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沪教版英语三年级上册练习Module1U1 Ⅰ.Read the words.朗读下列单词 1,morning 2.afternoon 3.evening 4.night 5.good 6.Mr 7.Mrs 8.Miss 9.how 10.have 11.today 12.thanks 13.fine 14.I'm 15,too Ⅱ.Read the sentences.朗读下列句子。 1.Good morning. 2. I'm Peter. 3.How are you? 4.Fine,thank you. 5.Very well,thank you. 6.Draw and colour. Ⅲ.Learn the sound.学语音. Jane likes cakes. Jane makes cakes. The cakes are on the plates. The plates are on the table. Ⅳ.Read and circle.读一读,圈出相应的单词 1.小姐Miss Mrs 2.你好how hello 3.下午afternoon morning 4.粘贴stick cut 5.蛋糕cake table 6.这this is Ⅴ.Look and complete.选词填空 Mr Mrs Miss Lin Lin Lin 林小姐林先生林太太 Ⅵ.Look and choose.看图,选句子填空 A.Good morning,Tony. B.Hello,I am Sarah.

C.Hello, I'm Jim. D.How are you? 1.——Hi,my name is Tom. 2. .——Good morning,Alice. 3. .——Fine,thank you. 4. .——Hello, I'm Mike. Ⅶ.Fill in the blanks.填空,每空一词。 1.afternoon.Eddie. 2.—are you? —,thank you. 3.—Hello,Ann. —,Alice. 4.—Good night,Mum and Dad. –Good . Ⅷ.Read and choose.选择正确答案填空 1.—Hello,how are you? —. A.I am Alice B.Hello C.Fine,thank you 2.—Good morning,Kate. —. A. Hello B.Good morning C.good morning 3.——Hello,Mr Wang. A.This is Mr Wang,Jim. B.Are you Mr Wang? C. How are you? 4. —. –Good night. A. Good morning B. Good night. C.Good evening. 5.—Hi! I'm Lily. —.


1、Colours first 学习目标 1、能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red,white,yellow。 2、学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。 学习重点能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red,white,yellow。 学习难点学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。 学习准备 1、单词卡片。 2、录音机。 学习过程 自学感悟: 1、听录音,认读单词。 black, blue, green, red, white, yellow。 2、听录音,自学课本第2页Listen and say。 设问导读: 1、出示单词卡片,你能正确认读吗? 2、结合课文图片,听录音,读句子,尝试翻译英语句子。集体交流,小组汇报学习情况。 3、教师做必要的讲解。 What colour is…这个句型是用来询问事物的颜色的。 What’s the matter?的意思是发生了什么事? 4、播放录音,学生边看书边听录音。再放录音,学生边听边跟读。 学生自主朗读,教师作必要的指导,请个别学生上讲台朗读。 巩固练习: 1、听写单词black, blue, green, red, white, yellow。 2、将下列单词组合成完整的句子。 colour, is, What, ball, your __________________________ Is, red, It __________________________ 拓展延伸: 同桌之间用所学句型What colour is…来询问物体的颜色。 板书设计 1、Colours black blue green, red white yellow。 What colour is… 1、Colours second 学习目标 1、能在真实的生活情境中熟练运用句型What colour is…来询问物体的颜色,并能 正确进行回答。 2、学会吟唱歌曲《The rainbow 》。 3、复习26个英文字母。 学习重点 能在真实的生活情境中熟练运用句型来询问物体的颜色,并能正确进行回答。 学习难点 能在真实的生活情境中熟练运用句型来询问物体的颜色,并能正确进行回答。 学习准备 录音机。英语磁带 导学过程 温故互查: 1、同桌互相检查单词。

沪教版小学三年级上册牛津英语期末试卷 附答案

沪教版小学三年级上册牛津英语期末试卷听力部分 一听录音,选出你所听到的句子编号(8分) ()1.A.Good morning.boys and girls. B.Good evening,Mr Zhang. C.Good afternoon,Mrs Wang. ()2.A.Clean the blackboard,please. B.Close the door,please. C.Look at the blackboard,please. ()3.A.She’s my grandmother. B.She’s my mother. C.He’s my grandfather. ()4.A.My ears are big. B.My eyes are big. C.My hair is long. ()5.A.Is this your school? B.Is this the library? C.Is that your classroom? ()6.A.The kite is blue. B.The cat is brown. C.The balloon is white. ()7.A.The bee is yellow and black. B.The ant is small black. C.Look at the ant.It’s black. ()8.A.Who’s your friend? B.Who are you? C.What’s your name? 二选出你所听到的内容编号。(10分) ()1.A.kite B.cat C.cake ()2.A.friend B.fat C.father ()3.A.Miss Fang B.Mr Fang C.Mr Wang ()4.A.sing B.thin C.small ()5.A.book B.bag C.blue


