects. Does she have lunch at school? Yes,she has lunch at the school canteen. Does she need to do her homework after school? Yes,she does.On weekdays she always does her homework for an hour after dinner. And she practises the piano for half an hour like you. Really?How old is she? She's twelve. She's one year older than me. I want to be her pen friend. Could you help me? I'd be glad to.You may e-mail each other. Unit 2 What Should Jiamin Do? VOCABULARY: worried be worried about.... 闷闷不乐的担心。。。 tired hand in on time do well(in...) 疲劳的交上来按时 (在…方面)做得好,进展好 should worry catch up with 应该,将要担心赶上 together seldom shouldn't=should not finish 共同很少不应该完成 Dialogue:


广州新版五年级英语下册期末复习题 一、按要求写出单词。(10分) 1. Months月份:_______ _______ _______ _______ 2. Drinks饮料:_______ _______ _______ _______ 3. Week星期:________ _______ _______ ________ 4. Places场所:_______ _______ _______ ________ 5. Directions方位:_______ ______ ________ ______ __ 二、单项选择。(20分) ( ) 1. I love ______ in winter. A. make a snowman B. making a snow man C. makes a snowman ( ) 2. My father ____ to work _____ taxi ev

ery day. A. goes …on B. go …by C . goes …by ( ) 3. They will ____ in Shanghai ____ J une ____ October. A. stay, from…to B. stay, from…on C. stays, from…on ( ) 4. Summer is best for ______. A. swim B. swimming C. swims ( ) 5. I can’t ski. My friend Jim can’t ski ________. A. too B. either C. again ( ) 6. We are _______ a party tomorrow. A. going to has B. go to h ave C. going to have ( ) 7. ________ you ________ free next Su nday A. Will; are B. Will; be C. Do; be ( ) 8. ---Would you like to visit the museum ---________ A.Yes, please. B. Sure, I'd love to. C. Sorr


最新2020年广州最新版五年级英语下册知识点和练习 Unit 1 What’s your favourite season? 一、单词回顾: 多彩的________ 选择;宁愿要_______ 冬天________ 也_________秋天_________ 滑雪___________ 种植;植物_______ 野营_______去野营_________ 二、重点短语: go skiing 去滑雪plant flowers 种花play outdoor 在户外玩 look at 看…… in the tree 在树上really love 确实喜欢 like swimming 喜欢游泳go skiing 去滑雪 make a snowman 堆雪人 fly a kite 放风筝 三、重点句型: 1. --What’s your favourite season? --My favourite season is summer. 2. –What season do you like best? --I like spring best. 四、重点分析: 1. in the tree 和 on the tree 都可以表示“在树上”; in the tree表示外来的东西在树上; on the tree表示树本身的东西. the birds ___ the tree the fruit ___ the tree the flowers ___ the tree the cat ___ the tree 2. the best time for swimming = the best time to swim [注意for 后面的动词要用ing形式,to 后面要用动词原形. When is the best time for visiting Beijng / to visit Beijing ? 3. prefer表示对比,意思是“更喜欢;更愿意,宁愿;更倾向于…..” I don’t want to go out. I prefer to stay at home. 4. either 用于否定句中,表示“也”,相当于肯定句或疑问句中的“too”. My father loves hot food. My mother enjoys hot food too. My father can’t drive. My mother can’t drive either. 【随堂练习】一、用所给的单词填空. go skiing go swimming plant flowers fly a kite 1. We can ___________ in winter. 2. We can ___________ in summer. 3. We can ___________ in spring. 4. We can __________ in autumn. 二、根据中文意思,把下列句子补充完整. 1. She likes _________ (去野营)in summer. 2. They always __________ (在户外玩耍)at the weekend. 3. It’s hot is summer. I _________ (更喜欢)spring. 4. My ____________ (最喜欢的水果)is grapes. 5. Look at the ____________ (五颜六色的花). Do you like them? 1. I often go swimming in summer. 2. We can see many beautiful flowers in spring. 3. Autumn is the best season to travel. 4. The people usually sit by the fire in the evening of winter. 模块练习 (二)笔试 三、读下面单词,找出发音不同的一项. ( ) 1. A. doctor B. summer C. farmer D. what ( ) 2. A. China B. apple C. again D. cinema


2017最新广州版英语五年级上册知识点汇总 知识点概要: Module 1 Hobbies Unit 1 What’s your hobby? Unit 2 His hobby is drawing Module 2 Abilities Unit 3 I can swim very fast Unit 4 Can you do my homework? Module 3 Daily life Unit 5 Where is Ben? Unit 6 At the weekend Module 4 Foods and drinks Unit 7 Do you want coffee or tea? Unit 8 Let’s have both Module 5 Foods we need Unit 9 It smells delicious Unit 10 Different tastes Module 6 Weather Unit 11 What’s the weather like today? Unit 12 Four season in a day

