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北京版一年级英语教 材 介绍

北京版一年级英语教 材 介绍


Hello! I’m Miss Wang. What’s your name? My name is Maomao. hello boat coat name a gate a cake a lake good wood foot Stand up. Sit down. Put up your hands. Put down your hands. Unit2 Good morning/afternoon/evening/night, Miss Wang. hi kite bike bee evening key knee a bag a cat dad Open your book. Close your book. Read after me. Again. Unit3 Good morning. How are you? I’m fine. Thanks. And you? I’m fine, too. Goodbye, boys and girls. Bye-bye, Kate. goodbye a cook a book mum cup a nut a hut you a uniform UFO Come here. Go back to your seat. Unit4 This is my friend/Lala. Hi, Lala. Hi, Guoguo. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. eyes night my too a spoon the moon a dish a fish Lily Who will try? Let me try. I will.


.. Lesson1 Hello,Baobao!你好,宝宝!Hello,Maomao!你好,毛毛!Hello,boys and girls!I ’m Miss Wang.大家好,我是王老师。 Hello,Miss Wang.王老师好。 hello你好a boat一条船a coat 一件外套 Hello,hello,let’s go.你好,你好,我们走吧。 Take your coat,let ’s go.带着你的外套,让我们走吧。 Hello,hello,let’s go.To my boat,let ’s go. 到我的船上,我们走吧。Lesson2 Hi!I ’m Lingling.嗨!我是玲玲。 What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is Maomao. 我叫毛毛 Hello!I ’m Maomao. what’s your name? My name is Guoguo. name名字a gate一个门a cake 一个蛋糕a lake 一个湖 Kate,Kate,at the gate.凯特,凯特,在门口。 She is looking for her cake. 她正在寻找她的蛋糕。 Cake,cake,by the lake.蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边。 Kate is looking at her cake.凯特正看着她蛋糕。 Lesson3 Hello,Maomao!Hi,Guoguo! Hello!what’s your name?My name is Good Boy. 我的名字是好男孩。 good wood木材a foot一只脚 A foot,a foot,一只脚,一只脚,A foot is on the wood.一只脚放在木头上。 The wood,the wood,木头,木头, The wood is under the foot.木头在脚下。 Lesson4 第1页,共 10页 Stand up,please.起立 Sit down,please.坐下 Put up your hands,please.请举起你们的手。 Please put down your hands.请放下你们的手。 Hello歌词 Hello!Hello!Hello! How are you?I ’m fine. I ’m fine.我很好。 I hope that you are, too.我希望你也一样。 Lesson5 Good morning Miss Wang!早上好,王老师。 Hi,boys and girls! Good afternoon,bays and girls! Good afternoon,Mr.Li!下午好,李老师。 hi a kite一只风筝 a bike一辆自行车 I have a bike,我有一辆自行车, I like my bike.我喜欢我的自行车。


Lesson 1 Hello, Baobao! 你好,宝宝! Hello, Maomao! 你好,毛毛!Hello, boys and girls! I’m Miss Wang. 大家好,我是王老师。 Hello, Miss Wang. 王老师好。 hello你好 a boat 一条船 a coat一件外套 Hello, hello, let’s go. 你好,你好,我们走吧。 Take your coat, let’s go. 带着你的外套,让我们走吧。 Hello, hello, let’s go. To my boat, let’s go.到我的船上,我们走吧。Lesson 2 Hi! I’m Lingling. 嗨!我是玲玲。What’s your name?你叫什么名字? My name is Maomao. 我叫毛毛 Hello! I’m Maomao. what’s your name? My name is Guoguo. name名字 a gate 一个门 a cake一个蛋糕 a lake一个湖 Kate, Kate, at the gate. 凯特,凯特,在门口。 She is looking for her cake. 她正在寻找她的蛋糕。 Cake, cake, by the lake. 蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边。 Kate is looking at her cake. 凯特正看着她蛋糕。 Lesson 3 Hello, Maomao! Hi, Guoguo! Hello! what’s your name? My name is Good Boy. 我的名字是好男孩。 good wood木材 a foot一只脚 A foot, a foot, 一只脚,一只脚,A foot is on the wood. 一只脚放在木头上。 The wood, the wood, 木头,木头, The wood is under the foot. 木头在脚下。 Stand up, please. 起立 Sit down, please. 坐下 Put up your hands, please. 请举起你们的手。 Please put down your hands. 请放下你们的手。 Hello 歌词 Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? I’m fine. I’m fine. 我很好。 I hope that you are, too. 我希望你也一样。 Lesson 5 Good morning Miss Wang! 早上好,王老师。 Hi, boys and girls! Good afternoon, bays and girls! Good afternoon, Mr. Li! 下午好,老师。 hi a kite一只风筝 a bike 一辆自行车 I have a bike, 我有一辆自行车, I like my bike. 我喜欢我的自行车。


