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译林版八年级下册英语Unit7 Comic strip课文翻译 1. Eddie,more money is needed for charity. You have some pocket money left. Let's go and donate it. 埃迪,慈善机构需要更多的钱。你还剩下一些零花钱。让我们去把它捐了吧。 2. Now? It's time for lunch. 现在吗?到吃午饭的时间了。 3. Don't worry. We can have a big lunch after that. 别担心。捐钱之后我们可以吃一顿丰盛的午餐。 4. Hobo,let me have lunch first. I'm too weak to walk any further. 霍波,让我先吃午饭吧。我太虚弱,走不动了。 Come on,Eddie. We only have five kilometres left. 加油,埃迪。我们只剩下五千米了。 How charities help people 慈善机构如何帮助人们 The Class 1,Grade 8 students want to learn about international charities. They want to find out how these charities help people around the world. 八年级一班的学生想了解关于国际慈善机构的一些情况。他们想调查出这些慈善机构如何帮助世界各地的人们。 Task Write a report on the work of an international charity. 任务写一篇关于一个国际慈善机构的工作的报道。 Welcome to the unit A 部分翻译 Charities around the world 世界各地的慈善机构 Amy has collected some information about international charities. Help her match the logos with the charities. Write the correct names in the blanks. 埃米已经搜集了一些有关国际慈善机构的信息。帮助她把徽标和慈善机构的名字连接起来。在横线上写出正确的名字。 ORBIS 奥比斯 Oxfam 乐施会 UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会 WWF 世界自然基金会 2B 部分翻译 Mr Wu is asking the students about international charities. Work in groups and say what you know about charities. Use the conversation below as a model. 吴老师正在问学生关于国际慈善机构的事。分组练习,并且说说你所知道的关于慈善机构的事。用下面的对话作示范。 Mr Wu: Do you know about any international charities,class? 吴老师:同学们,你们知道一些关于慈善机构的事吗? Daniel:Yes.I know about a charity called UNICEF. 丹尼尔:是的,我知道一个叫联合国儿童基金会的慈善机构。 Mr Wu:How does UNICEF help people? 吴老师:联合国儿童基金会是如何帮助人们的?


(UNIT1)现在完成时的重点和难点 一、现在完成时的完成用法和未完成用法 1.现在完成时的完成用法 现在完成时的完成用法指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。例如:He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了。 (动作结束于过去,但说明的是现在的情况--灯现在不亮了。) 现在完成时完成用法的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever,once等)、 包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning / month /year...,today等)连用。 例如: Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗? 2.现在完成时的未完成用法 现在完成时的未完成用法指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能还要继续 下去。 例如:He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来,他一直住在这儿。(动作起始 于1978年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。) I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了。(动作开始于5年前,一直延续至今,有可能还要继续下去。) 此种用法的句中常需一个表示一段时间的状语(由since或for引导),或表示与现在时刻相 连的时间状语(如:up to now,so far到目前为止)等。 例如:I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。 注意:(1)现在完成时的未完成用法只适用于延续性动词,不可用于终止性动词,即瞬间完成 或延续时间很短的动词。如:come,go,arrive,leave,join,become,die等。 (2)现在完成时常见两种句型: ①主语+have / has been+for短语 ②It is+一段时间+ since从句 例如:He has been in the League for three years.或It is three years since he joined the League. 他入团已三年了。 3、延续性动词和终止性动词的概念 英语中,动词按其动作发生的方式、动作发生过程的长短,可分为延续性动词和终止性动词。 延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。 终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后 立即结束。如open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow,buy等。 4、延续性动词的用法特征 1.延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,其完成时态可与表示段时间的状语连用。表示段时间的 短语有:for two years, during the past three years, since last year, how long等。如:I have learned English since I came here.自从我来到这儿就学英 语了。