以下为详细内容 ▼ Module 1 Hobbies Unit 1 What’s your hobby? 一、兴趣爱好的词组 play computer games play music collect stamps keep pets make model ships read books take photos make cakes plant trees grow flowers study plants listening to music singing dancing drawing play the piano play chess play basketball… 二、句型 1. What’s your hobby? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 2. Do you like…? 3. I love/like… 4. I enjoy … 5. My (favourite) hobby is … 6. …is my (favourite) hobby. 7. Is your hobby keeping pets? Yes, it’s. / No, it isn’t. 三、重点精析


2017最新广州版英语六年级上册知识点汇总 知识点概要: Module 1 Country life Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? Unit 2 A country life is a healthy life Module 2 City life Unit 3 Where are you from? Unit 4 I like the city very much Module 3 Health Unit 5 What’s the matter with you? Unit 6 The secret to good health Module 4 Past experiences Unit 7 What did you do yesterday? Unit 8 A trip to Hong Kong Module 5 Changes Unit 9 Was I a good girl back then? Unit 10 Then and now Module 6 Festival Unit 11 I like the Spring Festival best Unit 12 Christmas

以下为详细内容 ▼ Module 1 Country life Unit 1 What are those farmers doing? 一、词组 feed the chickens and ducks feed the pigs feed the horse grow flowers and vegetables plant trees cut grass any other on the farm a few… 二、句型: 1.What are those farmers doing? They’re cutting grass to feed the animals. 2.What do you grow on your farm? 3.We have a few goats and pigs. 4.There are fruit trees in this field. 5.There is a cow on the farm. 三、重点精析: 1. any other + 名词单数,指一堆当中的的某一个 any other + 名词复数,指一堆当中的一些


六年级英语作文范文汇总一、用至少40个单词叙述你想象中的农场。 This is a big farm. There are some horses,some geese,a few trees in this can pick some apples if you ’re that field I grow carrots. Do you like it? 二、用至少40个单词叙述你在广州的生活情况。 Guangzhou is a big and beautiful are many cars and buses here. So it is noisy and the traffic is are many flowers and trees in the weekdays,I go to school,I do my weekends,I go to the parks .I like the city life very much. 三、The secret to good health(健康的秘诀) You can do some simple things to stay ,get plenty of sleep,at least 8 hours each ,keep a good diet. Eat more vegetables and less ,take plenty of , the most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy. 四、用至少40个单词叙述你过去某一天的活动安排。、Yesterday I got up at 6: had breakfast I went to school on foot. In the morning I had 4 lessons. Then I had lunch at school at 12: the afternoon. I had 3 lessons. After school, I played games with my friends and then I went home. I went to bed at 10:00 五、用至少40个单词叙述你过去的一次外出活动。


Unit 1 What Is Our Life Like? Tomorrow[t??m?r?u] 明天 start [sta:t] 开始;出发 always[??:lweiz] 总是 never [?nev?] 从不;决不 before [bi?f?:] 在...之前 London [?l?nd?n] 伦敦 Toy [t??] 玩具 weekend [?wi:k?end]周末 open [??up?n] 开着的;打开的 go to work 去工作;上班 do some reading 读点书 How often...? 多久…,多常时间...? surf [s?:f] 浏览;冲浪运动 net [net] 网 surf the Net 上网 museum [mju:?zi?m]博物馆 quite [kwait] 相当;十分 palace [?p?lis]宫;宫殿 Children's Palace 少年宫 walk [w?:k] 走路;行走 go for a walk去散步 drink[dri?k]喝 take exercise[?eks?,saiz] 锻炼身体 after class 下课后 life [laif] 生活 Unit 2 How Many Terms Do Y ou Have in a School Y ear? term[t?:m] 学期 first [f?:st] 第一;首先 autumn[??:t?m] 秋天 second [?sek?nd] 第二 winter [?wint?] 冬天 third [θ?:d] 第三 spring [spri?]春天 summer [?s?m?] 夏天 September[s?p?temb?] 九月 end [end] 结束;末端


广州版小学英语六年级上课本 unit 01 Module 1 Plans Unit 1 - What Are We Going to Do for Our Holiday? Vocabulary plan 计划 pearl珍珠 the Pearl River 珠江 cruise漫游;游弋 instead代替 have been to 到过 temple庙 the Six Banyan Temple 六榕寺 have fun 玩得开心 dim sum点心 lot 许多 a lot of 许多...... clothes 衣服 yummy味道好的;好吃的