(一)hello你好 a boat小船 a coat外套Hello,hello,let’s go. 你好,你好,我们出发吧。Take your coat, 带上你的外套, Go to my boat. 去我的小船上。 Boy男孩girl 女孩boys and girls同学们 (二)name名字a gate大门 a cake蛋糕 a lake 湖 Kate,kate,at the gate, 凯特,凯特,在门口。Cake,cake,by the lake, 蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边,Kate is looking at the cake. 凯特在看着那块蛋糕 (三)good 好wood 木头 a foot 脚 A foot,a foot, 一只脚,一只脚 a foot is on the wood. 一只脚踩在木头上。

The wood,the wood, 木头,木头 The wood is under the foot. 木头在脚下。 Good morning早上好 Good noon 中午好Good afternoon 下午好Good evening晚上好Good night晚安 Stand up,please. 请起立Sit down,please.请坐下 Put up your hands,please. 请举起你的手。Please put down your hands.请放下你的手 (四)hi你好 a kite 风筝 a bike 自行车 I have a bike, 我有一辆自行车, I like my bike. 我喜欢我的自行车, I have a kite, 我有一只风筝,


Lesson 1 Hello, baobao! Hello ,maomao! Hello,boys and girls! Im miss wang. 你好,你好,那走吧! Take your coat,let ’s go. Hello,hello,let ’s go. To my boat,let ’s go. Lesson 2 Hi! I’m lingling. What ’s your name? My name is maomao. Hello! I’m maomao what ’s your name? She is looking for her cake. Cake,cake,by the lake. Kate is looking at her cake. Lesson 3 Hello, maomao! Hi, guoguo, Hello, what’s your name? A foot, is on the wood. The wood, the wood, The wood is under the foot. Lesson 4略 Lesson 5 Good morning miss wang! Hi,boys and girls! Good afternoon bays and girls! Good afternoon, mr li! I like my bike. I have a kite, L like my kite. Lesson 6 Good evening, grandpa! Good evening, lingling! Good night, lingling! Good night, grandpa! I see a key on his knee. What do you see? I see a bee on his knee. Lesson 7 Good moming maomao! Good morning, mum! Good evening, dad! Good evening, maomao! A bag, a black bag, A fat cat in a black bag. Lesson 9 Good morning, guoguo! Haw are you? I’m fine, thanks. Goodbye, guoguo! A cook has a book. A book, a book, The book is a cookbook. Lesson 10 Good evening, guoguo, how are you today? Fine, thank you mum.


北京版一年级英语上学期汇总 一、单词: 交通工具:boat bike car 衣服:coat uniform skirt 食物:cake nut fish 动物:bee cat mouse fish bird deer dog 身体部位:foot knee eyes beard ears 餐具: cup spoon dish 月亮星星:moon star 学习用具:bag pen book 玩具:yo-yo kite 其她:lake gate house wood key cook UFO night firl box bed 二、对话: ——Hello, boys and girls! ——Hello, Miss Wang! ——Hi! What’s your name? ——My name is Maomao、 ——I am Lingling、 ——Good morning, Maomao!