Unit 1 Past and present 1.past/pɑ:st/n.过去 2.present/?preznt/n.现在,目前 3.just/d??st/adv.刚才 4.used to /ju?zd tu?/(用于过去持续或经常发生的事)曾经 5.since /s?ns/conj.自…以来 6.ever/'ev?(r)/adv.曾经 7.northern/'n?:e?n/adj.北方的,北部的 8.married/'m?r?d/adj.已婚的,结婚的 9.wife/wa?f/n.妻子 10.block/bl?k/n.街区 11.since/s?ns/prep.自…以来 12.over/'??v?(r)/prep.在…期间 13.turn ... into .../t??n/. . . /??nt?/. . . 把…变成… 14.pollution/p??lu:?n/n.污染;污染物 15.factory/'f?ktr?/n.工厂 16.waste/we?st/n.废料;废品 17.realize /?ri??la?z/ vt.&vi.意识到;现实realise/?r??la?z/ vt.&vi.意识到;现实 18.improve/?m'pru:v/vt.&vi.改善,改进 19.situation/?s?t?u?e??n/n.形式,情况 20.in some ways /?n s?m we?z/在某种程度上 21.however/ha??ev?(r)/adv.然而 22.impossible/?m?p?s?bl/adj.不可能的 23.before/b??f?:(r)/adv.以前,过去,已经 24.lonely/'l??nl?/adj.孤独的,寂寞的 25.from time to time /fr?m ta?m tu? ta?m/不时,有时,偶尔 26.anyway/?eniwe?/adv.尽管,即使这样 27.husband/'h?zb?nd/n.丈夫 28.interview/'?nt?vju:/n.采访;会见 29.all one’s life /?? l w?n es la?f/一生 30.yet/jet/adv.还,仍 31.recently/?ri:sntli/adv.近来,最近 32.past/pɑ:st/adj.过去的 33.environment/?n'va?r?nm?nt/n.环境 34.transport/'tr?nsp?:t/n.交通车辆,运输工具 35.condition/k?n?d??n/n.环境,条件,状况 36.return/r?'t?:n/vi.返回 37.last/lɑ:st/adv.最近,上一次,最后 38.abroad/??br?:d/adv.在(到)国外去 39.primary/'pra?m?r?/adj.小学教育的;初级的 40.keep in touch /ki?p ?n t?t?/保持联系 41.communicate/k?'mju:n?ke?t/vt.&vi.交流, 交际 42.communication/k??mju:n?'ke??n/n.交际, 交流 43.exactly/?g?z?ktli/adv.(答语)正是,没错 44.be/get used to /bi? get ju?zd tu?/ 习惯于,适应于 45.narrow/'n?r??/adj.狭窄的 46.open space /???p(?)n spe?s/开阔的空地 Unit 2 Travelling 1.travelling/?tr?v?l??/n.旅行 =traveling/?tr?vl??/n.旅行 2.hey/he?/excl.嘿,喂 3.miss/m?s/vt.想念,思念 4.fantastic/f?n?t?st?k/adj.极好的,美妙的 5.indoor/??nd?:(r)/adj.(在)室内的 6.roller coaster/?r?ul??k??st?/*过山车,环滑 车 7.speed/spi:d/n.速度 8.ride/ra?d/n.乘坐(游乐设施) 9.cartoon/kɑ:'tu:n/n.卡通片,动画片 10.character/'k?r?kt?(r)/n.人物 11.such/s?t?/det.&pron.这样的(人或物) 12.such as /s?t? ?z/例如 13.parade/p?'re?d/n.(庆祝)游行 14.magic/'m?d??k/n.魔法 15.pie/pa?/n.派,馅饼 16.feel/fi:l/vt.感觉到,意识到 1

译林版八年级英语下册Unit2 知识点归纳整理

译林版八年级英语下册Unit2 知识点归 纳整理 译林版八年级英语下册Unit2 知识点归纳整理 Unit2 Travelling A&WelU短语及固定搭配 1.get allgs 带上我所有的东西 2.so excited 如此的激动la名胜apital of ……的首都 5.go to ……for holiday 去……度假 译林版英语(8下)知识整理与归纳6. be/get ready to do sth 准备好做某事 be/get read准备好某事 译林版英语(8下)知识整理与归纳7. have been to 去过某地(已回) have gone to 去了某地(未回) have been in 去某地(在该地) 2.句子 I don’’ll be a holida我认为这对我而言不是一个假期 补充:常见的否定前置词:think,believe等 B. Reading 1.短语及固定搭配aven’a没有见到彼此

