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译林版七年级上册英语课文翻译Unit1 This is me ! 第 6 页部分 1 0h, I love e-dogs. 哦,我喜欢电子狗。 2 I'm Eddie. What's your name? 我是埃迪。你叫什么名字?My name is Hobo. 我的名字叫霍波。 3 Are you my master? 你是我的主人吗Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 4 Good. Now read this book. 好。现在读这本书。 How to Look After Your E-dog 如何照顾你的电子狗 New school, new friends 新学校,新朋友 This is the first day at Sunshine Middle School. Let's get to know some of the new students. 这是阳光中学 的第一天。让我们了解一些新学生。 Task: Introduce yourself to your classmates. 任务:把你自己介绍给你的同学们。 Unit1 Welcome to the unit A 部分课文翻译 The new students in Class 1, Grade 7 at Sunshine Middle School are greeting each other. Read what they say. 阳光中学七年级一班的新同学们在互相问候。阅读他们所说的话。 Good morning. I'm Amy. 早上好。我是埃米。 Hi, I'm Simon. 你好,我是西蒙。 Hello, I'm Millie. 你好,我是米莉。 I'm Kitty. 我是基蒂。 Hi, I'm Sandy. What's your name? 你好,我是桑迪。你叫什么名字?


Unit one 短语归纳: look after \ take care of 照顾on the first day 在第一天 Class 1,Grade 7 7年级1班 play football 踢足球after school 放学后 be\come from 来自 be good at \do well in 擅长 fly kite s 放风筝 go home 回家 listen to music 听音乐play a game 玩游戏 wear glasses 戴眼镜 at school 在学校 all the lessons 所有的课程 talk about 谈论 over there 那里 a lot of hobbies 许多爱好 用法集萃: love\like doing sth 喜欢做某事 let’s +动词原形让我们 I am\My name is 我叫 welcome to +地点欢迎来到 This is 这是 be good at \do well in doing 擅长做 in Class…Grade…在几年级几班 live with…in…和谁住在哪里 I’m …year old. 我几岁了。 I have…hair.我留着……头发典句背诵 What’s your name?你叫什么名字? Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。 I love reading. 我喜欢阅读 Now let’s meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。 I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。 She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。 He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。 He is good at Maths. 他擅长于数学。 Millie is 11 years old.米莉11岁。 They are all very nice.他们都很好。 I am good at dancing. 我擅长于跳舞。 语法:连系动词be 的一般现在时 动词be 的三变化 am is are. 我(I)用am ,你(you)用are ,is 用于他(he)她(she)它(it),单数名词用is,复数名词都用are 句型结构: 1、肯定句:主语+am\is\are … It is a football. 2、否定句:主语+am\is\are+not… It is not a football. 3、一般疑问句:Am\Is\Are+主语+其他? Is it a football? 回答 Yes, it is. No, it isn’t 4、特殊疑问句:疑问句+am/is/are +主语+其他? What’s your name? 用be 动词的适当形式填空 1、She ________ my cousin. Her name _______ Li Jie. 2、Tom and I ________ good friends 3、What _____ this in English? It ______ a book


译林版七年级英语上册单词表全(音标、翻译) 第一课单词 e-dog ['i:d ??] n.电子狗master ['m a :st?] n.主人year [j?:, ji?] n.年、岁grade [greid] n.年级readi ng ['ri:di?] n. 阅读club [kl ?b] n.俱乐部、兴趣小组after [' a :ft?] conj.在…以后slim [slim] adj.苗条的,细长的Iong [l ??] adj.长的music ['mju:zik] n.音乐hard [h a :d] adv.努力地adj.硬的困难的short [ ??t] adj.短的,矮的swimmi ng ['swimi?] n. 游泳 wear [wxy] v.穿、戴glasses ['gla:siz] n. 眼镜enjoy [in'd ??i]v.享受,喜欢polite [p ?'lait]adj.有礼貌的 helpful ['helpful]adj.有帮助的,有益的hobby ['h ?bi] n.业余爱好badminton ['b? dmint?n] n.羽毛球volleyball ['v ?lib?:l]n.排球court [k ?:t] n.球场 football field [ 5futbC:l-fi:ld]n 足球场swimming pool ['swimi? -pu:l]n 游泳池swim [swim] 游泳 eat [i:t] v.吃 fish [fi ? n.鱼 maths [m? 0 s] n.数学 walk [w ?:k] n.散步,步行v.带…散步fly [flai] n.飞行v.飞翔,放飞lunchtime ['l ?nt?aim] n.午餐时间every ['evri] adj.每个的 day [dei] n.白天 walking ['w ?:ki?] v.散步、步行drawing ['dr ?:i?] n.绘图,图画always [' ?:lweiz] adv. 总是weeke nd [wi:k'e nd, 'wi:ke nd]n. 周末usually ['ju: ???li] adv.通常 run [r ?n] n.奔跑,路程v.跑, hour ['au ?] n.小时