——Good morning, Lingling! ——Hi, boys and girls! ——Good afternoon, Miss Wang! ——Good evening, Yangyang! ——Good evening, Mom and Dad! ——Good night, Lingling! ——Good night, Dad! ——Goodbye, Yangyang! ——Goodbye, Guoguo! ——Bye-bye, Guoguo! Come, Kate、Let’s go、——Bye-bye, Yangyang! Bye-bye, Kate! ——Goodbye, boys and girls! ——See you, Kate! ——How are you, Guoguo? ——I’m fine、Thank you、 ——How are you, Lala? ——Fine、And you? ——I’m fine, too、 ——How are you, Big Bird? ——Fine、Thank you、How are you? ——I’m fine, too、 ——Good afternoon, Aunt Liu! ——Hi! What’s your name? ——I’m Lingling、 ——Nice to meet you, Lingling、 ——Nice to meet you, too、 ——Hi! What’s your name? ——My name is Kate、 ——Nice to meet you、 ——Merry Christmas to you! ——Merry Christmas, Santa!


北京版一年级英语上学期汇总 单词: a boat 小船 a coat 外衣 a cake蛋糕a gate大门 a lake湖 a foot脚wood圆木 a kite风筝 a bike自行车a key钥匙 a knee膝盖 a bee蜜蜂 a cat猫 a bag包 a cook厨师a book书 a cup杯子 a nut坚果 a hut茅屋 a yo-yo溜溜球 a UFO飞碟a car小汽车 a star星星 a mouse老鼠a house房子 a bird小鸟 a skirt裙子a girl女孩the moon月亮 a spoon勺子eyes眼睛night夜晚 a fish鱼 a dish盘子 a bed床 a pen钢笔 a box盒子 a dog狗 a deer 鹿ears耳朵 a beard胡子 对话: ——Hello, boys and girls! ——Hello, Miss Wang! ——Hi! What’s your name? ——My name is Maomao. ——I am Lingling. ——Good morning, Maomao! ——Good morning, Lingling! ——Hi, boys and girls! ——Good afternoon, Miss Wang! ——Good evening, Yangyang! ——Good evening, Mom and Dad! ——Good night, Lingling! ——Good night, Dad! ——Goodbye, Yangyang! ——Goodbye, Guoguo! ——Bye-bye, Guo guo! Come, Kate. Let’s go. ——Bye-bye, Yangyang! Bye-bye, Kate!

北京版小学一年级英语一年级起点上册教案Lesson 11

Unit3 How are you? Lesson3 Teaching aims 1.Knowledge objectives Be able to read and write the letters correctly.Ability objectives 2.Ability objectives Students can read the letters:Cc,Dd and write them correctly. 3.Emotion objectives Create students' interests in learning English. Teaching difficulties and important points. Students can read the letters:Cc,Dd and write them correctly. Teaching aids Tape, pictures, etc.. Revision What's your name? My name is... How are you?I'm fine/well/good,thank you. Teaching process Step1.Warm up 1.Sing a song: What's your name? 2.Free talk T: Hello, what's your name? S1: Hi, my name is xx. T:How are you, xx? S1:I'm fine/well/good, thank you. T-S, S-S Step2.Presentation and practice 1.Review the letters:Aa,Bb

北京版 一年级英语上册期末试卷

一年级英语期末试卷 二、听力部分 一Listen and tick (听录音,勾出听到的图片)16分1. 2. () ()( ) ( ) ()3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ()5. 6. ()()()()7. 8. ()( )( ) ( ) 二Listen and circle. (听录音,圈出听到的内容)16分 1. fish dish 2. cake lake 3. morning evening 4. car card 5.ear beard 6. boat coat 6.I can jump. I can swim. 7.Happy Chinese New year! Happy New year!

