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英语非谓语动词讲解及练习 非谓语动词是指分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)、不定式、动名词等三种形式,即:doing , done , to do , doing 。当然它们有各自不同的变化形式,如: 现在分词 doing : 有being done(被动式); having done (完成式); having been do ne (完成被动式) 不定式to do : 有to be done (被动式); to have done (完成式); to be doing(进行式)动名词doing : 有having done(完成式); being done(被动式); 非谓语动词的特点:三种非谓语动词都具有动词的特征,虽然它们没有人称和数的变化,但是它们都能带自己的状语或有时跟宾语。它们都有各自的特征:分词具有形容词和副词的特征;动名词具有名词的特征;不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的特征。具体来讲:分词在句子中可以做定语、表语、状语或补足语等;动名词在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语等;不定式在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、补足语或状语。 下面分别对三种非谓语动词进行讲解: 一、动词不定式 先看几个例句,判断不定式在句中的成分。 1.To learn a foreign language is difficult . 2.His wish is to be a driver . 3.Tom wanted to have a cup of beer . 4.The teacher told us to do morning exercises . 5.I have nothing to say . 6.They went to see their aunt . 7.It’s easy to see their aunt. 8.I don’t know what to do next . 9.I heard them make a noise . 说明:1.动词不定式作主语, 2.动词不定式作表语,3.动词不定式作宾语,4.动词不定式作宾语补足语,5.动词不定式作定语,6.动词不定式作目的状语,7.动词不定式作真正主语,it 代替动词不定式,作形式主语。8.带有连接代词的动词不定式作宾语,9.不带to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。 掌握动词不定式应注意的几个问题: 1.“to” 是不定式符号还是介词,下列短语中的to 都是介词。 agree to object to close to , come to , lead to , refer to , equal to , familiar to , point to , thank to , devote to , next to , belong to , be used to , look forward to 2.带to 还是不带to I have no choice but to give in I cannot do anything but give in I saw him enter the classroom . (但是:He was seen to enter the classroom .) 3.动词不定式逻辑主语是由for 作为标记的。但是有时用of . It’s necessary for you to study hard . It’s foolish of him to do it . 与of 连用的形容词有: good, kind , nice , wise ,clever , foolish , right , wrong , careful , careless , polite , possible


非谓语动词讲解 非谓语动词:a.动词不定式 b. v-ing c.过去分词 概述:1.谓语动词:在句子中担任谓语的动词 2. 非谓语动词:是动词的特殊形式,在句中可以作除谓语外的所有 成分 非谓语动词使用条件 一个句子当中,已经存在一个主句 (谓语动词),又没有连词的情 况下,还有别的动词出现时。 She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat. She got off the bus, but left her handbag on her seat. 动词不定式 .动词不定式的时态和被动形式 动词不定式是非谓语动词的一种,由不定式符号 (to)加动词原形 构成。不定式的形式有五种: I like to read English. He seemed to be reading something at that He seemed to have cleaned the room. The work is to be done soon. 5. 完成被动式 to have been done The boy is said to have been sentto hospital yesterday. 疑问词+动词不定式 What, who, which, where, when, how, why 等疑问词构成不定式短 语,这种短语在句子中可作主语、宾语和表语等成分。 二.动词不定式的用法 I.作主语 (1) 不定式做主语时,可以直接放在谓语动词之前。 To see is to believe . Not to get there in time is your fault. (2) 注:常用it 做形式主语,将to do 位于之后,使句子保持平衡 句型1: It +谓语+(+sb.)+时间/金钱+ to do It takes us an hour _to__ get there by bus. 1. 一般式 to do 2. 进行式 to be doing time. 3. 完成式 to have done 4. 被动式 to be done


非谓语:(不能单独做谓语,但同时仍保留动词某些特征的动词形式。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的任何成分。) 一、不定式与动名词做主语 1.动名词做主语往往表示普通的、一般习惯的行为,不定式做主语常表示某次具体的行为。 例句: Reading English is really a great fun.<这里不强调看一次,看两次……表示的是一般性的行为> To read english this morning will take most of my time.<这里用不定式表示一次具体的行为> 2.形式主语it 的运用: 1).不定式做主语,谓语用单数。往往用it做形式主语,把不定式放在谓语后面。 例句:To finish the job took us two hours. It took us two hours to finish the job. (注:在不定式做主语的被动语态句子中,必须用形式主语it.) 例句:it was decided to go for a picnic tomorrow. 2).It is+adj.of/for sb.to do sth.当不定式的逻辑主语和前面的形容词构成系表结构时,用of,否则用for. 例句: It’s very nice of you to help us.<此时,不定时的逻辑主语是you,adj.是nice,二者构成系表结构,即可以说you are nice.此时应该用of> It’s impossible for us to defeat the boss.<此时就不能说we are impossible.因此应该用for > 3).用动名词做主语的句型:It is/was no good(use, useless, fun)+doing sth. It’s worth while doing 例句: It’s no use cry over spilt milk.覆水难收 (it 用法远不止这几个后面会有补充) 3.成分对称:主语和表语都是非谓语动词时,应保持形式上一致。 例句: To see is to believe. Seeing is believing.眼见为实 4.There be no +ving 例句: There is no parking around here. No smoking,please. 练习题 It is hard_________ his mind.(to change ) It is fun__________ with a foreign man.(talking) There is no ________what will happen.(telling) I like_________ this novel this morning.(to read) 二:做表语 1.不定式做表语表具体个别的动作或有将来的含义。 例句:My wish is to become a famous writer. 2、现在分词做表语表示主语的性质与特征,表主动(interesting, amusing, disappointing, puzzling, exciting等);进行时表示正在进行的动作。 例句: i am teaching the child to swim when you passed by.