新译林版七年级上册英语全册知识点归纳总结 Unit one 一、词汇知识点整理: look after \ take care of 照顾 ; 表示look 的短语:look after照顾look at 看…; look for 寻找look like 看起来像… on the first day 在第一天Class One, Grade Seven (先说班级,再说年级,且大写)。 play football 踢足球 after school 放学后 be\come from 来自be good at \do well in 擅长 fly kites 放风筝go home 回家 listen to music 听音乐play a game 玩游戏 wear glasses 戴眼镜at school 在学校 all the lessons 所有的课程 talk about 谈论 over there 那里 a lot of hobbies 许多爱好 二、结构用法: love\like doing sth 喜欢做某事 let’s +动词原形让我们 I am\My name is 我叫 welcome to +地点欢迎来到 This is 这是 be good at \do well in doing 擅长做 in Class…Grade…在几年级几班 be from = come from + 地点, 意思是“来自某地”。 He is from Nanjing. P8 他来自南京。 live with…in…和谁住在哪里 live with sb 和某人住一起;live in+ 城市名,住在某地;live on the ground floor 住在一楼(用介词on) I’m…year old. 我几岁了。year(s) old ,……岁,如果数词大于1,year 要用复数years. 问年龄要用How old “几岁”提问。例如:- is your sister? --- She is 11. 应填How old. I have (short/long)hair.我留着短(长)头发 三、句式用法 What’s your name?你叫什么名字? Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。 I love reading. 我喜欢阅读英语.表示“喜欢”的用法:like喜欢/love喜爱/enjoy喜欢+ V.-ing 形式。 Now let’s meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。 I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。 She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。 He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。He comes from Nanjing. He is good at Maths. 他擅长于数学。 He does well in Maths. Millie is 11 years old.米莉11岁。 They are all very nice.他们都很好。


2014-2015 7A 期末运用 1. Renmin Park is a_______ (真正地) fun place to go to. 2. There's a small river in _______ (在??的前面)of my house. 3.I play basketball after school on_______ (星期三). 4.This computer is too e_______. I want to buy a cheaper one. 5.Sandy often goes s_______ with her mother on Sunday. 6.We are___________(有把握) our football team is the best of all. 7.Thank you for___________ (祝) Teachers' Day with us. 8.There are many different kinds of______________ (收音机) in the supermarket. 9.Hurry up! Your sister is_______ (等候) for you now. 10.That scarf is___________ (制成) of silk. It feels soft and smooth. 11.If you see something___________ (特的), you should tell me at once. 12._______(收集) stamps is one of my father's hobbies. 13.-What_______ (尺) are your feet? - Sorry, I don't know. 14. It's our duty to help children in poor___________(地区)go to school. 15.-Is Mary your classmate? You often play with her. -No. We are in_______classes. But we live in the same street. 16. We do morning exercises every day to keep h_________. 17. I can’ t find my(钱包 ) . Maybe I leave it at home. 18.I like _________ (聊天 ) with friends at lunchtime. 19.There are all kinds of _________ 围(巾 ) in the supermarket. 20.The ________ [h?ul] family will have a big dinner at home on that day. 21.Kitty always _______( 花 )an hour doing sports every day. 22._______( 尚 ) is a very popular magazine in America. 23. — Whose _______( 女式衫 ) are these? — They ’ re Sandy’ s. 24.I ’ m hungry. I want to eat two more ________ (堡 ). 25.I want to have a different but interesting __________ (生活方式) . 26.Girls like ____________ (零食) better than boys. 27.Today is her birthday, so we are going to_____________( 祝 ) for her. 28. Children love to play games in class ____________ (因) it ’ s great fun. 29.— You still don’n tyourclea bedroom now. You are so __________. — Sorry, Mum. But I’ m very busy with my tests these days. 30. — Could you _____ me your camera? I’ d like to travel to Hong Kong. — Sorry, but you can borrow one from Amy. 31.Here is a birthday ____________ /'preznt/ for you. 32.In the morning I don’ t have/ I 'n?f/ time to have breakfast at home. 33.The fish ____________ ( 品起来 ) very nice. I like it very much. 34.In winter people cover their faces with their___________ ( 巾 ). 35.My father likes ___________ ( 收集 ) stamps very much. What about your father? 36.There are p___________ of books in our school library.