M1U1 Seeing and hearing复习要点: 词汇: 交通工具类:aeroplane bus ship car subway= underground bicycle train van taxi bike= bicycle 感觉类: touch feel see hear taste smell 人体部位: eyes ears nose mouth face hands fingers 注意: (1) an aeroplane an underground (2)bus-buses child-children (3)see(看到) look(看) Look at(the) listen-hear Listen to(the) by(在...旁边)the window (4)反义词:here这里- there那里 (5) hear(同音词):here (6)动词-名词spin-spinner (7) two(同音词):too 重点句子: What can you hear/see I can hear/see... What else can you hear/see I can hear/see... too 音标:a/ei/ skate plate game face make a/ / fat man jam has hand bad e/i:/ he she me we these e/e/ Ken pen ten hen red get i/ai/ bike like Mike kite nine fine i/i/ big pig in is his Jim


沪教版小学英语三年级上册全册教案 目录 Module 1 Getting to know you《1 Hello!》 (2) Module 1 Getting to know you《2How are you》 (7) Module 1 Getting to know you《3 Are you Kitty》 (11) Module 1 Getting to know you《Revision 1》 (15) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《4 My friends》 (19) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《5 My family》 (24) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《6 Me》 (29) Module 2 My family, my friends and me《Revision2》 (34) Module 3 Places and activities《7 In the classroom》 (38) Module 3 Places and activities《8 At the fruit shop》 (41) Module 3 Places and activities《9 In my room》 (47) Module 4 The world around us《10 Numbers》 (51) Module 4 The world around us《11 Small animals》 (60) Module 4 The world around us《12 The four seasons》 (64) Module 4 The world around us《Revision 4》 (69) Module 4 The world around us《Project 4》 (74)


精心整理 沪教版小学三年级英语练习题 听力部分40% 一、选出你所听到的单词:10% 二、选出你所听到的句子:5% 1.(答案) A.Icanseealadybird. B.Icanseeabutterfly. C.Icanseeabird.

2.(答案)A.Ithasroots.B.Ithasleaves.C.Ithasbranches. 3.(答案)A.Mynoseissmall.B.Mymouthissmall.C.Myearsaresmall. 4.(答案)A.What’sthis?B.What’sthat?C.What’sit? 5.(答案)A.Howmanychicks?B.Howmanydogs?C.Howmanypigs? F表示 (答案)3.Theballisyellow. (答案)4.Thekiteisorangeandgreen. (答案)5.Theyseemanyflowers. 五、听短文填空(每格一词):5%

---答案isit? ---It’sa答案.Look,it’sorangeand答案. ---Yes,it’s答案,anditcan答案too. 笔试部分:60% A.root B.roots C.aroot 4.(答案)_______isthetoilet?It’shere. A.What B.Who C.Where 5.(答案)Lookattheinsect.Itisan________.

A.ladybird B.ant C.bee 6.(答案)Whatarethey?Theyare______. A.branch B.branchs C.branches 7.(答案)Countthe________.Howmany?One_______. 1.An答案,please. 2.Look答案thebird.It’ssmall. 3.答案ladybirdisbeautiful. 4.答案thetable,please.


年级三学科英语课型新授授课教师 设计时间总课时授课时间 学习内容1、Colours 学习目标1、能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red,white,yellow。 2、学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。 学习重点能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red,white,yellow。 学习难点学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。 学习准备1、单词卡片。2、录音机。 导学过程自学感悟: 1、听录音,认读单词。 black, blue, green, red, white, yellow。 2、听录音,自学课本第2页Listen and say。 设问导读: 1、出示单词卡片,你能正确认读吗? 2、结合课文图片,听录音,读句子,尝试翻译英语句子。 集体交流,小组汇报学习情况。 3、教师做必要的讲解。 What colour is…这个句型是用来询问事物的颜色的。 What’s the matter?的意思是 发生了什么事?