8.This is my uncle. This is my auntie. 三Listen and number. ( 听录音,根据听到的顺序编号)16分1. ()()()() 2. ()()()() 四Listen and choose ( 听录音,圈出正确的应答句)12分 1.Good morning Good afternoon. 2.Fine, thank you. No, I can’t. 3.Merry Christmas. Happy Chinese New year. 4.Goodbye. Hello. 5.I can dance. Kitty can dance. 6.Nice to meet you. I can fly. 五Listen and judge.(听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符的用“√”表示,不符的用“×”表示)10分 ()()()()


第一学期一年级英语 班级姓名成绩 听力部分(60分) 一、听单词,与图片相符的画“√”,不相符的画“×”。单词读两遍。10分 1.2.3. 4. ( )( ) ()( ) 5. 6.7 8 () () () () 9 10 ( ) ( ) 二、听单词,将听到的图片圈起来。10分 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 三、按听到的顺序给单词排序号,单词读两遍。10分 1. ()()() 2. ( ) ()() 3. () ( )()( ) 四、将听到的单词圈起来。单词读两遍。10分 (1)boat coat (2)lakecake(3) gate late (4)wood foot (5) bag bed(6)key knee (7) catbag(8) cuphut (9) kite bike(10) cat kite 五、选出听到的句子,把字母选项写在题前括号内。10分 ( )1. A.Hello,boys andgirls! B.Hi,Lingling! ( )2. A. Good morning, Maomao! B.Goodmorning, Lingling! ( )3. A. My name is Maomao. B. I am Maomao.

( )4. A. Comehere, please. B.Sit down,please. ()5, A. I see a key on his knee. B. Iseeabee on his arm. 六、按听到的顺序给句子排序号。10分 ()Good morning,Lingling! ()Good afternoon, Miss Wang! (1)Hello, boys and girls! ( )Goodbye,Guoguo! ( )What’syour name? ()Goodnight! 笔试部分 一、选择与图片相符的单词,把单词圈起来。10分 1.cat bag 2.wood foot 3.kite bike 4. keybee 5.cake gate 二、把字母选项写在图片下。5分 A.Kate B.Maomao C.Lingling D.wood E. Lala ()() ()()( ) 三.将单词序号写在方框内。6分 1. bag 2. knee 3. bee 4. kite 5. key 6.bike


●Lesson 1 Hello,Baobao! Hello,Maomao! Hello,Miss Wang! Hello,Boys and girls! I’m Miss Wang. Hello a boat b coat Hello,hello,let’s go. Take your coat, Go to my boat. ●Lesson 2 Hi!I’m Lingling,what’s your name? My Name is Maomao. Hello!I’m Maomao. Whar’s your name? My name is Guoguo. name a gate a cake a lake Kate,Kate,at the gate, Cake,cake,by the lake, Kate is looking at the cake. ●Lesson 3 Hello ,Maomao! Hi ,Guoguo. Hello!What’s your name? My name is Goog Boy. good wood a foot A foot,a foot A foot is on the wood. The wood,the wood, The wood is under the foot. ●Lesson 4 Lake coat foot cake gate foot cake Stand up,please. Sit down,please. Put up your hands,please. Please put down your hands.


最新北京版小学英语一年级上册单词表 共6个单元 UNIT ONE HELLO! I’M MAOMAO good a. 好;好的;良好 hello int. 喂;你好(表示打招呼,问候或唤起注意) gate n. 大门;门 cake n. 蛋糕,糕点;饼 lake n. 湖 name n. 名字,姓名,名称;名义; vt. 命名,名叫 wood n. 木头,木材;(复)树木,森林 coat n. 外套;涂层;表皮;皮毛; vt. 给……穿外套;涂上 boat n. 小船,小舟 ; n.vi. 船;划船 foot n. 足,脚;英尺 UNIT TWO GOOD MORNING hi int. 你好;嗨(表示打招呼、问候或唤起注意) dad n. (口语)爸爸,爹爹 evening n. 傍晚,晚上 kite n. 风筝 cat n. 猫 bee n. 蜜蜂 bag n. 书包;提包;袋子;口袋 knee n. 膝盖 key n. 钥匙;答案;键;关键 bike n. 自行车 UNIT THREE HOW ARE YOU? UFO(= unidentified flying object ); n. 不明飞行物;飞碟Mum n. (口语)妈妈 cup n. 茶杯;杯子 cook n. 炊事员,厨师; v. 烹调;做饭;煮饭;煮食(过去式cooked) nut n. 坚果,坚果仁(胡桃,栗子等) book n. 书;本子 v. 预定,定(房间、车票等) hut n. 小屋 goodbye n. 再见;再会 uniform n. 制服 you pron. 你;你们 UNIT FOUR NICE TO MEET YOU too ad. 也,还;又;太,过分;很,非常 lily n. 百合花