Unit One This is me! 1.What’s your name? 2.This is… 3.an instruction book 4.look after 5.make friends with 6.introduce oneself to each other 7.a profile of oneself 8.welcome to + n. 9.at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School 10.Good morning (afternoon, evening, night)! 11.12 years old=12-year-old 12.live in (a flat) 13.be clever at (be good at = do well in) 14.in the school basketball team 15.in the Reading Club 16.call sb. + name 17.come from = be from 18.be born in (on) 19.at school (compare with: at the school) 20.have hair in a ponytail (have hair in bunches) 21.like doing sth. (love doing sth, enjoy doing sth.) 22.listen to (music, teacher) 23.look at 24.work hard (compare with: hard work) 25.wear glasses 26.play computer games 27.want to do sth. 28.make notes about 29.know each other 30.the Class 1, Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 7 31.help sb. do sth. 32.It’s time for sth. =It’s time to do sth. 33.PE class 34.football boots 35.tennis racket 36.football field 37.tennis court 38.swimming pool 39.play…with sb. 40.talk to sb. 41.at lunchtime 42.take sb. for a walk 43.after school 你叫什么名字? 这是……(用于介绍人或物) 一本说明书 照料,保管 与……交朋友 相互间进行自我介绍 一份某人自己的档案 欢迎到……来 在北京阳光中学 早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)12岁 住在(公寓里) 在……方面聪明(在……很擅长)在校篮球队 在阅读俱乐部 称某人为…… 来自……,……地方人 出生于…… 在校学习班(在学校里) 将头发扎成马尾辫(扎辫子) 喜欢做某事 听(音乐,老师讲课) 看…… 努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作) 戴眼镜 玩电脑游戏 想要做某事 做有关……的记录 相互了解 七年级一班的学生 帮助某人做某事 是该做某事的时候了。 体育课 足球鞋 网球拍 足球场 网球场 游泳池 和某人一起玩…… 和某人交谈 在午餐时间 带某人去散步 放学后


第二课 wake up [weik] v. 叫醒,醒来 sleep [sli:p] n. 睡眠 just [d??st] adv. 确实、正好,恰好 fun[f?n] n. 享受 adj.有趣的 exercise ['eks?saiz] n. 练习,v:锻炼 after-school adj. 课外的 activity [?k'tiviti]n. 活动 homework ['h?umw?:k]n. 家庭作业 supper ['s?p?]n. 晚餐 because [bi'k?z]conj. 因为 best [best]adv. 最好地 chat [t??t] n.聊天,闲谈 each other ['i:t? '?e?] 彼此、互相 first [f?:st]adv. 首先,第一 spend [spend] v.花费 library ['laibr?ri]n. 图书馆 Tuesday ['tju:zdi]n. 星期二 Friday ['fraidi]n. 星期五 pract ise ['pr?ktis]vt. 练习、操练(使...练习,养成...的习惯) swimmer ['swim?(r)] n. 游泳者 kind [kaind]n. 种类

mail [meil]n. 邮件 send [send]v. 送给,传,寄 use [ju:s] vt. 使用,用 internet ['int?:net]n. 因特网 twice [twais] adv. 两倍,两次 week [wi:k]n. 星期,周 model ['m?dl]n. 模型,模特儿 newspaper ['nju:speip?]n. 报纸 letter['let?]n.信 should [?ud, ??d, ?d]conj. 应该,将要 much [m?t?]adv. 非常、更加 adj. 许多的 better ['bet?]adv. 更好地 adj. 较好的,更好的both [b?uθ] adv. 两者都 together [t?'gee?]adv. 一起 comic ['k?mik]n. 连环图画 Thursday ['θ?:zdi]n. 星期四 Monday ['m?ndi, 'm?ndei]n. 星期一Wednesday ['wenzdei, 'wenzdi]n. 星期三 talk [t?:k]n.讲座,讲话 v. 说话,谈话,讨论busy ['bizi] adj. 忙的,繁忙的 pardon[pɑ:dn] 再说一遍 information [,inf?'mei??n]n. 信息