2.have been in Hong Kong for two days 在香港两天ave a fanta度过一段美妙的时光ave fun 玩得开心ave a good/great /nice /wonderful time 过得愉快lf 玩得开心,过得愉快ller coaster 过山车ve at high (/top/full)speed 高速运动 补充:at low speed 低速ugde 在乘坐的过程中ave a quick meal 吃一份简餐way 在路上way to 在……的路上 补充:与way有关的短语ways(同步练习上介绍的是:in a way)在某种程度上 2.by the way 顺便问一下’s way 挡住某人的去路 4.lost one‘s way 迷路 5.all the way 一路上,沿路way 在路上,即将发 生ake one’s way 某人动身(去某处),前进d one’s way 找到路,找到解决方法uch as 例如(一般后面跟多个例子) 10.get excited 兴奋起a parade of ……的游行 12.laalater a傍晚best paday一天中最好的部分a 拍照a 4-D film 一场4D电影dg 购物a couple of 一对,几个let me have a look 让我看看ad of 以……的速度 20.hurry to do sth 赶着做某事


8B Unit 3 Online travel Comic strip and Welcome to the un it Period 1 主备人:冯姜玉 审核人:朱卫美 总课时: ________ 学习目标 1. To in troduce the topic of computer 2. To in troduce the differe nt uses of computers. 3. To guess the meanings accord ing to the pictures. 学习重难点 1. To in troduce the differe nt uses of computers. 2. To guess the meanings accord ing to the pictures. 3. To learn new words and phrases: online, television, channel, design, receive, program / look like, remote control, change the channel, search for in formatio n, send and receive e-mails, word process ing, write computer programs, use sth. to do … 教具学具 Computer Tape-recorder Pictures 教学活动过程 预习交流: 检查并校对预习作业(即学案中的预习题) 预习题 (一)预习本课内容,尝试写出下列短语。 1. 遥控器 2. 3.打开电视 4. 5.文字处理 6. 7.收发电子邮件 8. 9.搜索信息 (二)同义句转换。 1.1 ' m afraid I ' ve no idea. I ' m afraid I ________________ . 2. Tom will say “ Yes ” to me. Tom will ___________ me. 3. The boy turns on the TV now. The TV _____________________ now. 4. What do you use the computer for What do you use the computer _____________ 5. I use the computer to search for in formatio n. The computer is ______________ search for in formatio n. 展示探究: Step One : Lead-i n Questions : do you usually do when you are free you have a computer at home you like play ing a computer do you use a computer for Discussion: Part a: Let the Ss tell more uses of computers. Ask: What do you know about computers 完成 35 页 A 部分的练习,并适当扩充电脑的其他部件的名称。 看起来像 同意某人 换频道 编写电脑程序


译林八年级下册英语unit2试卷知识点及答案 知识点: 1去南山度我的假go to South Hill for my holiday 2做好准备 Get ready! 3带上我所有的东西get all my things 4度假(2种) spend one's holiday/be on holiday 5发现关于更多不同的地方find out more about different places 6名胜古迹places of interest 7全世界(2种)all over the world/the whole world 8丹麦的首都the capital of Denmark 9关于它有什么特别What is special about it? ……………… 10去了,还未回来have gone to sp.去过,已经回来have been to sp. 去了,停留在某地have been in sp 11去香港的一次旅行go on a trip to Hong Kong 12在寒假期间during the winter holiday 13度过非常美妙时光have a fantastic/great/wonderful time 14在迪斯尼度过一整天spend the whole day in the Disneyland 15整天 the whole day/all day long 16给某人写信write a letter/letters to sb 17乘地铁by underground/take an/the underground 18以高速运转move at high speed 19室内过山车an indoor roller coaster 20在行使全程中尖叫和大笑scream and laugh through the ride 21在路上on one’s way to … 22卡通角色cartoon characters 23例如(2种)such as /for example/like 24匆忙去餐馆吃一顿快餐hurry to go to a restaurant to have a quick meal 25对…显示了极大兴趣show great interest in sth 26对…感兴趣be/become interested in sth./doing sth 27一天中的最好部分the best part of the day 28忍不住拍照片Can’t/couldn’t stop taking photos 29为同学们买几个钥匙环buy a couple of key rings for classmates 30观看一部4-D电影watch a 4-D movie/film 31在睡美人城堡前观看焰火watch the fireworks in front of the Sleeping Beauty Castle 32像魔术like magic 33那天的晚些时候later that day 34在一天结束时at the end of the day 35把某物给某人看show sth to sb 36以中国风格in Chinese style 37主题公园theme park 38深圳的世界之窗 the window of the world in Shenzhen 39自然美景places of natural beauty 40一年到头all year round 41在除冬天之外的任何一个季节in any season except winter 42在寒冷的雪天on cold and snowy days 43去那儿的最好时间 the best time to go there 44在每年的那个时刻at that time of year 45谈论他们的假期计划 talk about their holiday plans 46出差go to sp. on business 47收到来自某人的信receive a letter from 48搭乘直飞航班去take a direct flight to sp.