一年假上册复习重点 1. 你想知道别人叫什么名字,应该怎样问? What’s your name? 2. 你想表达自己的名字“我是/ 叫……”,可以怎样说?(两种) My name is ……和I’m … 3. 下午在学校见到王老师(女),应该怎样问好? Good afternoon, Miss Wang. 4. 晚上跟妈妈问好,应该怎样说? Good evening, Mum. 5. 晚上睡觉前跟爸爸说晚安,怎样表达? Good night, Dad. 6. 你想表达“你好吗”和它的答语,应该怎样说? --- How are you? --- I’m fine. Thank you. 或者---Fine. Thanks. 7. 你要把自己的朋友Lala 介绍给妈妈,应该怎么说? Mum, this is my friend, Lala. 8. 第一次和新朋友Kate 见面,应该怎样打招呼? Nice to meet you, Kate. 9. 你想表达“我会放风筝”,应该怎样说? I can fly a kite. 10. 你想表达“你会开汽车吗?”,应该怎样说? 并分别做肯定回答(“是的,我会”)和否定回答(“不,我不会”)。 ---Can you drive a car? --- Yes, I can. ---No, I can’t. 11. 你想邀请朋友跟一起读这本书,应该怎样说? Let’s read this book. 12. 如何用英语表达“圣诞快乐”、“元旦快乐”、“春节快乐”? 圣诞快乐Merry Christmas! 元旦快乐Happy New Year! 春节快乐Happy Chinese New Year!


Hello, Baobao! 你好,宝宝!Hello, Maomao! 你好,毛毛!Hello, boys and girls! I’m Miss Wang. 大家好,我是王老师。 Hello, Miss Wang. 王老师好。 hello你好 a boat 一条船 a coat一件外套 Hello, hello, let’s go. 你好,你好,我们走吧。 Take your coat, let’s go. 带着你的外套,让我们走吧。 Hello, hello, let’s go. To my boat, let’s go.到我的船上,我们走吧。Lesson 2 Hi! I’m Lingling. 嗨!我是玲玲。What’s your name?你叫什么名字? My name is Maomao. 我叫毛毛 Hello! I’m Maomao. what’s your name? My name is Guoguo. name名字 a gate 一个门 a cake一个蛋糕 a lake一个湖 Kate, Kate, at the gate. 凯特,凯特,在门口。 She is looking for her cake. 她正在寻找她的蛋糕。 Cake, cake, by the lake. 蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边。 Kate is looking at her cake. 凯特正看着她蛋糕。 Lesson 3 Hello, Maomao! Hi, Guoguo! Hello! what’s your name? My name is Good Boy. 我的名字是好男孩。good wood木材 a foot一只脚 A foot, a foot, 一只脚,一只脚, A foot is on the wood. 一只脚放在木头上。 The wood, the wood, 木头,木头, The wood is under the foot. 木头在脚下。


北京版小学英语一年级单词表(按单元) 一年级上册 Unit1 hello / boat / coat /name / cake / gate / lake /good / foot / wood Unit2 hi / kite / bike /evening / bee / key / knee /cat / bag / dad Unit3 goodbye / cook / book /mum / cup / nut / hut /you / UFO / uniform Unit4 my / eyes / night /fish / dish /too / moon / spoon Unit5 dance / star / car /out / mouse / house /bird / skirt / girl Unit6 dear / beard / deer / ears /box / dog /bed / pen 一年级下册 Unit1 apple / cat / banana / ball /cap / cow / duck / desk /egg / elephant Unit2 flag / gift / fox / grapes /head / hair /ice / ice cream / jam / juice Unit3 leaf / lion / kitten / king /nose / net / map / monkey /oil / orange Unit4 panda / peach / queen /snake / rabbit / river / ship /tiger / tire Unit5