导学过程 4、播放录音,学生边看书边听录音。再放录音,学生边听边跟读。 学生自主朗读,教师作必要的指导,请个别学生上讲台朗读。巩固练习: 1、听写单词black, blue, green, red, white, yellow。 2、将下列单词组合成完整的句子。 colour, is, What, ball, your __________________________ Is, red, It __________________________ 拓展延伸: 同桌之间用所学句型What colour is…来询问物体的颜色。 板书设计 1、Colours black blue green, red white yellow。What colour is… 导学反思


(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 教学计划


对教材的分析与理解 教材内容: Book 3A contains core language learning material, using a wide variety of text-types and activities to introduce language; poems; stories, cartoons, dialogues and practical tasks all engage the student at provides students with the means to carry out successfully the subsequent learning tasks, which are fully describe in the book. 教材目标: The “building block’’approach is based the fact that learning and the capacity to learn are developmental; that is, that students learn by building on known language, concepts and activities, to develop and expand progressively . The development of the thematic through related moudules ensures the deve lopment of language by constantly revisiting and recycling,thus building from a strong base within levels. In the knowledge that language and content develop and are revisited progressively throughout the package, vocabulary and stucutrues are introduced and practiced through tasks at a controlled pace steady enough to involve students’ interest whilst ensuring constant consolidation . At lower levels, care taken to ensure that pupils are learning within


沪教版小学英语三年级下册全册教案 目录 Module 1 Using my five senses《1 Colours》 (2) Module 1 Using my five senses《2 Tastes》 (5) Module 1 Using my five senses《3 Sounds》 (11) Module 2 My favourite things《4 Animals in the zoo》 (15) Module 2 My favourite things《5 Toys》 (18) Module 2 My favourite things《6 Food and drinks》 (22) Module 2 My favourite things《Revision 2》 (26) Module 3 My colourful life《7 Hobbies》 (30) Module 3 My colourful life《8 Happy birthday!》 (34) Module 3 My colourful life《9A day on the farm》 (39) Module 4 Things we enjoy《10 Funny cartoons》 (44) Module 4 Things we enjoy《11 Mother’s Day》 (47) Module 4 Things we enjoy《12 Three little pigs》 (52)

Module 1 Using my five senses《1 Colours》 1教学目标 1.能听懂、韧认读单词black, blue, green, red, white, yellow. 2.学习句型What colour is your ball?及其回答 It's red and white. 3.灵活运用所学句型询问身边事物的颜色。 2学情分析 本课时学习两个栏目。 Listen and say呈现的是Alice和Kitty帮助一个小朋友找皮球的故事。核心句型是What colour is your ball?It's red and white. Look and learn呈现了六种颜色,核心词汇是black, blue, green, red, white, yellow. 3重点难点 教学重点 1.能听懂、读单词black, blue, green, red, white, yellow. 2.学习句型What colour is your ball?及其回答 It's red and white. 教学难点 3.灵活运用所学句型询问身边事物的颜色。 4教学过程 活动1【导入】Step1 Warm-up 1. Greetings.

最新沪教版小学三年级英语下册教案(全册 共40页)

最新沪教版小学三年级英语下册教案(全册共40页) 目录 Unit 1 colours Unit 2 Tastes Unit 3 sounds Unit 4 Animals in the zoo Unit 5 Toys Unit 6 Food and drink Unit 7 Hobbies Unit 8 Happy birthday Unit 9 A day on the farm Unit 10 Funny cartoons Unit 11 Mother’s Day Unit 12 Three little pigs

Unit 1 colours the first class Teaching aims 1、能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red,white,yellow。 2、学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。 Developing aims 能听懂、认读单词:black,blue,green,red,white,yellow。Education aims 学习What colour is…?句型,即学会使用What colour is…?来询问事物的颜色。 Learning readiness 1、单词卡片。2、录音机。 Teaching procedure Pre-task preparations 1、听录音,认读单词。 2、听录音,自学课本第2页Listen and say。 3、结合课文图片,听录音,读句子,尝试翻译英语句子。 集体交流,小组汇报学习情况。 While-task procedures 1、教师做必要的讲解。 What colour is…这个句型是用来询问事物的颜色的。 What’s the matter?的意思是发生了什么事? 2、播放录音,学生边看书边听录音。再放录音,学生边听边跟读。


一交通工具 1 aeroplane bus ship car 2 补充: bicycle train van 二感觉类 touch触摸feel感觉see hear taste品尝 smell嗅,闻;有…气味三人体部位 eyes ears nose mouth face hands fingers手指tongue 舌头注意: 1)an aeroplane 2)b us-buses child-children 3)see-look Look at (the) listen----hear Listen to (the) by the window 在窗户旁边 4)反义词: here这里-there那里 5)动词-名词 spin-spinner 旋转------转盘 6)句型: What can you hear/see? I can hear/see… What else can you hear/see? I can hear/see …,too.