Mr Webb:Well, it's your school holiday soon. What are we going to do? Janet:Shall we go on the Pearl River Cruise? Ben:A cruise? Boring! Let's go to Xiangjiang Zoo instead! I'm going to see white tigers. Janet:Oh no. We have been to the zoos in Guangzhou many times. We're going to the Six Banyan Temple. We're going to take photos, and all of us are going to have fun there. Ben:It's boring too. Mr Webb:Let's go to Baiyun Hill. We are going to watch birds there. Janet:We can see more birds at the zoo than on Baiyun Hill. Mrs Webb:Shall we go shopping in Xiajiu Road? Then we can have dim sum at the famous Guangzhou Restaurant. Janet:Good idea! I want to buy some new clothes. There are a lot of beautiful clothes there. Ben:Great! I like Guangdong dim sum. Yummy, yummy! unit 02 Unit 2 What Shall We Do? go fishing 去钓鱼 love 爱 stupid愚蠢的


五年级下册单词 Unit1 What is your favourite season? colourful 多彩的 prefer 选择;宁愿 winter 冬天 either 也 autumn 秋天 ski 滑雪 plant 种植;植物 camp 野营;营地 go camping 去野营 Unit2 It’s the middle of winter middle 中间的;中等的 classmate 同班同学 Australia 澳大利亚 answer 回答 China 中国 too..to.. 太..以致不… if 如果 Unit3 We are going to have an English test test 考试 date 日期 be going to 打算;将 forget 忘记 important 重要的 month 月 museum 博物馆 meeting 会议 open day 开放日 farm 农场 third 第三 fifth 第五 eighth 第八 ninth 第九 Unit4 Have a good time in Hainan travel 旅行 mountain 大山 climb 爬mountain climbing 爬山 beach 海滨 deer 鹿(单复数一样) have a good time 过得愉快 Unit5 Would you like to go with us? invitation 邀请 hey 嗨 guy 小伙子;家伙 nothing 没有东西;没有事情 why 为什么 plan 计划 would 将;将会;愿意 Would you like…? 你愿意…吗?sound 听起来 gate 大门 cool 太妙了;酷 Oh dear! 天啊! problem 问题 film 电影 match 比赛 centre 中心 supermarket 超市 Unit6 See you at the party I’d like to…=I would like to… 我想(做)…. invite 邀请 special 特别的 surprise 惊奇;使惊奇 excited(使)激动的 begin 开始 p.m. 下午 arrive 到达 call 叫;打电话 Unit7 We will go by train by 乘;由 train 火车 leave 离开 exciting 激动地;兴奋的 valley 山谷 island 岛 taxi 出租车


授课教案 学员姓名:________________ 学员年级:________________ 授课教师:_________________ 所授科目:_________ 上课时间:______年____月____日(~);共_____课时 一、单词达人(U16--U17) 一般将来时讲解及练习 一、一般将来时的定义:一般将来时表示在将来时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,与表示将来的时间连用。tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…),soon, the day after tomorrow(后天)等。如:She will visit Shanghai tomorrow. 二、一般将来时的构成 1.一般将来时有两种构成形式: (1)主语+shall/will+do (2)主语+ be going to + do 在表示“打算到某地去时”由于谓语动词go与going重复,一般可以只说be going to a place。 三、一般将来时的用法 1.(1)主语+shall/will+do (will可用于所有人称,shall只用于第一人称I和we) 这种结构不是表示自己的打算、意图或计划,而是表示未来的事实或对将来的预测等如: No one will do heavy work. Robots will do everything for us. (2)主语+ be going to + do这种结构常用来表达自己打算做某事、计划做某事或者有意做某事。注

意:be 动词要与主语的人称和数一致,如: I am going to do some reading tomorrow. He is going to have a piano lesson next week. We are going to have a party this Friday. 2.通常情况下will 和 be going to能互换,但是be going to 与will 用法的也是有点区别的(1)只用will不用be going to的情况: ①表示对未来时间与年龄的推测时,如: Tomorrow will be Monday. She will be thirteen next year. ②表示必然发生时,如: Fish will die without water. People will die if all green plants die. (2)只用be going to而不用will的情况: 如果表示已有迹象表明在不久的将来要发生的事情时,如: Look at those black clouds, It’s going to rain. 3.某些动词如:go/come/leave/start/begin/arrive等,它们的现在进行时可以表示将来时,如:They are leaving for Shanghaitomorrow. My brother is coming here soon. 四、一般将来时的句式变换