一、教学目标 1、能听懂“I’m Miss Wang”的自我介绍,能用“hello”和别人打招呼。 2、能认读单词hello、a boat、a coat,感受他们所共同含有的元音因素。 3、能说唱小韵文hello、hello、let’s go。 二、教学重点、难点 1、教学重点 能听懂老师的自我介绍,能用hello和别人打招呼。 整体认读hello、a boat、a coat 2、教学难点 感受hello、a boat、a coat所含的共同元音 整体理解韵文含义。 三、教学准备 六位主线人物图片、教学课件 四、教学过程 (一)导入: T: Hello ! boys and girls. I’m your English teacher. I’m miss kang . 写板书 1.介绍英语的重要性。 2.自己的愿望和理想。 3.小结:激发学生学习英语的兴趣 (二)认识人物,理解对话 T:今天我给你们带来了几位新朋友,让我们来认识一下: 1.教师出示人物图片 T:This is mammao。。 教师领读“maomao” T:Who is she 以同样的方法教授其他人物。 教师分别出示图片,要求学生跟学生说出人物的名字。 巩固:用快速闪现的方法帮孩子进一步认识人物。 ;maomao和baobao和你们一样,每天早晨来学校上学,看,他们在干什么打招呼(听录音) 教师领读,学生跟读;角色扮演;学生分组练习 3.现在,他们来到了教室里,又发生了什么(听录音) 将几个男孩带到讲台前,让学生明白boys; 将几个女生带到讲台前,让学生明白girls。 练习老师与学生对话。 4.角色扮演。 Group work。 5.模拟交际。 (三)认读单词,感受发音 1.认识Kate和LaLa,学生用hello和他们打招呼。 2、词汇学习 (1)教师出示图片,认识单词boat. coat”。 (2)通过游戏让学生熟记跟读单词。


2018北京版一年级英语上学期汇总 对话: ——Hello, boys and girls! ——Hello, Miss Wang! ——Hi! What’s your name? ——My name is Maomao. ——I am Lingling. ——Good morning, Maomao! ——Good morning, Lingling! ——Hi, boys and girls! ——Good afternoon, Miss Wang! ——Good evening, Yangyang! ——Good evening, Mom and Dad! ——Good night, Lingling! ——Good night, Dad! ——Goodbye, Yangyang! ——Goodbye, Guoguo! ——Bye-bye, Guoguo! Come, Kate. Let’s go. ——Bye-bye, Yangyang! Bye-bye, Kate!

——Goodbye, boys and girls! ——See you, Kate! ——How are you, Guoguo? ——I’m fine. Thank you. ——How are you, Lala? ——Fine. And you? ——I’m fine, too. ——How are you, Big Bird? ——Fine. Thank you. How are you? ——I’m fine, too. ——Good afternoon, Aunt Liu! ——Hi! What’s your name?——I’m Lingling. ——Nice to meet you, Lingling. ——Nice to meet you, too. ——Hi! What’s your name?——My name is Kate. ——Nice to meet you. ——Merry Christmas to you! ——Merry Christmas, Santa! ——Happy New Year, Uncle Bob! ——Happy New Year, Guoguo! ——Happy New Year, Lingling! ——The same to you. 小韵文:


Hello, Hello, Let’s go.你好,你好,让我们出发。 Take your coat, Go on my boat. 穿上你的外套,坐上我的小船。 Wh at’s your name?你叫什么名字? My name is Maomao. 我叫毛毛。 Kate, Kate, at the gate, 凯特,凯特,在门边, Cake, cake, by the lake, 蛋糕,蛋糕,在湖边, Kate is looking at the cake. 凯特盯着蛋糕看。 A foot, a foot, 一只脚,一只脚, A foot is on the wood. 一只脚在木头上面。 The wood, the wood, 一块木头,一块木头 The wood is under the foot. 一块木头在一只脚下面。 Stand up, please. 请起立。 Sit down, please. 请坐下。 Put up your hands, please. 请举手。 Please put down your hands. 请放下手。 Good morning, Miss Wang. 早上好,王小姐。 Good afternoon, Mr Li. 下午好,李先生。 Good evening, Maomao. 晚上好,毛毛。 Good night, Mum. 晚安,妈妈。 I have a bike, 我有一辆自行车, I like my bike. 我喜欢我的自行车。 I have a kite, 我有一只风筝, I like my kite. 我喜欢我的风筝。 What do you see?你看见了什么? I see a key on his knee. 我看见一把钥匙在他的膝盖上。What do you see? 你看见了什么? I see a bee on his knee. 我看见一只蜜蜂在他的膝盖上。 A cat, a fat cat, 一只猫,一只肥猫, A bag, a black bag, 一个包包,一个黑色的包包, A fat cat in a black bag. 一只肥猫在一个黑色的包包里面。 Please open your books. 请打开你们的书。 Close your books, please. 请合上你们的书。 Please read after me. 请跟我读。 Again, please. 请再来一次。


Unit One Hello! I’M Maomao Lesson 1 Hello ,Baobao! Hello,Maomao. Hello.Miss Wang! Hello,boys and girls! I’m Miss Wang. 重点句型: Hello,... ! Hello,... ! Hello a boat a coat 小韵文: Hello,hello,let’s go.Take your coat,go to my boat. Lesson 2 Hi,I’m Lingling ,Wh at’s your name? My name is Maomao. Hello,I’m Maomao.What’s your name?My name is Guoguo. Name a gate a cake a lake 小韵文: Kate,kate ,at the game, Cake Cake,by the lake, Kate is looking at the cake . 重点句型:What’s your name? I’m ... . Lesson 3 Hello,Maomao! Hi Guoguo. Hello,What’s your name?My name is Good Boy. Good wood foot 小韵文: A foot,a foot, a foot is on the wood. The wood,the wood,The wood is under the foot.

Lesson 4 Stand up,please. Sit down,please. Put up your hands,please. Put down your hands.please. Unit TOW GOOD MORNING! Lesson 5 Good morning,Miss Wang! Hi ,boys and girls. Good afternoon,Mr Li! Good afternoon,boys and girls. 重点句型:Good afternoon,.... Good afternoon,... . Hi a kite a bike 小韵文: I have a bik, I like my bike. I have a kite,I like my Kite. Lesson 6 Good evening,Grandpa! Good evening,Lingling. Good night,Lingling! Good night,Grandpa. 重点句型:Good evening,... . Good evening,... . A bee evening a key a knee 小韵文: What do you see?I see a key on his knee. What do you see? I see a bee on his knee. Lesson 7


小学英语(北京版)一年级上册单元测试Unit 4 NICE TO MEET YOU 听力部分(70分) 一、听一听,排一排。(根据录音内容,给下列图标上正确的序号。)(12分)


()() 二、听录音,判断听到的内容与所给句子是否相符,相符的 用“√”表示,不相符的用“×”表示。(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,判断听到的内容与所给句子是否相符,相符的用“ ”表示,不相符的用“ ”表示。(18分)

( ) 1. Hi, little fish! This is my friend, Kate. ( ) 2. Hi, Auntie. ( ) 3. Nice to meet you, Lily. ( ) 4. How are you, Guoguo. ( ) 5. Hi, this is my mum. ( ) 6. Mum, this is my friend, Maomao. 四、听一听,排一排。听录音,按听到的顺序给句子编号。(10分)( ) Who will try? ( ) Go back to your seat, please. ( ) Let me try. ( ) Again, please. ( ) Sit down, please. 五、听一听,圈一圈。(根据录音内容,选择正确的图片,并将其编号圈起来。)(10分) 1. A. B.

2. A. B. 3. A. B.