译林版英语七年级译林版英语上册期末复习知识点大全 Ⅱ. Multiple choice 1.—What cold weather! —Yes. But it’s unusual experience for us who always live in a hot city. A. an; an B. /; a C. /; an D. a; a 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】句意:——多冷的天气啊!——是啊,但是这对于我们这些一直生活在炎热的城市的人来说是一次不寻常的经历。 考查感叹句和冠词。an不定冠词;a不定冠词;/零冠词。weather为不可数名词,what引导的感叹句结构为:what+adj.+不可数名词,所以第一空不用冠词;experience意为“经历”时为可数名词,此处表示泛指的“一次”,应该用不定冠词,根据第二空横线后unusual为元音音素发音开头,可知用an,故选C。 【点睛】不定冠词a/an都可以表示泛指的“一,一个”,两者之间的区别在于:a用于辅音音素发音开头的单词前,an用于元音音素发音开头的单词前。 2.They believe they can still do the work better than last time even if they have money and people. A. little; few B. less; few C. little; fewer D. less; fewer 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】句意:他们相信即使他们的钱少了,人少了,他们仍然能比上次做得更好。 考查不定代词。little少,修饰不可数名词;few少,修饰可数名词;less为little的比较级,fewer为few的比较级。根据前文的than,可知要用比较级;根据money不可数,people为复数概念,故选D。 【点睛】little意为“几乎没有”,修饰不可数名词,是否定概念;few意为“几乎没有”,修饰可数名词,是否定概念;a little意为“少许”,修饰不可数名词,是肯定概念;a few意为“少许”,修饰可数名词,是肯定概念。 3.The business has been very good since I a bookstore last year. Now it every day from 8a.m. to 8p.m. A. opened; opens B. opened; is open C. was open; is open D. was open; opens 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】句意:自从我去年开了一个书店,生意一直挺好。现在它每天从早晨8点开到晚上8点。 考查动词时态。第一空作since引导的时间状语从句的谓语,根据时间状语last year,可知用一般过去时,


一.词汇:(20分) A根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词的适当形式,使句子意思完整、正确。(10分) 1. Now I have many new _______ (同学) 2.My grandparent is about ninety _________ (岁) old. 3. Is ______ (每人) here? 4.Sandy is tall and __________(苗条). 5.As we all know,Hobo is an _________ (电子狗). 6.I am in Class 1,_________ (年级) 7 at Sunshine Middle School. 7.Daniel , your __________ (眼镜)look too cool. 8.--- Do you like any sports ? ---- yes, I like _________ (散步). 9. Li Hua is my favourite football player . I hope his __________ (梦想)comes true. 10.--- What do you usually do in your _______(空闲的) time? ----I usually do some _______(画画). B.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. I love_________(I) school. 2. Sandy often __________ (listen) to English songs. 3. Which class___________ (be) Millie and Simon in? 4. We are good at __________ (swim). 5.Eddie doesn’t know how to _________ (look ) after Hobo. 6.This is my new friend .He loves __________ (read).


U n i t O n e T h i s i s m e! 1.What’syourname 2.Thisis… 3.aninstructionbook 4.lookafter 5.makefriendswith 6.introduceoneselftoeachother 7.aprofileofoneself 8.welcometo+n. 9.atBeijingSunshineSecondarySchool 10.Goodmorning(afternoon,evening,night)! 11.12yearsold=12-year-old 12.livein(aflat) 13.becleverat(begoodat=dowellin) 14.intheschoolbasketballteam 15.intheReadingClub 16.callsb.+name 17.comefrom=befrom 18.bebornin(on) 19.atschool(comparewith:attheschool) 20.havehairinaponytail(havehairinbunches) 21.likedoingsth.(lovedoingsth,enjoydoingst h.)22.listento(music,teacher ) 23.lookat 24.workhard(comparewith:h ardwork) 25.wearglasses 26.playcomputergames 27.wanttodosth. 28.makenotesabout 29.knoweachother 30.theClass1,Grade7studen ts=thestudentsinClass1,Grad e7 31.helpsb.dosth. 32.It’stimeforsth.=It’s timetodosth. 33.PEclass 34.footballboots 35.tennisracket 36.footballfield 37.tenniscourt 38.swimmingpool