8下Unit1 1.过去 2.现在,目前 3.刚才 4(用于过去持续或 经常发生的事)曾经 5.自……以来 6.曾经 7,北方的,北部的 8,已婚的,结婚的 9,妻子 10,街区 11,自……以来 12,在……期间 13,把……变成……14,污染;污染物 15,工厂 16,废料,废品 17,意识到;实现 18,改进,改善 19,形势,情况 20,在某种程度上 21.然而 22,不可能的 23,过去,已经 24,孤独的,寂寞的25,不时,有时,偶尔26,尽管,即使这样27,丈夫 28,采访;会见 29,一生 30,还,仍 31,近来,最近 32,过去的 33,环境 34,交通车辆,运输工具35,环境,条件,状况36,返回 37,最近,上一次;最后38,到(在)国外 39,小学教育的;初级的40,保持联系 41,交流,交际v. 42,交流,交际n. 43,(答语)正是,没错44,习惯于,适应于45,狭窄的 46,开阔的空地 8下Unit2 1.<英>旅行 2.嘿,喂 3.想念,思念 4.极好的,美妙的 5,(在)室内的 6.(游乐场的)过山车 7.速度 8.乘坐(游乐设施) 9.卡通片,动画片 10.人物 11.这样的(人或物)12,例如(词组) 13,(庆祝)游行 14,魔法 15,派,馅饼 16,感觉到,意识到17,两人,两件食物; 几个人,几件事物18,一对;几个,几件19,在…末尾 20,城堡 21,沙;沙滩 22,农村,乡下 23,结束 24,结婚,嫁,娶 25,死的 26,美丽;美人 27,海边的 28,主题公园 29.帆船运动,航行30,除了…以外 31,景色,风景 32,高山 33,公事;商业;生意34,出差 35,直接的,直达的36,航班;航行 37,要点