M1U2 一词汇: 一)水果: pineapple 菠萝apple banana pear peach orange lemon 柠檬二)食物: cake bread pizza hamburger pie Moon bread Moon pie 小甜饼 三)学习用品: bag pen pencil rubber ruler book pencil-box 注意: 1)bread 不可数 2)glass-glasses 3)it/he/she复数they 4)反义词: rough-smooth hard-soft hungry-full吃饱了的 5)句型: 1. How does it feel? It’s …现在感觉如何? How do they feel? They are/ They’re…他们感觉如何How does it feel?=How is it? How do they feel?=How are they? 2. Touch it. Touch them. (动词+宾格)


小学英语沪教版(三年级起点)三年级上册知识点总结 Unit l Hello! 知识梳理 一、字母 学习字母Aa和Bb的读音及其书写,注意书写笔顺和它们在四线 三格中的位置。 二、单词 在情景中,能听、会说词汇:hello,I,Miss。 三、句型 学会打招呼: Hello.你好。 Good morning.早上好。 学会自我介绍:I'm... 我是…… 重点点拨 1.Hello! 用于见面打招呼,问候熟人或朋友。 2.Good morning.用于上午和别人打招呼。 3.认识人物:Peter, Alice,Kitty, Joe和Miss Fang,注意人名和称呼的第一个字母要大写。....*....*....*..... 4.介绍自己的名字时,用I'm加上名字,比如可以说I'm Peter. 5.注意I'm的发音,发m音时,要紧闭嘴巴。 Unit 2 How are you? 知识梳理 一、字母 学习字母Cc和Dd的读音及其书写,注意书写笔顺和它们在四线 三格中的位置。 二、单词 在情景中,能听、会说词汇:Mr, Mrs,are,fine,goodbye, hi,thank,you

三、句型 学会问候及回应:How are you? 你好吗? I'm fine. Thank you.我很好,谢谢。 学会道别: Goodbye.再见。 重点点拨 1.见面问候除了用How are you?之外,还可以用How do you do?你好吗?2.关于How a re you?的回答,除了说I'm fine. Thank you.之外,还可以说:....*....*....*..... I'm very well.我很好。 Not very well.不太好。 Not bad. 还好啦。 Just so so. 还行。 3.I'm fine.也可以直接说Fine。Thank you.也可以直接说Thanks。 4.关于称呼:Mr:先生;Mrs:太太;夫人;Miss:小姐。 Unit 3 Are you Kitty? 知识梳理 一、字母 学习字母Ee和Ff的读音及其书写,注意书写笔顺和它们在四线三 格中的位置。 二、单词 在情景中,能听、会说词汇:boy, girl,am,no,not,yes 三、句型 学会确认别人的名字,如:Are you Kitty? 学会确认性别,如:Are you a girl? 回答:Yes,I am./No,I'm not. 学会判断对方的性别和身份,如:You are Jack. You are a boy. 重点点拨 1.学会用一般疑问句Are you...?确认别人的名字和性别,回答有两种:肯定回答:Yes,I am.是的,我是。


沪教版小学英语三年级下册知识点汇总一交通工具 1 aeroplane bus ship car 2 补充: bicycle train van 二感觉类 touch 触摸 feel 感觉 see hear taste 品尝 smell嗅,闻;有…气味三人体部位 eyes ears nose mouth face hands fingers手指 tongue 舌头注意: 1) an aeroplane 2) b us-buses child-children 3)see-look Look at (the) listen----hear Listen to (the) by the window 在窗户旁边 4)反义词: here 这里-there 那里 5)动词-名词 spin-spinner 旋转------转盘 6)句型: What can you hear/see? I can hear/see… What else can you hear/see? I can hear/see …,too. M1U2 一词汇:

一)水果: pineapple 菠萝 apple banana pear peach orange lemon 柠檬 二)食物: cake bread pizza hamburger pie Moon bread Moon pie 小甜饼 三)学习用品: bag pen pencil rubber ruler book pencil-box 注意: 1) bread 不可数 2) glass-glasses 3)it/he/she复数 they 4)反义词: rough-smooth hard-soft hungry-full吃饱了的 5)句型: 1. How does it feel? It’s …现在感觉如何? How do they feel? They are/ They’re…他们感觉如何How does it feel?=How is it? How do they feel?=How are they? 2. Touch it. Touch them. (动词+宾格) Touch the … (单复数看具体情况) 3.How much is it? It’s …yuan. How much are they? They’re … yuan. How many +名词的复数形式 M1U3 一词汇: 一)名词形容词


沪教版英语小学三年级下册第一单元测试卷 Unit1 Colour 听力部分: 一.听录音,标序号。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二.听录音,选出你听到的单词。 ()1. A . black B. ball C. brown ( ) 2. A. white B. red C. yellow ( ) 3. A. sweet B. hard C. soft ( ) 4. A. green B. blue C. white ( ) 5. A. colour B. brown C. black 三.听录音,在你听到的单词前的括号内打“√”。 1. ()A. white ( ) B. black 2. ( ) A. red ( ) B. bed 3. ( ) A. blue ( ) B. glue 4. ( ) A. green ( ) B. great 5. ( ) A. colour() B. cola 笔试部分: 一.单词大变脸。(把字母重新排列,构成一个正确的单词。)1. e l o y w l

2. u l b e 3. e n e g r 4. n a d 5. i e t w h 二.碰碰车。(选出与所给图片对应的单词) 1. ( ) A: green B: great 2. ( ) A: blue B: glue 3. ( ) A: what B: white 4. ( ) A: yellow B: colour 5. ( ) A: red B: bed 三.连连看。 1. A. black 2. B. blue 3. C. red 4. D. white


上海牛津版三年级(上) Module 1 Getting to know you Unit 1 How are you? 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中正确使用新单词。 2.学会使用固定表达打招呼。 3.学会用固定句型介绍自己和他人。 4.学会表达某些信息。 重点难点:单词:Miss,Mr,Mrs 语法:1.人称代词I, you 2. 介绍自己I’m…/ 介绍他人This is… 3. 给出某些信息We have… 打招呼用语:1.Hello!Hi! 2. Good morning/afternoon/evening/night. 3.—How are you? —Fine, thanks./I’m fine too. 课时安排:两个课时 知识衔接:要求学生先自我介绍然后互相认识。以此为情境把本次课的重要单词,句型,语法结合起来教学。

Unit 2 what’s your name? 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用关键词和短语。 2.学会用固定表达说出某人的名字。 3.学会使用祈使句做出指示。 重点难点:单词:stand up, sit down, open, close, door, name, book, write 日常表达:--what’s your name? --my name is… 语法:1人称代词your, my 2 祈使句 stand up,sit down,look at 课时安排:两个课时 知识衔接:上节课大家互相认识了,这节课可以以上节课的内容过渡到询问名字。 Unit 3 how old are you? 教学目标:1.学会用wh-questions询问别人的年龄。 2.学会用固定句型谈论别人的年龄。 3.学会询问特定信息。 4.学会表达祝福。 重点难点:单词:one—ten,today 日常表达:问年龄-- how old are you?happy birthday!


2016年沪教版三年级英语下册期末试卷 Part I Listening (听力部分)40%I. Listen and choose (听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组,并将序号填入括号内)10%( ) 1. A. busB. butC. bud( ) 2. A. sheepB. shipC. shop( ) 3. A. handB. hardC. head( ) 4. A. bearB. pairC. pear( ) 5. A. sunnyB. rainyC. cloudy( ) 6. A. houseB. horseC. mouse( ) 7. A. triangleB. rectangleC. square( ) 8. A. go fishingB. go skiingC. go swimming( ) 9. A. turn off B. turn on C. take off( )10.A. two feet B. two knees C. ten fingersII. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听所到的句子,并将序号填入括号内)8%( ) 1. A. What do you do on Children’s Day?B. What do you do on Mother’s Day?( ) 2. A. We can plant flowers in the garden.B. We can ski on the snow.( ) 3. A. Do you like monkeys? Yes, I do. They’re clever. B. Do you like tigers? Yes, I do. They’re strong.( ) 4. A. May I have some juice, please?B. May I have a try?( ) 5. A. How do these pineapples feel?B. How do those apples feel?( ) 6. A. Stretch your arms. B. Raise your hands.( ) 7. A. Can you draw yourself, Peter? B. Can Peter draw himself?( )