译林版七年级教学情况单元调查练习 一.词汇:(20分) A根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词的适当形式,使句子意思完整、正确。(10分) 1. Now I have many new _______ (同学) 2.My grandparent is about ninety _________ (岁) old. 3. Is ______ (每人) here? 4.Sandy is tall and __________ (苗条). 5.As we all know,Hobo is an _________ (电子狗). 6.I am in Class 1,_________ (年级) 7 at Sunshine Middle School. 7.Daniel , your __________ (眼镜)look too cool. 8.--- Do you like any sports ? ---- yes, I like _________ (散步). 9. Li Hua is my favourite football player . I hope his __________ (梦想)comes true. 10.--- What do you usually do in your _______(空闲的) time? ----I usually do some _______(画画). B.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. I love_________(I) school. 2. Sandy often __________ (listen) to English songs. 3. Which class___________ (be) Millie and Simon in? 4. We are good at __________ (swim). 5.Eddie doesn’t know how to _________ (look ) after Hobo. 6.This is my new friend .He loves __________ (read). 8.Andy __________ (have) some new friends at Sunshine Middle School. 9.Nice ____________ (see) you, Millie. 10.____________the girl __________(come) from the USA? 二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. ----Are you my new English teacher? ----________________. A.Yes, I do B.Yes, I am C. Yes, I can. D. I’m sorry. I don’t know. 2. Simon likes________, but I ________playing football after school. A. reading; loving B. read; love C. reading; love D. read;loving 3.Mike is very good _________ Maths and English. A. in B. at C. to D. for 4. --- ________________? --- He looks strong. A.How old is he? B.How does he look? C. What does he like? D. Where is he from? 5. ___________you __________the bus every day? A. Are; take B. Do; take C. Does; take D. Do; takes 6.___________he ____________Japanese? A. Do; read B. Does; say C. Does; speak D. Do; write 7. ----______________your classroom clean? ----Yes. We ____________it after school every day. A. Does; cleans B. Are; clean C. Do; cleans D. Is ; clean 8. Li Hua wants______________ in the next World Cup. A. to play B. play C. to playing D. playing 9.Amy wants_____________ home. A.walk B.to walk C. to walk to D. walking


译林版七年级英语上册第七单元知识点总结 一、词汇知识点整理: need you to carry all the bags 需要你来拎所有的包 shoe shop 鞋店 clothes shop服装店 sports shop 体育用品商店 flower shop 花店 gift shop 礼品店 toy shop 玩具店 talk about presents谈论礼物 ask sb for help 向某人求助 I am not sure. 我不确定 be interested in 对……感兴趣 like collecting stamp喜欢集邮 want some football cards想要一些足球卡片 Just a minute./ wait for a short time请稍等 Take/Have a look. 看一下 different kinds of hair clips不同种类的发夹 match her pink coat配他的粉红外套 some other nice things一些其他好东西 not far away from my school离我学校不远

enough snacks足够多的零食 the children in poor areas贫困地区的孩子们 learn a lot from books从书中学到很多 it is a long way很长一段路 most of the children大多数孩子 walk a long way to school走很长一段路到校 use our pocket money to buy them these things用我们的零花钱买这些东西 try them on试穿他们 fit very well 很合适 foods from different areas 来自不同地区的食物 二、结构用法: buy sth for sb =buy sb sth 给某人买某物 plan to do sth 计划做某事 三、句式用法: The mall is a good place to meet friends and have fun. 这个购物中心是见朋友和玩的开心的好地方。 How do you use your pocket money? 你怎样使用你的零花钱? Here’s your change. 这是你的找零。 How much are they? / How much do they cost? 他们多少钱? Can I see another pair?我可以看一下另一双吗? She is not interested in music. 她对音乐不感兴趣。 That’s a good idea. 好主意。


