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北京课改版三年级英语上册 Unit 1 September 10th is Teachers' Day 知识清单

Unit 1 September 10th is Teachers’ Day 一、核心词汇 1.序数词: first第一second第二third第三fourth第四fifth第五sixth第六seventh第七eighth第八ninth第九tenth第十 2.两组对应名词: boy男孩— girl女孩teacher老师— pupil小学生 3.其他: name名字hi嗨(表示问候或引起注意)card卡片Miss小姐(对未婚女性的称呼) September九月 二、拓展词汇 1.序数词的简略写法: first — 1st第一second — 2nd第二third — 3rd第三fourth — 4th第四fifth — 5th第五sixth — 6th第六seventh — 7th第七eighth — 8th第八ninth — 9th第九tenth — 10th第十 2.课程类: class课Science科学Art美术Music音乐Chinese语文English 英语PE体育 3.一日三餐: breakfast早餐lunch午餐supper晚餐 4.国家类: China中国Australia澳大利亚Japan日本 5.其他: foot脚wood木头book书cook厨师/烹饪good好的look看put 放push推shoe鞋open打开door门stick棍子late迟的again再一次三、核心句型

1.It’s our first day of school. (今天)是我们开学的第一天。 解读:这类句子的结构通常为“It/Today + is + the/物主代词 + 序数词 + day of + 名词.”,表示“(今天)是……的第几天”。 举一反三: Today is the first day of new year. 今天是新年的第一天。 2.Hi, my name is Sara.嗨,我的名字叫萨拉。 解读:“My name is + 名字.”,意思是“我的名字是……”“我叫……”,也可以用“I am + 名字.”来表达,通常用来做自我介绍。 举一反三: My name is Tom. = I am Tom. 我叫/是汤姆。 3.Sit in the second row, please.请坐在第二排。 解读:这是一个肯定祈使句,用来表示请求或者命令等,主语you常常省略,通常在句尾或者句首加上please,语气更加委婉客气。与其相对应的是否定祈使句,常在动词前面加上don’t构成。 举一反三: Sit down, please.请坐下。 Please tell me.请告诉我。 Don’t talk. 不要说话。 Don’t come in. 不要进来。 4.— Is the second class Chinese? 第二节课是语文课吗? — Yes, it is. 是的,它是。


三年级英语上册 UnitOne Lesson 1 当堂测验 一.Look, choose and write.看图,选择单词并抄写在对应的图片下 * ■细14JL Al a.童■■ t■■肓1;2-3; 4- E A鉄 i ■ 1,3 3 _i ■■ j ■ 11 ■ ■'iifl ■口亠i aT ■ J x i ■ i ■ ■ a 盂嚣同邑W: 12廉詬1: 「护17;js应良制怙 September girl boy 二. Read and choose 读句子,选择合适的选项。()1.Hello,boys and girls! Welcome back _____ school. A. to B. at ( )2.Nice to _____ you again. A.see B. sea ( )3. You _______ happy today. A. look B. looks ( )4. It 'our _______ day of school. A. first B. one ( )5.It' the _______ day of the week. A. two B. second 三.Read and order.读句子,排序。 ( )You look happy today.

( )It' our first day of school. ( )Today is the first day of September. ( )It' the sec ond day of the week. ( )Nice to see you aga in, Miss Wang. ( )Hello, boys and girls!Welcome back to school.


三年级英语复习题1 name: class: 1将单词和正确的序数词连接起来。 (1) 第一tenth 6th 第三ninth 8th 第二eighth 9th 第四seventh 10th 第五first 1st 第六second 2nd 第七third 3rd 第八fifth 7th 第九fourth 4th 第十sixth 5th (2) September 12月 October 11月 November 10月 December 9月 (3) 接力跑long jump 跳高race 跑步high jump 跳远relay race

2 填一填 ( )1. __________ to our school. A Go B Welcome C Come ( )2.Today is _______ day of September . A the first B the frst C the fist ( )3. It’s our ______ English class. A the second B third C second ( )4.______ is teacher’s Day. A Who B When C What ( )5.We can _______ some cards for our teachers. A make B post C send ( )6._________ knows Teachers’ Day? A What B Who C Why ( )7.When is your ____ ______ ? A sport meet B sports meet C sports ( )8. We are going to have a birthday party _______. A next week B next month C today ( )9.The boys and girls have a lot of _____. A fan B fun C fen ( )10._________ run to sports ground. A Let B Lets C Let’s ( )11.My birthday is on the _________ day of this ______.