八年级英语提高班 一、选择填空 ( )1. ---How long have you _______ our school? ---__________ I got here in 2000. A. arrived in, For B. been to, Since C. reached, When D. been in, Since ( )2. I’m afraid this computer can’t _______anything. It ________. A. be used to do, was broken down B. be used to doing, is wrong C. be used for doing, is bad D. be used to do, has broken down ( )3. My printer can ____ very quickly. A. be printed B. print C. be print D. to print. ( )4 ---Your dress is nice. Is it new? ---No, I _____ since two years a go. It’s two years since I ____ it. A. had, bought B. have had, bought C. have bought, bought D. bought, have bought ( )5 ---Where have you _____? To the playground to watch the game, why? A. gone B. come C. been D. left ( )6.MrLi_____Kunming. He _____the city three times. This time he ______Kunming for three days. A. has been to, has gone to, has been in B. has gone to, has been to, has been in C. has been in, has been to, has gone to D. has gone to, has been in, has been to ( )7. Half of the class____ most of the work. Some of the work____ really difficult. A. have done; is B. had done; are C. has done; is D. have done; are ( )8. Bush, the president of the USA, _______ a naughty boy at school. A. used to be B. used to being C. is used to be D. is used to being ( )9.When he saw a wallet on the ground, he ______at once. A. picked it up B. gave it up C. picked up it D. gave up it ( )10.---Would you mind if I sing here? ---______.Look at the sign. It says: “Be quiet.” A. Of course not. B. Better not C. Not at all. D.I don’t mind. ( )11. It’s not my watch. It may be _______________. A.someone else B. someone else’s C. else someone D. someone’s else ( )12. ---You are not going out today, are you?--____. I need to go shopping. A. Yes, I’m not B. No, I’m not C. Yes, I am D. No, I am ( )13. An accident _________ on this road last week. A has been happened B was happened C is happened D happened ( )14. There ___ a number of people in the bathroom. The number of them ___ almost fifty. A are, is B is, is C is, are D are, are ( )15. It’s ten years _________ I lived in Nanjing. A before B since C after D when ( )16. ____ the end of the show, he clapped _______. A. In, excited B. At, excitedly C. In, excitedly D. At, exciting ( )17. Your father’s never been to England, _________? A. is he B. isn’t he C. has he D. hasn’t he ( )18. What changes _________ in your lives? A.have there had B. has there been C. have there been D. has there had ( )19. Would you like some more cakes? Thank you I____ enough. A. have B. will have C. had D. have had ( )20. Every week I have to finish writing ______ article. A. an eight-hundred-word B. a eight-hundred-word C. an eight-hundred-words D. a eight-hundreds-word 二、完形填空 IMAGINE a life without arms or legs! You can’t hold anyone in your 36 . You can’t walk anywhere with your feet. How would you last a day like that? Would you 37 at yourself in the mirror like Nick Vujicic, the 29-year-old Australian? Nick was born without limbs(四肢), so life was not 38 for him. At school many students played jokes on him 39 he looked different from everyone else. He was refused to be 40 friends, so he always felt 41 . However, he faced that bravely. He 42 to type and write with two toes(脚趾)at the age of six, and he could 43 surf and play golf. In college, he achieved great success and was among the 44 students in the studies. And he decided on 45 to do later in his life—to encourage others to work hard for their dreams. Now Nick is one of the most popular 46 in the world. He travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story 47 difficulties. “Living life fully is about looking at what you _48 , not what you don’t have.” he said. His 49 encourages millions of people. “I tell people to keep on getting up when they 50 and to always love themselves,” he said. “If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.”


Unit 1 1过去n.past 2现在,目前 n.present 3刚才adv.just 4曾经/used to 5自…以来conj.since 6曾经adv.ever 7北方的,北部的adj.northern 8已婚的,结婚的adj.married 9妻子n.wife (pl. wives) 10街区n.block 11自…以来prep.since 12在…期间prep.over 13把…变成…/turn …into 14污染;污染物n.pollutionpollute,polluted 15工厂n.factoryfactories 16废料;废品n.waste 17意识到;实现vt.&vi.realize (=realise) 18改进,改善vt.&vi.improve 19形势,情况n.situation 20在某种程度上/in some ways 21然而adv.however 22不可能的adj.impossiblepossible, possibly 23以前,过去,已经adv.before 24孤独的,寂寞的adj.lonelylonely, alone 25不时,有时,偶尔/from time to time 26尽管,即使这样adv.anyway 27丈夫n.husband 28采访;会见 n.interviewinterviewrer 29一生/all one's life30还,仍 adv.yet31近来,最近 adv.recentlyrecent 32过去的adj.past 33环境n.environment 34交通车辆,运输工具n.transport 35环境,条件,状况n.condition 36返回vi.return 37最近,上一次;最后adv.last 38到(在)国外adv.abroad 39小学教育的;初级的adj.primary 40保持联系/keep in touch(with) 41交流,交际vi.&vt.communicate 42交流,交际n.communication 43(答语)正是,没错adv.exactly 44习惯于,适应于/be/ get used to 45狭窄的adj.narrow 46开阔的空地n.open space Unit 2 1旅行n.travelling (=traveling) traveller 2嘿,喂excl.hey 3想念,思念vt. Miss 4极好的,美妙的adj.fantastic 5(在)室内的adj.indoor 6过山车,环滑车n.roller coaster 7速度n.speed 8乘坐n.ride 9卡通片,动画片n.cartoon 10人物n.character 11这样的(人或物)det.&pron.such 12例如/such as 13(庆祝)游行n.parade 14魔法n.magic 15派,馅饼n.pie 16感觉到,意识到vt.feel 17两人,两件事物;几个人n.couple 18一对;几个,几件/a couple of 19在…末尾/at the end of 20城堡n.castle 21沙;沙滩n.sand 22农村,乡下n.countryside 23结束adv.over 24结婚,嫁,娶vi.&vt.marrymarried