译林版七年级英语上册单词表全(音标、翻译) 第一课单词 e-dog ['i:d??] n. 电子狗 master ['mɑ:st?] n. 主人 year [j?:, ji?] n. 年、岁 grade [greid] n. 年级 reading ['ri:di?] n. 阅读 club [kl?b] n. 俱乐部、兴趣小组 after ['ɑ:ft?] conj. 在...以后 slim [slim] adj. 苗条的,细长的 long [l??] adj. 长的 music ['mju:zik] n. 音乐 hard [hɑ:d] adv. 努力地adj. 硬的困难的 short [??:t] adj. 短的,矮的 swimming ['swimi?]n. 游泳 wear [wxy] v. 穿、戴 glasses ['gla:siz] n. 眼镜 enjoy [in'd??i]v. 享受,喜欢 polite [p?'lait]adj. 有礼貌的 helpful ['helpful]adj. 有帮助的,有益的 hobby ['h?bi] n. 业余爱好 badminton ['b?dmint?n] n. 羽毛球 volleyball ['v?lib?:l]n. 排球 court [k?:t] n.球场 football field [ 5futbC:l-fi:ld]n足球场 swimming pool ['swimi?-pu:l]n 游泳池 swim [swim] 游泳 eat [i:t] v. 吃 fish [fi?] n. 鱼 maths [m?θs] n. 数学 walk [w?:k] n. 散步,步行v. 带…散步 fly [flai] n.飞行v.飞翔,放飞 lunchtime ['l?nt?taim] n. 午餐时间 every ['evri] adj.每个的 day [dei] n. 白天walking ['w?:ki?] v. 散步、步行 drawing ['dr?:i?] n. 绘图,图画 always ['?:lweiz] adv. 总是 weekend [wi:k'end, 'wi:kend]n. 周末 usually ['ju:???li] adv. 通常 run [r?n] n. 奔跑,路程v. 跑, hour ['au?] n. 小时 then [een] adv. 那么然后, sometime ['s?mtaim] adv.有时 often ['?(:)fn, '?:ft?n] adv. 经常dinner ['din?] n. 主餐,晚餐,晚宴 grandparent ['gr?ndpe?r?nt] n. (外)祖父(母) restaurant ['rest?r:?, -r?nt]n. 餐馆,饭店sport [sp?:t] n. 运动,体育 news [nju:z] n. 新闻,消息 score [sk?:, sk??] n. 得分 player ['plei?]n. 比赛者,运动员 team [ti:m] n. 队,组 member ['memb?] n. 成员,会员 goal [g?ul] n. 目标,终点 next [nekst] n. 下一个 birthplace ['b?:θpleis]n. 诞生地 match [m?t?] n. 比赛, well [wel] adv. 很好 win [win] v. 赢得,胜利,成功 again [?'gein] adv. 又,再 really ['ri?li] adv. 真正地,实在strong [str??] ad j. 强壮的 rubber ['r?b?] n. 橡皮、橡胶 borrow ['b?r?u] v.借,借用 say [sei] v. 说,讲 understand [,?nd?'st?nd] v. 理解,了解start [stɑ:t] v. 开始 begin [bi'gin] v.开始 dark [dɑ:k] adj. 黑暗的 lots of 许多、大量


译林版七年级上册英语教案本篇文章是为您整理的译林版七年级上册英语教案,希望对大家有帮助。 第一单元备课教案 一、语言知识与技能 1.根据读音规则和音标拼读单词。 2.理解和领悟词语的基本含义、语法项目以及语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能; 3.能在日常交际情景中听懂对话,例如,能听懂连续的指令并据此完成任务;能引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈; 4.能听懂接近正常语速、熟悉话题的语段和简单故事,获取相关信息; 5.能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式就熟悉的话题进行交谈;能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式及(或)所给提示描述人、物、事件、行为、特征等,表达简单的观点; 6.能在教师的指导下进行简单的角色表演; .能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;根据上下文猜测生词的意思; 8.每天课外阅读量最少达到100词。 9.能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式以及参照范例写出简

单的文段等,包括起草和修改。 二、文化意识 10.了解语言和语用的文化因素,体验跨文化交际。 三、学习策略 11-利用读音规则和音标拼读词汇,利用上下文、非语言信息等理解词义,联想学习和记忆词汇,构词法等。 11-利用情境等理解语法结构和表意功能,发现语言规律并举一反三。 11-复习、整理归纳所学内容。 11-利用预测、语调、重音、问题等来获取听力信息。 11-在课内外活动中借助体态语用英语交流。 11-利用预测、跳读、寻读、细节读等来获取文章信息。 11-仿写短文,准备素材、起草短文并修改。 11-明确目标,制定计划, 11-了解并跨文化交际。 四、情感态度 12.乐于参与英语活动,敢于用英语表达,积极与他人合作,体验自己的学习效果。 备教学 重、难点 内容 课标具体知识、技能、文化目标