朝阳区北京课改版.三年级上 英语全册分析

三年级上全册教材分析 一、全册知识点梳理和分析 (一)本册涉及的主要话题以及相关话题的上位知识: 1、本册将学习 1) 新学期开学的话题及表示欢迎、建议: It’s our first day of school.Welcome to our class.Let’s make some cards for them. 2) 生活中的节日、节日中的活动及生日: —Who knows the tenth month in English? --It’s October.I want to run in the race.—When is your birthday? --It’s on December 30th. 3) 天气情况: --What’s the weather like today? --It’s cloudy and rainy. 4) 借物和询问收集: --May I borrow your markers, please? --Here you are. –What do you collect, Guoguo? --I collect rulers. I have twenty. I like them all. 5) 询问日期、年龄: --What is the date today/tomorrow? --It’s November twenty-second. –When were you born/When was Yangyang born?--I /He was born on January 29th. --How old are you? --I’m eight. 6) 中西方国家一年中的几个重要节日: January 1st is New Year’s Day. 2、本册知识点梳理: 句式: 话题1:欢迎和建议 1) It’s our first day of school. 2)Welcome to our class. 3)Let’s make some cards for them. 话题2:生日 1)—Who knows the tenth month in English? --It’s October. 2)I want to run in the race. 3)—When is your birthday? --It’s on December 30th. 话题3:天气


三年级上英语各单元知识点第一单元 一.重点单词。 1 the first 第一 2 the second 第二 3 the third 第三 4 the fourth 第四 5 week 周 6 September 九月 7 Chinese 语文8 Maths 数学9 English 英语 10 PE 体育11 fifth 第五12 sixth 第六 13 seventh 第七14 eighth 第八15 ninth 第九 16 tenth 第十17 Teachers ’Da教y师节 二.重点句型。 1. It ’s our first day of school 今天是开学第一天。 2. It ’s the second day of the week今. 天是一周的第二天。 3. Today is the first day of September. 今天是九月的第一天。 4. Is the second class Chinese? Yes, it is. 第二节课是语文课吗? 是的,是语文课。 5. When is Teachers ’Day ?教师节是什么时候? It ’s September the tenth. 9 月10 日。

第二单元 一.重点单词。 1 month 月 2 October 十月 3 National Day 国庆节 4 November 十一月 5 December 十二月 6 September 九月 7 the eleventh 第十一8 the twelfth 第十二 9 the thirteenth 第十三10 the fourteenth 第十四 11 the fifteenth 第十五12 the sixteenth 第十六 13 the seventeenth第十七14 the eighteenth 第十八 15 the nineteenth 第十九16 the twentieth 第二十 17 the twenty-first 第二十一18 the twenty-second 第二十二19 the twenty-third 第二十三20 run a race 赛跑 21 skip the rope 跳绳22 do high jump 跳高 23 do long jump 跳远


三年级英语复习题1 name: class: 1将单词和正确的序数词连接起来。 (1) 第一tenth 6th 第三ninth 8th 第二eighth 9th 第四seventh 10th 第五first 1st 第六second 2nd 第七third 3rd 第八fifth 7th 第九fourth 4th 第十sixth 5th (2) September 12月 October 11月 November 10月 December 9月 (3) 接力跑long jump 跳高race 跑步high jump 跳远relay race

2 填一填 ( )1. __________ to our school. A Go B Welcome C Come ( )2.Today is _______ day of September . A the first B the frst C the fist ( )3. It’s our ______ English class. A the second B third C second ( )4.______ is teacher’s Day. A Who B When C What ( )5.We can _______ some cards for our teachers. A make B post C send ( )6._________ knows Teachers’ Day? A What B Who C Why ( )7.When is your ____ ______ ? A sport meet B sports meet C sports ( )8. We are going to have a birthday party _______. A next week B next month C today ( )9.The boys and girls have a lot of _____. A fan B fun C fen ( )10._________ run to sports ground. A Let B Lets C Let’s ( )11.My birthday is on the _________ day of this ______. A first month B four month C for month