牛津八年级下册英语语法总复习 一、现在完成时的“完成用法”和“未完成用法” 1.现在完成时的"完成用法" 现在完成时的"完成用法"指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。例如:He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了。 (动作结束于过去,但说明的是现在的情况--灯现在不亮了。) 现在完成时"完成用法"的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever,once等)、包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning / month /year...,today等)连用。 例如: Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗? 2.现在完成时的"未完成用法" 现在完成时的"未完成用法"指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能还要继续下去。 例如:He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来,他一直住在这儿。(动作起始于1978年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。) I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了。(动作开始于5年前,一直延续至今,有可能还要继续下去。) 此种用法的句中常需一个表示一段时间的状语(由since或for引导),或表示与现在时刻相连的时间状语(如:up to now,so far到目前为止)等。 例如:I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。 注意:(1)现在完成时的未完成用法只适用于延续性动词,不可用于终止性动词,即瞬间完成或延续时间很短的动词。如:come,go,arrive,leave,join,become,die等。 (2)现在完成时常见两种句型: ①主语+have / has been+for短语 ②It is+一段时间+ since从句 例如:He has been in the League for three years.或It is three years since he joined the League. 他入团已三年了。 3、延续性动词和终止性动词的概念 英语中,动词按其动作发生的方式、动作发生过程的长短,可分为延续性动词和终止性动词。 延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。


Unit 2 1旅行n. 2嘿,喂excl. 3想念,思念vt. 4极好的,美妙的adj. 5(在)室内的adj. 6过山车,环滑车n. 7速度n. 8乘坐n. 9卡通片,动画片n. 10人物n. 11这样的(人或物)det.&pron. 12例如 13(庆祝)游行n. 14魔法n. 15派,馅饼n. 16感觉到,意识到vt. 17两人,两件事物;几个人n. 18一对;几个,几件 19在…末尾 20城堡n. 21沙;沙滩n.

22农村,乡下n. 23结束adv. 24结婚,嫁,娶vi.&vt. 25死的adj. 26美丽;美人n. 27海边的adj. 28主题公园n. 29帆船运动,航行n. 30除了…以外prep. 31景色,风景n. 32高山n. 33公事;商业;生意n. 34出差 35直达的,直接的adj. 36航班;航行n. 37要点n. 38细节n. 39美味的,可口的adj. 40海鲜n. 41机场n. 42亲戚n.

Unit 3 1联网的,在线的adj. 2节目;计划,方案n. 3遥控器n. 4(表示惊奇、高兴等)啊excl. 5频道n. 6鍵盘n. 7机件;单位n. 8(电脑)主机n. 9鼠标n. pl. 10显示屏,屏幕n. 11文字处理n. 12收到,接到vt. 13导游,向导n. 14图标n. 15点击vi.&vt. 16亚洲n. 17非洲n. 18欧洲n. 19美洲n. 20世界著名的,举世闻名的adj.

21贸易n. 22南方的,南部的adj. 23国际的adj. 24聚集,集合vi.&vt. 25巨大的adj. 26黑暗n. 27岛屿n. 28几个,数个det. 29草坪n. 30放松,休息vi. 31辛苦的;艰难的adj. 32音乐剧n. 33关于…就讲这么多,…至34底,底部n. 35挑选vt. 36戏剧,剧本n. 37网站n. 38做梦,梦想vi.&vt. 39梦想;想像 40护照n. 41海岸n. 42帆 n.


牛津译林版八年级下册英语 一、重点词组 (1)过去常常used to do sth. There used to be 这儿曾经是 There used to be a tall building. didn t’use to do sth 习惯于做某事be used to doing sth./ sth My grandma isn’t used to (live) in the city. My grandma isn’t used to the life in the city. 用做某事use sth to do 被动be used to do The washing machine is used to _wash_ (wash)our clothes. 用于use sth for sth We use computers for information. The key is used to open (open) the treasure box. (2) marry sb get married to sb. 我父母结婚15 年了。My parents have been married for 15 years. (3) 在某种程度上in some ways 挡路in the way 用这种方式in this way 在路上on the/one’s way home 顺便问一下by the way On my way to school On my way home 23. Practice makes perfect. , you can improve your spoken English.