姓名:___________日期:__________开始时间:_________完成时间:_________ 2017-2018学年下册三年级英语期中测试卷 Part I Listening (听力部分) 40% I. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听到的单词或词组)8% ( ) 1. A. ship B. sheep C. shop C. scarves B. glass ( ) 2. A. carsC. tiger B. glove ) 3. A. giraffe ( C. rideB. red ( ) 4. A. bread C. short ) 5. A. salt B. soft ( C. shoe ( ) 6. A. glue B. blue C. clock B. chair ( ) 7. A. rockC. door( B. ball ) 8. A. doll II. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你听到的句子)8% ( B. Charlie has a yellow chick. ) 1. A. Charlie is a yellow chick. ( B. I don't like these monkeys. ) 2. A. I don't like this monkey. ( ) 3. A. How does this apple taste? B. How does that pineapple taste?( ) 4. A. A small monkey takes his hats and jumps into the tree. B. Some monkeys take his hats and jump into the tree. ( ) 5. A. I can see some buses, but I can't hear them. B. I can hear some buses, but I can't see them. ( ) 6. A. What are those in English, Mary? B. What are these in English, May? ( ) 7. A. Peter has two pairs of gloves. B. Peter has a pair of glasses. B. Danny can read English. ) 8. A. Danny likes reading English. ( III. Listen and choose(选择最恰当的问句或答句)6% B. They are monkeys.) 1. A. These are giraffes.( ) 2. A. That's all right. B. I'm OK.( B. Yes, we do.( ) 3. A. No, I don't. B. It's bitter. ) 4. A. Yes, it is. ( B. They are smooth and hard.) 5. A. It's smooth and hard.( B. I can see a bird. ) 6. A. I can hear a bird. ( 6%表示)F 或T 用(听短文判断IV. Listen and judge()1. I am seven years old. ( ) 2. My hair is short and my eyes are big. ( ) 3. My bag is soft and smooth. ) 4. There is a sweet apple in my bag. ( ) 5. I have two cats in my bag. ( ( ) 6. I like the red beautiful hat. 6%(听短文,选择正确的答案)V. Listen and choos()1. Eddie and Alice are ___________ A. at Shanghai B. at the zoo C. at schoo ()2. They can see _______ monkeys A. 3 B. 6 C. ()3. _______ like eating bamboos A. PandasC. Tiger B. Monkeys ()4. ______ are small and brown B. Monkeys C. TigerA. Pandas


沪教版(三年起点)英三年下册表 Module 1 Using my five senses Unit 1 Colours Unit 2 Taste Unit 3 Sounds black黑色candy糖果bike自行blue色ice cream冰淇淋bus大客green色lemon檬plane机 red色how??怎么ship船 white白色orange桔子car汽 yellow黄色sour酸的train火 and和sweet甜的can能 ball球taste品hear听??colour色listen听 Module 2 My favourite things Unit 4 Animals in the zoo Unit 5 Toys Unit 6 Food and drinks bear熊kite筝biscuit干elephant大象robot机器人bread面包lion子toy bear玩具熊egg蛋monkey猴子fun有趣的juice果汁panda熊猫lovely可的milk牛奶tiger老虎play玩water水like像,喜sorry不起breakfast早餐man男人child孩子old旧,老的have有our我的some一些strong壮too也 we我

Module 3 My colourful life Unit 7 Hobbies Unit 8 Happy Birthday Unit 9 A day on the farm dance跳舞cake蛋糕cow牛 paint画画card卡片horse马 read读(书)noodle面条pig猪 sing唱(歌)birthday生日sheep羊 skate滑冰dear亲爱的bye再见 swim游泳for为了farm农场 at home在家how old多大(年纪) grass草 come in进来to向,朝着great好,伟大的sleep睡觉litter垃圾 work工作stone石头worker工人throw扔 Module 4 Things we enjoy Unit 10 Funny cartoons Unit 11 Mother ’s day Unit 12 Three little pigs head头flower花afraid(of)害怕 body 身体photo相片bad坏的 arm 胳膊tea茶go走 hand手cup杯子house房子 leg 腿day天,白天little小,一点儿foot 脚do做make做,制造 idea主意now现在 love爱,喜欢there那里 very非常