三年级上英语各单元知识点 第一单元 一.重点单词。 1 the first 第一 2 the second 第二 3 the third 第三 4 the fourth 第四 5 week 周 6 September 九月 7 Chinese 语文 8 Maths 数学 9 English 英语10 PE 体育11 fifth 第五12 sixth 第六 13 seventh 第七14 eighth 第八15 ninth 第九 16 tenth 第十17 Teachers’ Day 教师节 二.重点句型。 1. It’s our first day of school今天是开学第一天。 2. It’s the second day of the week.今天是一周的第二天。 3. Today is the first day of September. 今天是九月的第一天。 4. Is the second class Chinese? Yes, it is. 第二节课是语文课吗? 是的,是语文课。 5. When is Teachers’ Day ?教师节是什么时候? It’s September the tenth.9月10日。

第二单元 一.重点单词。 1 month 月 2 October 十月 3 National Day 国庆节 4 November 十一月 5 December 十二月 6 September 九月 7 the eleventh 第十一8 the twelfth 第十二 9 the thirteenth 第十三10 the fourteenth 第十四 11 the fifteenth 第十五12 the sixteenth 第十六 13 the seventeenth 第十七14 the eighteenth 第十八 15 the nineteenth 第十九16 the twentieth 第二十 17 the twenty-first 第二十一18 the twenty-second 第二十二19 the twenty-third 第二十三20 run a race 赛跑 21 skip the rope 跳绳22 do high jump 跳高 23 do long jump 跳远


第一单元 一.重点单词。 1 the first 第一 2 the second 第二 3 the third 第三 4 the fourth 第四 5 week 周 6 September 九月7 Chinese 语文 8 Maths 数学9 English 英语10 PE 体育11 fifth 第五 12 sixth 第六13 seventh 第七14 eighth 第八 15 ninth 第九16 tenth 第十17 Teachers’ Day 教师节 二.重点句型。 1.It’s our first day of school 今天是开学第一天。 2.It’s the second day of the week. 今天是一周的第二天。 3.Today is the first day of September. 今天是九月的第一天。 4.Is the second class Chinese? Yes, it is. 第二节课是语文课吗?是的,是语文课。 5.When is Teachers’ Day ? 教师节是什么时候? It’s September the tenth. 9月10日。 第二单元 一.重点单词。 1 month 月 2 October 十月 3 National Day 国庆节 4 November 十一月 5 December 十二月 6 September 九月 7 the eleventh 第十一8 the twelfth 第十二9 the thirteenth 第十 三10 the fourteenth 第十四11 the fifteenth 第十五12 the sixteenth 第十六13 the seventeenth 第十七14 the eighteenth 第十八15 the nineteenth 第十九16 the twentieth 第二十17 the twenty-first 第二十一18 the twenty-second 第 二十二19 the twenty-third 第二十三20 run a race 赛跑21 skip the rope 跳绳22 do high jump 跳高23 do long jump 跳远二.重点句型。 1.What’s the tenth /eleventh/twelfth month in English? 英语的第十个月/第十一个月/第十二个月是什么? It’s October/November/December 是十月/十一月/十二月。 2.What is the date today? 今天是几号? It’s October the thirteenth. 十月十三号。 3.Are you going to run a race/skip the rope/do high jump? Yes, I am. 你要去参加赛跑/跳绳/跳高吗?是的,我去。


(1)北京版三年级英语下册课文 I ’m sorry I can’t Why not? I’m making a gift for my mum Tomorrow is Women’s Day Oh, yes Tomorrow is March 8th I want to make a gift for my mum, too Let’s do it together (2)W hat are you going to do this afternoon, Lingling? We are going to plant trees March 12th is our Tree-planting Day Planting is fun Please join us Do you have Tree-planting Day? Yes In the U S , it is in April (3)S pring is here I like spring People plant many things in spring Yes Spring is my favourite season Well done! What do you see in spring? The trees turn green Birds sing Do you hear them? (4)L ook This is our national flag It’s a rectangle, and it’s red I see There are five yellow stars, one big star and four small ones


2016-2017学年度第一学期三年级英语学科阶段性练习听力理解 一、听一听,圈一圈。将下面每组中符合录音内容的图片下面的字母圈住 1 2 3. A B A B A B 4 5 A B A B 二、听一听,辨一辨。辨别下面各图片的内容是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√”, 不符的打“╳” 1. 2. 3.] ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 5. ( ) ( ) 三、听一听,排一排。根据录音内容的顺序将下面的五张图片重新排序,并将数字 序号填在图片下面的括号里 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听一听,选一选。根据你在录音中听到的内容,将下列每组中的单词选出来, 将其字母标号填在题前的括号里 ( ) 1. A. red B. green ( ) 2. A. book B. look ( ) 3. A. bag B. leg ( ) 4. A. black B. brown ( ) 5. A. nose B. mouth 语言知识 五、给单词归类 duck shorts noddles monkey sweater draw shirt write bread drink 1.动词———,———,——— 2动物———,———,——— 3食品———,———,——— 4衣服———,———,———

六、选出每组中不同类的单词,将它的编号写在左边的括号中 ( )1. A.pencil B.eraser C.yellow ( )2. A.book B.purple C.ruler ( )3. A.black B.brown C.school ( )4. Aorange. B.hand C.finger ( )5. A.open B. close C.bag 七、认一认,连一连。根据图片认一认单词,将左边的单词与右边的图连起来 crayon sharpener pencil-case eraser pen head ear nose arm hand 八、找出与句子内容相符的图片,将其标号填入句前括号 A B C D E F ( ) 1. It ’s a long snake. ( ) 2. He likes chicken. ( ) 3. They ’re big animals. ( ) 4. The soup is hot. ( ) 5. He is sleeping. ( ) 6. I ’m thirsty, I want some cold water. 九、问答连线 ( )1.What are those? A.Yes,it can. ( ) 2.What are you doing? B.Yes,I can. ( ) 3.Can you run fast? C.Yes,here you are. ( ) 4.Can I have an ice cream? D.I ’m eating chips. ( ) 5.Can this dog run? E.They are dragoboats.


UNIT 1 SEPTEMBER 10TH IS TEACHER'S DAY Lesson 1同步练习 一、读读写写。 二、看图选择正确的单词,将其序号填入题前括号里。 ( )1. A. boy B. girl ( )2. A. October B. September ( )3. A. school B. room 三、给下列英语选择正确的图片。 ( )1. the first day A. B. ( )2. the fourth day A. B. ( )3. the second day A.

B. ( )4. September A. B. 四、单项选择。 ( )1. Hello, ________ and ________! A. boy; girl B. boys; girls C. boy; girls ( )2. Welcome back ________ school. A. to B. in C. on ( )3. You look ________ today. A. happy B. happily C. happier ( )4. Today is the ________ day of September. A. one B. oneth C. first 五、给下列句子找出合适的翻译。 ( )1. Welcome back to school. A. 欢迎来到学校。 B. 欢迎回到学校。 ( )2. It's our first day of school. A. 这是我们开学的第一天。 B. 这是我们开学的第四天。 ( )3. Nice to see you again. A. 很高兴见到你。 B. 很高兴再次见到你。 ( )4. You look happy today. A. 你们今天看起来很不高兴。 B. 你们今天看起来很高兴。 ( )5. Today is the first day of Septemper. A. 今天是九月的第一天。 B. 今天是十月的第一天。



三年级英语复习题1 name: class: 1将单词和正确的序数词连接起来。 (1) 第一tenth 6th 第三ninth 8th 第二eighth 9th 第四seventh 10th 第五first 1st 第六second 2nd 第七third 3rd 第八fifth 7th 第九fourth 4th 第十sixth 5th (2) September 12月 October 11月 November 10月 December 9月 (3) 接力跑long jump 跳高race 跑步high jump 跳远relay race

A first month B four month C for month ( )12. The cat has ______ fishes. ( )13.I come ______ China. A three B third C thirt A for B from C in ( )14.Welcome _____ our class. A on B in C to ( )15.This is the first day ____ school. A for B of C at ( )16.Let’s make some cards ____our teacher. A to B for C at ( )17.My birthday is on the fourth day of______. A October B Octder C Sctober ( )18.He is the _____ in the race. A first B for C firs ( ) 19.October 1st is our ______. A day B National Day C birthday ( )20.We ___ going to have a birthday party next _____. A are month B are mouth C is month


北京版英语教材知识梳理三年级上册 Unit 1 Lesson 1第一部分:词汇 男孩第一first1boy2 第二女孩second43girl

第三小姐third65Miss 第四九月fourth87September 第二部分:短语 看起来高兴返回到学校21back to schoollook happy 第一天第二天4first daysecond day3 第三部分:交际用语 It ' s our first day of school.这是我们的开学的第一天。1 欢迎回到学校。Welcome back to school.2 Unit 1 Lesson 2第一部分:词汇 小学生嗨hi2pupil1 第五名字fifth34name 第七6第六seventhsixth5 加拿大美国Canada78America 加拿大人(的)的)美国人(America n Canad ian109第二部分:短语 2 sit in the second row坐在第二排1from Canada来自加拿大 两位新生第二节课the second class43two new pupils

第三部分:交际用语 第二节课是语文课?Is the second class Chinese ?1 是的。Yes , it is .2 t.No, it isn'不是。3 Unit 1 Lesson 3第一部分:词汇 老师卡片card21teacher 第八第十4tenth3eighth 第九ninth5 第二部分:短语 教师节2September the tenth1'九月十日DayTeacher s 4for our teacher3make cards制作卡片为我们的老师Susan的生日birthday' clocktwelve o Susan's 十二点56 第三部分:交际用语 When is Teachers Day?'教师节是什么时候?1 s September the tenth.'It 是九月十日。2 s time for lunch.It '该吃午饭了。3


北京版三年级上学期英 语重点 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

第一单元重难点:第一单元重难点: 单词:单词: 基数词序数词基数词序数词 one first one first two second two second three third three third four fourth four fourth five fifth five fifth six sixth six sixth seven seventh seven seventh eight eighth eight eighth nine ninth nine ninth ten tenth ten tenth 有关学科的单词:English Chinese 有关学科的单词:English Chinese math PE art math PE art 补充单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday 补充单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 第一单元重难点:第一单元重难点: 单词:单词: 基数词序数词基数词序数词 one first one first two second two second three third three third four fourth four fourth five fifth five fifth six sixth six sixth seven seventh seven seventh eight eighth eight eighth nine ninth nine ninth ten tenth ten tenth 有关学科的单词:English Chinese 有关学科的单词:English Chinese math PE art math PE art 补充单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday 补充单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday


第一单元重难点: 第一单元重难点: 单词: 单词: 基数词序数词基数词序数词 one first one first two second two second three third three third four fourth four fourth five fifth five fifth six sixth six sixth seven seventh seven seventh eight eighth eight eighth nine ninth nine ninth ten tenth ten tenth 有关学科得单词:English Chinese 有关学科得单词:English Chinese math PE art math PE art 补充单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday 补充单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 第一单元重难点: 第一单元重难点: 单词: 单词: 基数词序数词基数词序数词 one first one first two second two second three third three third four fourth four fourth five fifth five fifth

six sixth six sixth seven seventh seven seventh eight eighth eight eighth nine ninth nine ninth ten tenth ten tenth 有关学科得单词:English Chinese 有关学科得单词:English Chinese math PE art math PE art 补充单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday 补充单词: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 第二单元重难点: 一. 绕口令 1.September is the ninth month in English、 2.October is the tenth month in English、 3.November is the eleventh month in English、 4.December is the twelfth month in English、 (要求:加粗部分单词会背写,句子理解着背诵,可以将一月到十二月都编写到绕口令里。) 二.关于时间点得单词 today tomorrow month day week year 今天明天月日星期年 (要求:必须掌握单词,会背写。) 三.短语。 1.run a race 赛跑 2、 jump the rope跳绳 3、 do the high jump 跳高 4.do the long jump 跳远 5、 go swimming 游泳 6.play football 踢足球 7、 play basketball 打篮球 (要求:会背写短语,为以后作文得书写做准备。)

北京课改版英语三年级上册UNIT SEVEN 练习卷(三年级)同步测试

北京课改版英语三年级上册 UNIT SEVEN 练习卷(三年级)同步测试 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 题型选择题填空题简答题xx题xx题xx题总分得分 一、xx题 (每空xx 分,共xx分) 【题文】读一读,把单词写在相应的图片下面。 【答案】1. pencil 2. holiday 3. Chinese 4. bells 5. gold 6. bright 7. house 8. snow 9. gift 10. cold 【解析】略 【题文】找出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ( ) 1. A. same B. panda C. again ( ) l【题文】将下面的单词进行分类。 A pink B marker C sixty D Christmas E sunny F pencil G cloudy H Thanksgiving I ninety J windy K gold L ruler 评卷人得分

M hundred N yellow O Halloween P eraser Q National Day R silver 1. 节日:______ _____ ______ ______ 2. 颜色:______ _____ ______ ______ 3. 文具:______ _____ ______ ______ 4. 数字:______ _____ ______ 5. 天气:______ _____ _____ 【答案】1. D H O Q 2. A K N R 3. B F L P 4. C I M 5. E J G 【解析】略 【题文】根据表格内容填空。 1. It’s a Chinese holiday. It is on the first day in October. () 2. It’s a holiday in December. Santa comes with gifts for children. () 3. It’s an American holiday. It’s in October. () 4. It’s a big Chinese holiday. It’s in January or February. () 5. It’s an American holiday. It’s in November. () 【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. D 【解析】略 【题文】将词组和对应的图连线。


北京版小学英语三年级上册全册教案 目录 Unit1 September 10th is teachers’day《Lesson1》 (3) Unit1 September 10th is teachers’day《Lesson2》 (7) Unit1 September 10th is teachers’day《Lesson3》 (14) Unit2 October 1th is our national day《Lesson5》 (17) Unit2 October 1th is our national day《Lesson6》 (21) Unit2 October 1th is our national day《Lesson7》 (37) Unit3 I was born on may 23rd《Lesson9》 (41) Unit3 I was born on may 23rd《Lesson10》 (46) Unit3 I was born on may 23rd《Lesson11》 (55) Unit3 I was born on may 23rd《Lesson12》 (64) Unit5 It’s nice Autumn day《Lesson15》 (69) Unit5 It’s nice Autumn day《Lesson16》 (74) Unit5 It’s nice Autumn day《Lesson17》 (81) Unit6 I have fifty markers《Lesson19》 (92) Unit6 I have fifty markers《Lesson20》 (99) Unit6 I have fifty markers《Lesson21》 (106) Unit6 I have fifty markers《Lesson22》 (113) Unit7When is thanksgiving《Lesson23》 (119)


北京市2020版英语三年级上学期期末测试卷(II)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、单选题,根据每小题句意和对应图片提示,选择正确答案。 (共5题;共5分) 1. (1分)—It's raining outside. Here is your ________. —Thank you. A . umbrella B . sunglasses C . jacket 2. (1分) What is the shape of the gift? A . It's a square. B . It's a rectangle. C . It's a star 3. (1分) Hello, I'm Miss _________. A . Cat B . Bee C . Bird 4. (1分) Monkeys like eating .

A . pears B . oranges C . peaches 5. (1分) October is the _______ month. A . 10th B . ten C . 10 二、判断题,判断对话内容是否与对应图片相符 (共5题;共5分) 6. (1分)根据图片判断单词是否正确。 fruit 7. (1分) John is brushing his teeth. 8. (1分)根据句子判断图片是否正确。 There are so many birds in the picture. 9. (1分) (2018一上·上海期末) —How many ducks? —One. 10. (1分)根据句子,判断图片是否正确。 Shake your body.
